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sick of being slighted by a manipulative brat!

back2life's picture

SD17 is so petty sometimes. It has grated on my absolute last nerve and i am at the point where im ready to serve it back to her! Its all the little things she does. The basic things we teach toddlers....

take your plate to the sink when youre finished

put your trash in the trashcan

turn off lights when you leave the room

Just simple little things that most people do automatically because its a habit thats been instilled at an early age. Well somehow, she missed all that in her upbringing. It drives me nuts! No matter how many 1000s of times its reiterated, she just cant do it! Sidenote, she is in intensive therapy for a multitude of issues. "MINDFULNESS" is a huge topic with her professionals but it seems to fall on deaf ears. I have come to the realization my husband has all but given up. I cant say a word to her without triggering a complete meltdown so i would rather avoid her at all costs. My disengagement has been working fairly well and I do not want to stray from that. I feel like she does these little things specifically to get a reaction. I dont want to play into it. However, i think a point needs to be made! Im ready to fight petty with petty!

I read where someone started boxing up all the dishes in the house... im there! But what else can I do? Start removing lightbulbs from the lights she cant manage to turn off? Ill do it *diablo* Take all her trash and her crap she leaves lying around, collect it until its a massive amount and then dump it on her bed? Ill do it *diablo* One way or another something has to give! 

Quite frankly, im done with this girl. She severed any possibility of a relationship with me long ago, Her behavior will never change until someone puts her in her place. Drastic measures are needed I think. Sure, I could end my marriage, walk away from it all, have a drama free life on my own somewhere else. But why should I???  So SHE can be happy? So SHE gets exactly what she wants, me gone? Oh hell no, it isnt gonna be that easy. Ive been through the gamut of emotions and Im ready to fight back. Does it even matter if its a win/ lose outcome at this point? I could care less really. Will disney dad want a divorce because i educated his brat/ mini wife that people DO NOT have to put up with her nonsense... who cares at this point. 

I know I started this post with it being about little things she does. And it is those little things that set me off. However, its also about other things, more sinister things shes done. Slandering my name with lies is a big one that in my book is unforgivable. Her reaching out and befriending exes in our lives. The only reason for that is to create drama. Her manipulation of people, all people, not just me, Im well aware she hates me simply because i exist in her fathers life, I try not to even take that part personally because it would be the same for any woman he gets with.

Ive allowed her to play her games day in and day out with no response. Ive allowed her to cause chaos, emotional and finacial devastation in "my" home, in my marriage. Ive blamed myself a million times, Ive tried to connect a million times. She is not having it! She always retaliates one way or another. So why havent I? Ive done nothing but allow it all. Well, I think its time for serving  her shit back to her. Shes about to be an adult... that changes the game i think!!!  



AgedOut's picture

drop the line./ stop playing her game. stop reaching out, stop thinking of her, stop reacting. if she leaves her shit around, throw it out. if she can't put her dishes in the sink, leave them there. treat yourself to fast food or take out? she's not your problem, don't ask/don't treat. she won't talk to you? that just makes your life sweeter. 

make her a stranger in your eyes, a stranger you do not trust or like. 


ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Yeah with what @AgedOut said and disengage - I am still a work in progress but I just watch and I don't get emotionally involved any longer. It's business - still working on it all. But I care less and every time they do a dick move I allow that to be another reason not to care. I hope to be looking at their interactions through a snow globe soon - watcihng and observing but playing no big part. 

grannyd's picture

Hey back2life,

You’ve written; 

But why should I???  So SHE can be happy? So SHE gets exactly what she wants, me gone? 

Exactly! When my husband’s teen mini-wife began treating me terribly, I endeavoured, at first, to respond with all the kindness and understanding that I could muster. I understood that she felt supplanted in her father’s affections but, like you, I became so stressed and unhappy that I was prepared to leave the man I adored.

Things came to the point where I asked myself what the hell I was doing, allowing a teenaged brat to ruin my life and my marriage. I declared war. If she glared at me, I responded with a hiss from between my teeth as I walked towards her in a threatening manner. I prepared meals that she hated, refused to do her laundry, turned down the heat in her bedroom (she liked it tropical, even in the summer) and much more. 

