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Did anyone see the "Deadbeat Dad" episode on Dr. Phil today?

Anon2009's picture

Here's a link for those who didn't see it, or didn't catch all of it:

I think both the parents have made made big mistakes. However, I really think the mom is a PASinator. I think Todd sort of disregarded the judge's order about CS, but I think the mom Heidi disregarded so much more. If she blocked his number from her home phone and the kids' phones, that is worse to me than any mistakes Todd has made. That's unfairly using these kids to play tit-for-tat.

And I noticed the remarks Amber made to her SM. I think these kids have every right to be angry but if you're angry at your dad, take it out on him and him only.

And while I don't think Todd was right to handle the CS issue the way he did, after what my DH and I went through, I can see why he feels that way. Todd probably should have tried legal means if he wanted to decrease CS. But these guys should have something to live on.


herewegoagain's picture

Yeah, I wonder if they would have been as offended if their parents were still married...oh, no, of course not.

Anon2009's picture

No, but I think part of that is because let's face it, they love their mom. So in their minds, it would be easier to see her come before them.

Where I think Dr. Phil dropped the ball: he didn't tell them they don't have to love or like this woman, but they must treat her with respect as Dad's wife. And he also should have highlighted to them that Dad doesn't get any say in who their BFs/GFs are, but they'd want him to treat them with respect. So they should show their Dad and his wife the same courtesy.

herewegoagain's picture

I think as usual, Dr Phil did what he always does...blame the man and never truly make the woman take responsibility for her part in the mess. Then it's, "let bygones be bygones" when it comes to "mom's reasons", but NEVER when it comes to "what dad did."

Funny though, they sound like loser...ah, yes, she has plenty of reasons why DH is a deadbeat, ie. hasn't seen her in years, but makes every single excuse in the book why she told him to f#$%$ himself, never answered his calls, never called him back, moved and didn't give another phone number, why mom moved and changed her number and never gave it to her, dad went to visit and mom disappeared with her and her other kids...ah, yes, those are not good enough reasons to not have seen her all those years. Whatever.

If I did ANY of those things to my dad, he'd tell me to F#$% myself and to go see HIM when I had a chance...