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Does your SO change their views to match their children?

ITB2012's picture

I'm asking since DH has some very strong opinions on all the recent US events but is also super "flexible" when it comes to anything having to do with his own children. I know YSS is completely opposite DH in political views. And they are going on a trip together in a few weeks. I'm wondering if DH will come back on the same side as YSS. 


tog redux's picture

NO. DH is very liberal and SS is one step away from White Supremacist.  DH can barely stand to think about his son's political views.

ITB2012's picture

That's the scenario here. 

It should be interesting to hear the stories after they go since I'm pretty sure DH will have forgotten about their different views. 

halo1998's picture

DH doesn't change much for anyone...except maybe me.  Smile

DPW's picture

No, SO is solid in his opinion on whatever topic. No one influences that man. I'd probably would be turned off anyway if he pandered to his kids in this way. 

SeeYouNever's picture

No, he only changes his opinion after he researchs or gets into a good debate (with me!). I've changed his opinion but SD hasn't. I think it's because she just parrots BM and he doesn't respect her opinions. 

Merry's picture

Fortunately, DH, skids, and I have similar views of religion and politics.

But other stuff? Oh, yeah.

If SD raves about a recipe, so will DH. If SS talks about his favorite tourist attraction, well, that's DH's favorite too. SD prefers brand x over brand y, so DH buys brand x. Drives me insane, but sometimes I have fun with it. "Why do you like brand x better, DH? I prefer brand z myself." "I didn't know Timbuktu was your favorite, why do you like it so much and why have you never mentioned it when we talk about vacation spots?" Stammer stammer uh uh uhm...

Dovina's picture

Its skidcentric on steroids at times.

Its not necessarily political views, my skids are too shallow to care about that. However my DH used to make fun of a friend of mine because she is vegan. But now since manbaby SS is, its the best thing ever. If SD goes on vacation, after he will say we have to go there its amazing. Funny how the very same place (prior to princess going there )he showed no interest when I wanted to.  See how that works Wink

I can totally relate!!!!