The conflict ended when she called me a ‘bitch’ and I slapped her across her nasty face, knocking her on her ass. Not my finest hour but my husband had my back (I never performed my petty activities in front of him) and gave up his 50/50 custody, sending his daughter to live with her mother. She returned to us after about 6 months with a much-improved attitude since her BM (whose PAS was largely responsible for SD’s misbehaviour) missed her free week of bar-hopping.

So, Hon, you’re the one wearing the big girl pants! Don’t let a spoiled, entitled little shit get the best of you. Fight back! It worked for me.

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

OSS22 also demanded I do his laundry at 15yo....He complained to his father that when he put his clothes in the hamper with his fathers clothes and mine, i would remove his and only do mine

 He said I was doing it on purpose to "exclude him". I spent a lot of time showing how to do the laundry and gave him a special day to do his own laundry but he didnt like that and wanted me to be his servant. Unlike yours,my husband was on his side and said I was petty for not taking care of his grown teenage male.

I never was violent to him or disrespectful back until one fatal day and he physically assaulted me then bragged about it like a badge of honor....

I am happy that you were able to put boundaries to the disrespect with the help of your supportive spouse. Maybe I should have been more like you and imposed or played the game and I would have avoided years of mental and physical destruction

Rags's picture

Please tell us that you put this violent POS in prision to be the shower toy for the lifers.  After you beat him to putty with a baseball bat while defending yourself.

I am not one to disengage.  They behave, or they live the consequences. Their choice.  They are in control. All I do is bring the escalating state of abject misery that they choose to start by their choices.  I am can forgive, for as long as they maintain compliance to the standards of behavior and standards of performance that I set and enforce. Again, their choice. They can remain forgiven, or they can embrace the pain of consequences that they earn.  They choose the invocation of the consequences, I determine what those consequences are.  They can avoid consequences by behaving in accordance with reasonable expectations.  I determine what is reasonable.



1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

@rags I did not because the cops werent supportive and asked bizarre questions about if i were on drugs/alcohol (which I dont do) and I was told that this was just a domestic conflict and he is a child (15yo) and as the adult I should leave (had nowhere to go)

I went to the dr the next day who gave me 7 days off after examining my bruising and injuries. I faked an illness at work. The dr told me to get a gun for protection but i didnt know how to use these things and they scare me so I got a pepper spray and a taser that are attachable to my wrist and for months I just walked around in the house with those

Surprisingly my husband said it was offensive and made SS feel unsafe lol

Glad SS moved on for some unrelated reason (didnt want to go to school anymore and my husband wasnt having it)

Abused stepparents arent taken seriously by the cops or authorities because we have a reputation of "being evil" and if the child is acting up, we are responsible for it because we must have done something to them....Eliott Rodger wrote pages in a manifesto about wanting to kill his SM because he didnt like that she had rules and his BM was telling him to not respect her. He committed a mass shooting and was planning to head over to his SM to kill her and her child as the big finale

Every year there are steps who assault and sometimes kills their SPs but get a pass for some reason because everyone assumes the child only did it because they must have been evil etc....


Rags's picture

You can train on the use of a hand gun in a weekend.  After that, you can get your CWP so you can legally carry.  Web cams documenting every twitch the violet POS SKid makes.  Threats, assaults, etc... call the police and press charges.  Let the idiot parent mate that created that POS kid know that if there is another assault you willpress criminal charges, provide web can footage of the violent assault by the Skid, you will engage an RO/PO keeping the kid as far from you and your home as possible and will a  file civil suits against  your SO  and BM for their violent POS kid's crap. 

The kid feels intimidated... by ass.  Light that little shit up and defend yourself. Then... put the whole shit puddle of a failed family living in the homeless camp under the local overpass.

This makes me so angry for you.  Your SO is such a ball-less POS.

Winterglow's picture

This is OUTRAGEOUS! Those cops did not do their duty! Domestic dispute? Do they not know that women DIE in domestic disputes evy effin' day?! I think I would have taken a report from my doctor, a ton of photos and gone to the police station to press charges, seek a restraining order, and file a complaint against the useless apologies for police officers that were called to your home. They were probably at the end of their shift and didn't want the extra paperwork. I wonder if there is even a trace of the incident?

Lillywy00's picture

one fatal day and he physically assaulted me then bragged about it like a badge of honor....

