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lcooper's Blog

Could BM be right about some things when it comes to DH?

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I recently have found myself in a perplexing mindset, I am remembering many of the problems between DH and BM historically, things she has said to he and us, that are sounding far too similar to the things he and I are fighting about now. As I have mentioned in other blogs, we are recently married, have 3 kids between us, and twins on the way. Since finding out about the twins, I have been pulling teeth trying to get him to prioritize me and the babies.

At what age should my stepdaughter stop sitting on my husband's lap?

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This is a genuine concern of mine that I don't feel I have an easy answer for. My stepdaughter is only 11, but she is 5'4 and developed. She looks about 15. She is also going through many of the emotional changes of puberty, like mood swings, etc.... My concern is this, she hangs on her father, my husband, much like a very small child would, say of 5 or 6. She drapes herself across him, sits on his lap, spoons him on the couch, and kisses him all over his face when she is in these positions.

I almost kicked my husband out, because I am tired of him putting his "ex life" above us

lcooper's picture

Hi. I guess this is a pretty extreme first entry, but I just found the site today. I just got married, less than two months ago, but have been living with my husband for over three years. I have one child from a previous marriage that we have been raising together, and he has two from a previous marriage that visit every other weekend. From the beginning, it has been evident that my hubbie had a domineering ex wife, and that he was still controlled by her in a lot of ways.
