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I did my duty and I’m done - vent

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Today was my day off. I was at SO's house lying down with him, since he works nights and was about to go to bed. His phone starts ringing, he doesn't answer bc he is sleepy, but then mine rings.

It's SD22, crying and yelling hysterically. She's saying "I have to get out of here! I'm not safe! I don't like myself very much! Please come get me and let me stay with you (meaning SO) for like a week, and then I'll go move in with mom!" (I'm paraphrasing as it was mostly unintelligible.) SO was clearly distraught. He said he has to work tonight so he can't. She has been living 1.5 hours away with a boyfriend. I asked if she could Uber to the bus station, as she has done that before. She said no, she's broke. SO often transfers money to her bank account so i asked if he could do that so she could Uber. She said no, there's some kind of problem with her account and she can't use it. He looks pleadingly at me and i say "ok, i'll do it."

As I'm getting ready to leave my house, he drives up. He says it's too much to ask me to do, since i had work  from home to do for my job and I had to pick up my daughter in about 4 hours and take her to tutoring. I said "yeah, ok."  But then he tells me his plan. He was driving to SS17's school to check him out and make him drive to get SD. SO said he couldn't go because he had already taken his sleeping pill and wouldn't be safe to drive. I said, no, SS is in high school and it's too far to drive and he has never been to that town, it might be dangerous, so I would go.

I picked her up like 2 hours later ( traffic.) She seemed sad but calm. She said she and her boyfriend broke up but didn't give any details. She said she "had to", but wouldn't say why. I asked her if she was still working at her department store job. She said "yeah...", but offered no explanation as to how she can just disappear for a week. I asked her what her plan was and she said "idk, he and I may get back together. I haven't really thought about it." She then asked if o would buy her lunch.

After I dropped her off just in time to pick up my daughter, i didn't hear from SO until he woke up a few hours later to go to the gym. He said SD told him that the reason she had to run was that her ex girlfriend showed up at her apartment at some point in the past few months (not today), they had a physical fight, and her boyfriend was upset about it. SO made it sound like SD was being so logical and he was proud of her decision. He says he's going to fly her to BM's, and then give BM money to buy SD a car.

There's a lot about this day that pisses me off. Idk, the thing that pisses me off most is that SD's story is clearly bullshit. SO is so happy to buy it and I feel like it insults my intelligence to expect me to believe it. In his family, they do that. Make up a "palatable" explanation for things that only an idiot would believe. I just said "hmmm, that's strange that she would have that reaction, today, to something that happened maybe a month ago." I'm not going to play the "emperor's new clothes" game that he and his mom and his siblings play, where they all act like they believe something ridiculous.

I am also pissed that he would put this on SS. SS already "manages" his mother (different BM from SD's), although today he seems to be rebelling. He is still not home but he is the one who has to call BM every day and ask where and when she wants SS11 dropped off, since it's her custody day and all. It's like 7 on a school night and he's home with SD while SO works out and BM is God knows where. I am not helping with this, and I am not helping with SD22 anymore. Today was the extent of my involvement with her. 


Kaylee's picture

Yeah, you did way too much today. 

Don't do it again.

I know you're kind and just being supportive, but you can see that her story is BS 

JRI's picture

Your SD reminds me of mine, SD60.  It never ends with the drama and calling Dad for rescue.  Can't get along with BF?  Check.   Being unreliable at work and quitting abruptly?  Check.  As one Stalker said, " If her lips are moving, she's lying".

You've bent over backwards, like I've done.  Nowadays, for my peace and sanity, I disengage.  I realize SD60 will always be a part of DH's life and I realize his part in enabling her behavior.  It is what it is but with less input from me. Goid luck.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I think you're like I used to be  - your impulses are flawed, leading you to make bad decisions regarding your bf. You sacrificed yourself today - and for what?