He would have been permanently hanging up his night coat he dare assault his elders that provide for him if he was in these parts of the woods 

Hope you're okay bc assaulting elders (at the very least) is grounds for getting kicked out so fast their head will spin

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

I am ok but I had to unfortunately be the only one dealing with it and protecting myself. He was not kicked out and my husband wanted me to act like nothing happened and his son tried to hug me without saying sorry and I was scared of any physical touch from that monster lol. He ended up leaving on his own terms

He is 22 now and I ignore him....A lot of times when he is around, he looks at me with hatred in his eyes... You can tell its deep seeded

It takes a lot to be where I am after all these years and why I am at a standstill...

Exjuliemccoy's picture

That is EPIC!

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

OSS22 is like this. I would come home to all cabinets open, wrappers of food scattered in the living room and his room, dog unattended outside with back door wide open (sometimes even the gate was open and dog would have stayed in the yard thankfully and not ran away), all lights on in the house no matter what time of the day it was (and lights will be on in his room all night), clogged toilets and nasty bathrooms for days but get offended when asked to unclog/clean, sink with dishes that he felt he didnt need to wash because he was only eating not cooking and even when I just asked to put his own dishes in the dishwasher it was too much

I would always ask nicely without raising my voice but all he did was lie to his father. First it was "you yell at him" and I documented that I didnt, then it was "he doesnt like the tone you use when you ask him to do things/stop doing something so he feels like he should do it anyway to spite you", then it was "you arent his mother, so he prefers taking direction for me so wait until I get home to address it with him but also I will be tired after work and wont want to address it". 

I cant begin to tell you how nothing worked except shutting up and cleaning up after him....

One day, after a difficult day, i was doing laundry and folding. I was upset that he refused to clean up his plate and the same excuse was given of "he didnt like your tone when you asked him to clean his plate", so I am in the living room and SS comes with another plate of food and puts his feet on the couch and eats on the couch! 

I asked dont put your feet and please go eat in the dining room but he couldnt have it because he wanted to eat on the couch and my husband who was eating in the dining room quickly yells "thats ok he can eat there"....mmmm Im sorry what? No thats not ok for me to clean up my couch and have my chairs re arranged as a tv dinner stand and feet on the couch with street shoes!

I then did a horrible thing and said "if you want to eat on the couch, then you can go eat on your moms couch at her house"....TERRIBLE ERROR

Violent threats and melt down and awful behavior ensued....And my husband was completely ok with that

All of this to say, you cannot win and never will win. Just let them treat you the way they want or leave but there is no middle ground or compromise because your SD will have meltdowns and tantrums and might even hit you during these outbursts

I honestly fear for your safety because your SD sounds emotionally disturbed just like my OSS22 and can easily go from meltdown to violence and you will be the target

Rags's picture

I may not win, but I make damned sure they all lose.  I make sure they lose and wallow in ever escalating misery inducing consequences until they learn to either knock their shit off or stay gone.

That may mean my mate is irritated that I dealt with their own inability to adult, parent, and deal with their failed family baggage.  But even that is on the mate and not on us as SParents.

Deliver on their misery.  Never lose.

We may not win, but not losing is far better than being the loser. Force the losers, to lose.  As painfully and ass bareingy las we can deliver.  I do not wallow in misery they attempt to induce. I smack them back into their hole when they try to crawl out.  If they stay in their hole, they do not suffer the pain, and I do not give them another thought.   That makes the blended family drama fairly easy to segregate, and keep out of our lives, as much as possible.

IMHO of course.

AgedOut's picture

I'd be walking around filming the disaster area and posting it to fb and text to my family, other moms. "how do you deal with a teenagers who makes this mess?" 

"teenagers ... am I right???"

"Wow and in only 2 hrs" 

"Hoarder in training, parents how do you deal with teens who leave this in your house?"


although in your case DH might get violent if you make his little man feel bad.


grannyd's picture

Oh 1st3rd5thWEInHell, Hon!

Your stepson is the lesser of your tribulations as your husband is the bad guy in your domestic situation! I could never live with a man who thought so little of me that he’d allow me to be bullied by his adult spawn.

My husband is a fair-minded man and a pragmatist. He did not fail to take notice of his daughter’s snippy behaviour and when I finally snapped and smacked her, he addressed her howling outrage by insisting that she’d brought it on herself. By that point, he was well and truly sick of her antics and the bad atmosphere that she was creating in our home.

