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Gratitude Journal

Doubletakex3's picture

I've decided to begin each day by writing down a few things I'm grateful for in my life. My aim is to begin each day on a positive note. I'll save the last entry of the day until late in the day so I can recap the day with something positive.

Here are my first few entries:


I'm grateful for my physical health
I'm grateful for my job & colleagues
I'm grateful for a man who willingly waits up for me when I come home from trips
I'm grateful for appreciative step kids
I'm grateful for the years I had with Bodhi & Sage

I'm grateful for the opportunity to make a child happy
I'm grateful for the beautiful sunshine today
I'm grateful for a man & son who love candles & adore watching them pick them out
I'm grateful for a puppy who makes me laugh
I'm grateful to be able to sleep in after a long night of travel

I'm grateful for a beautiful home
I'm grateful for a man I never need to remind to do anything
I'm grateful for Advil
I'm grateful for a good book & good coffee = a great Sunday am
I'm grateful for a man that doesn't pass up the option to teach his son a lesson about responsibility & a SS who admits when he's wrong

I'm grateful for the love note email I woke up to this am
I'm grateful for to be working from home today
I'm grateful for a gorgeous fall day
I'm grateful for Steptalk
I'm grateful for a silly moment with SS13

I'm grateful for my SM
I'm grateful for girlfriends
I'm grateful for Mojo
I'm grateful for a man who actually feels guilty for not cleaning the floors this weekend
I'm grateful for SSs that took the time to make the basement look nice for a visitor

I'm grateful for autonomy at work
I'm grateful for all my friends who are willing to connect when we're in other cities
I'm grateful for the new medicine that seems to be helping
I'm grateful that my SD likes me
I'm grateful for a night of solitude in a hotel

I'm grateful SD10 txt'd me for girlfriend advice
I'm grateful for another night along in a hotel room to chill and have time to myself
I'm grateful for the great people on my team & to be able to have lunch with them today
I'm grateful for a man that's outraged (like me) over murdered innocent animals
I'm grateful for SS16's small gestures to tell me her cares about me

I'm grateful for long time friends who are grateful for me
I'm grateful for music and it's connection to my soul
I'm grateful for a welcoming home
I'm grateful for a wide world
I'm grateful for my SM's objective view of the past

I'm grateful for a pleasant SD
I'm grateful for a good lunch out
I'm grateful for a FDH who does the the right thing with his kids even when it would be easier not to
I'm grateful for a relaxing evening
I'm grateful for candy corn

I'm grateful for a gorgeous sunny Fall day
I'm grateful for a the ability to stock the cupboards
I'm grateful for a FDH who desires me
I'm grateful for a beautiful, comfortable home
I'm grateful for getting to sleep in

I'm not feeling grateful for a man who thinks it's okay to have sexually inappropriate texts with his ex-gf and BM

I'm grateful for great friends with whom I can be completely myself
I'm grateful for airline miles so I can take an inexpensive trip
I'm grateful for the ability to txt FDH to keep in touch while I'm away