Living with a man who fails to protect you, even when you are attacked by his adult son must be an abysmal life. Poor you! At the risk of giving offence, Hon, why do you stay?


1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

I ask myself every day but after the pandemic my financial situation has changed a bit and I dont have the means to settle somewhere anymore. I want to take entire accountability for my behavior but I cant find what I did wrong to these ppl. My husband is someone who will always hold his children as innocent beings and the adults are all in the wrong, so are the other BMs.

My husband claims that he "had to protect his 15yo child" and that I am the adult and shouldnt have intervened in asking him to stop eating on the couch. Even when the police was called, i asked for him to be removed from our home but they said that nothing could be done because he lives there with his father and I am the adult and should leave...I had nowhere to go....I asked if my husband could take his son to his ex and he refused! Forcing me to stay with my abuser for a whole week!

When cops get involved in abusive situations from minors on adults in a step situation, they often minimize and defend the other party. I was so shaken by the event that I was shocked and instead the cops asked me if I was on drugs and then asked my SS and husband if I was an alcoholic. I dont drink or do any drugs and never have in my life! But I sure was traumatized after being attacked physically and the cops told me it was just a domestic matter and this is a 15yo bla bla

I didnt take it further so I dont ruin his future. Now OSS22 has ruined his own life with other stuff and will have future karma. My husband seems to somewhat see his true colors a bit more than before but constantly coddles and babies him and still thinks that I was in the wrong on that day and his son didnt do anything wrong. I never received an apology or acknowledgement of my pain and what i went through

Anyway all of this to say, these parents will protect their children at any costs and tell us we are the adults...Record, record, record and avoid direct contact/confrontation on any issues

Rags's picture

Web cams, pay for eternal storage of that data, and when this POS spawn gets violent, defend yourself eleminating the threat and ... flood the LEOs and courts with the footage of the kid being violent. Then... have your attorney sue mommy and daddy for the violence that their POS failed family breeding pollution perpetrated.

You do not have to leave your home, tolerate their crap, or go into huge introspection to blame yourself for their failures as adults, parents, or their POS spawn.  Build the defences, plant your flag on the hill you will defend, and go for their throats.

That little F@cker gets violent again... end him. Permanently. IF daddy does not get his shit nugget under control, end the relationship and sue them all for their crap.

I would. 

shamds's picture

Understand he bounded by biology with his 3 kids from exwife (sd28, ss25.5, sd18) but me I wasn't bound by the same biology. Any relationship is based on mutual feelings and so if his kids chose repeatedly to alienate us, demand daddy divorce me for them despite abandoning him for many yrs whilst biomum could marry affair stepdaddy with ni issues, disrespecting me repeatedly, blaming and guilting my husband for marrying me and having 2 kids with me whom he has more affection and love for, with good reason since skids treated him like an outsider and refused to maintain a relationship with him over pas, then skids have it coming the loneliness they will experience

i have not seen sd's since late 2018 so over 5 yrs ago and they have not attempted to maintain any contact with their half siblings (my 2 kids with my husband). My kids only recognise their half brother as family and know he has a different mummy but same dad. If my kids ever saw sd's again and were told thats their sisters, my kids would refute that easily and tell them they don't have sisters

Rags's picture

So, trigger a meltdown every time she fails to deliver to standard.  While she is melting down confront her more agressively telling her "Oh hell no, tears are not going to get you out of doing things that any toddler can do. Now, get up, and go put your plate in the dishwasher.".  Total confrontation with zero tolerance for her crap.  When she melts down, push harder.  

Lather.... rinse... repeat.

As for her lies and slander, have your lawyer send her a Cease and Decist order with clearly outlined next step consequences.  She is approaching the age of majority when her behaviors can and should have direct personal legal consequences. 

Start introducing her to adulthood and the risk of adult consequences for her meltdown teary toddler tactics.  She is less than a  year from adulthood and ripping her throat out now, baring her ass, scrubbign her teary toddler snotty crying nose in the stench of her manipulations is long past overdue.  Start talking to those targeted by her lies, slander, and manipulations and providing them with the facts and the impending destruction of her crap.

Bury her in the  terror of the looming end of her crap.  Let her know she has only one choice. Deliver to the standards of behavior and standards of performance that you require, or.... suffer complete and total escalating abject misery.

Let her daddy know that you are done, and more importantly, she is done. 

I applaud you not abandoning your marriage. I also applaud you for no longer tolerating her crap.  Make sure you sit her daddy down and let him know that she is through.   You will no longer tolerate or allow her manipulations, no matter how large or how small, any longer.  She plays her games, she experiences the pain, conseqeunces, and terror of losing any sense of power in her own life as it pertains to you, your marriage, and your DH.  

Let him know that he, and your marriage are your priority and she will no longer be tolerated as a threat.

Be icely calm, lock eyes with her, and rub her nose firmly in the stench of every manipulation, lie, infantile refusal to do basic toddler level actions, playing the "but daaaaadddeeeeeee" card, etc, etc, etc....that she pulls.

I look forward to hearing about you r progress in putting and keeping her in her place. Hopefully, she learns something including her place.  Set the example of standards, accountability, and the criticality of character, maturity, and respect for other.  Let her know, that she will not be respected or tolerated at all unless she continually earns it.  Rip out her throat and keep doing it until she either learns, or stays gone. While doing that teach daddy that you require him to enforce respectful behavior towards him, you, and your marriage from his failed family spawn

Take care of you.

All IMHO of course.

Give rose



back2life's picture

I failed to mention that one. Yes, impossible apparently to EVER close a cabinet door! And leaving empty food boxes in them and fridge and freezer. She will eat a half gallon of ice cream but leave a single spoons worth in the bottom. I guess its not "all gone" so it goes back to the freezer. Same with cereal boxes. To say it pisses me off is an understatement!!! 

Someone mentioned my safety. First, let me say she is not violent nor aggressive (yet). She internalized all her anger, thus the reason for her crying fits. Which lead to self harm (cutting). Which leads to futile suicide attempts. I dont want to sound like im diminishing the importance of these behaviors. I know how serious it is and I know how serious her problems are. But its a means of manipulating and it works for her so she continues to play that same card.

Every single time we have an incident its someone else's fault. Dad really jumped her ass one day. Shocking cuz it rarely happens. Next day she tried to kill herself with superficial cuts nowhere near her wrists I might add. The reasoning... "its because YOU or They did/said...". Its always because someone did something to her. It's absolute bullshit. And it happens alot. Manipulation.

Also, dont worry, if she ever got the nerve to throw a fist at me, she'd be down in 3 seconds at most. Not slightly concerned with that. Thanks guys.

Rags's picture

Put the one bite left of icecream, the all but empty cereal boxes, dirty dishes, etc, etc, etc.... that she failes to perform at the toddler level regarding, on her bed with a note that says, clean it up and if this continues, you will be our live in back and call chore girl.  No more of your failed toddler crap kid.  Grow up!

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Harry's picture

You make it DH problem.  He has to parent her. You don't remove the light bulb, you remove the cell phone .  Of cource you can play game as replacement of light bulb with the dimmest you can find.  Disengage, no cooking, ckeaning, Uber driver, or wash person.  SD is on her own.  You make it you or SD. and see what it is?  You then can plan your life accordingly 

Lillywy00's picture

I cant say a word to her without triggering a complete meltdown so i would rather avoid her at all costs. My disengagement has been working fairly well and I do not want to stray from that. I feel like she does these little things specifically to get a reaction. 

no she does those things to manipulate you all into getting off her back about following the house rules 

Lay out all of the house rules, sit her down, and explain that she will either follow the rules and if she doesn't like it then she will suffer the consequences and if she doesn't like that she can leave. 

Let her have a meltdown and tantrum and when she's done, remind her to clear the sink. 

Don't pay for anything (except basic food and clothes - no 5 star meals, no lululemons) until she acts right. 

Winterglow's picture

Next time she throws a tantrum, calmly sit down in front of her and say, "ok I'll wait..." 

Dogmom1321's picture

SD13 will leave her belongings all around the house... but then accuse people of "taking her things." Um, HELLO. If you don't want people touching your stuff, MOVE IT. 

I make of pile of her stuff and just set it outside her bedroom (shoes, water bottles, backpack, etc.). Unless it's a community item (kitchen scissors for example), I don't waste my breath. 

Just this morning SD told DH her house key "was on the stairs" and couldn't find it so was asking me where it went. I think the question should be why are you keeping keys on a staircase??? And no, I didn't take it. *eyeroll*