No way no how should you have gotten involved with any of this mess, yet you set yourself on fire to keep your bf warm. He got to sleep and go to the gym, while you wasted time and resources you'll never get back handling his dysfunction for him. And WTH is with his judgement, thinking of pulling his son out of school to go on that fool's errand? I'm glad you set him straight on that part - that poor kid doesn't need to be trained to jump whenever there's drama.

I grew up with a mom who loved drama, then married into a family that loved drama. It took time, effort and mindfulness to change my dysfunctional patterns. Do you honestly think there will ever be peace with this man? I hate to see you getting sucked back in, but what you did today was the opposite of disengagement. How can he learn or improve if you get in the way of the lesson? He NEEDS to suffer for it, not you.

You backslid; it happens. But learn from this and reset your boundaries, because facilitating this nonsense benefits no one.

lieutenant_dad's picture

What is the appeal of staying with a man that you know lies about important things? And potentially puts his DS in danger? And potentially YOU in danger?

SD is 22. If she was actually in danger or SO actually thought she was in danger, he needed to call the cops. In the 2 hours it took to get there, she could be dead. If she wasn't actually in danger and just sad, she could have called a friend, gone somewhere in town, asked the XBF to drop her off at the bus stop (unless she was being the dangerous one).

I do not understand the appeal of dealing with this level of BS that is perpetuated in part by your SO's piss-poor parenting and inability to be truthful ever.

shellpell's picture

Seriously. No man is worth the stress and op should examine why she continues to stay with someone like this. Therapy may be helpful.

shellpell's picture

Why are you still with this man? Weren't you supposed to break up a year ago per your previous posts? 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

He made some real effort and made some significant changes. For a while things were much better. I know nobody is perfect and i do appreciate the effort. But, maybe it's not possible for him to change enough for me to be happy. Maybe it's something within him, maybe the pull of his family and their old patterns is too much, or maybe there is just too much baggage from his past decisions. I really do appreciate the changes. But, i ask myself, am i being selfish by hanging on, hoping for things to change even more when the reality is that he wants to live a different life than i do? He does seem to enjoy "excitement" (ok, drama) more than I do. But, he has said that he's getting older and wants peace in his life now. His kids are also getting older so the influence of the BMs is less and less over time. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I think there's simply too many different people/variables for you to realistically expect your bf to change. It would take tremendous will, years of therapy and cutting off his family of origin, none of which seems likely. He'd have to want it for himself, not to please you.

You're up against an entire multi-generational dysfunctional complex of f@ckery. And as long as you keep participating/enabling, you'll be the one paying the price for other people's problems.

It's time for a reset, Rumple. Time to hit pause, climb out of the rabbit hole, refocus on your own world and priorities. That's where your duty lies.


Rumplestiltskin's picture

That's exactly it - too many people. The 2 daughters and BM1, with SD22 having the above dysfunction and SD25 possibly worse, as she seems to have malicious intent. Then the 2 sons with BM2, the daily exchanges with SO providing after-school care on her custody days and the open custody case. SS18 is with SO full-time but still going to court-ordered "reunification therapy" to try to get him to stay at her house, all while she continues to get CS. SO's parents, with him obsessively close with his mother but with extreme animosity toward his father. His 2 brothers with multiple BMs and kids they won't take care of. SO regularly keeps nephew9, and his other brother offered to pay him (SO) child support to take custody of his 2 daughters, one of whom accused her father of rape and accused SO of grabbing her butt. SO has previously had custody of 2 nephews, one from each brother, and one of the brothers has his current wife pregnant. His 2 sisters are the most functional, but the oldest is a total enabler and the youngest is extremely histrionic. All of his siblings are still friends with BM2, since they are all from the same country. I am definitely an outsider at family functions, due to a language barrier.

Any one of these situations would be problematic but all of them together is just ridiculous. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Update - SO talked to SD's BM, and she has agreed to take SD22 in. Only problem is that BM currently has Covid and also her house burned down. Once she recovers, and has a stable place to live, SO will go to her old apartment along with BM's brother and pack up SD's things, and the brother will bring them to BM's. SO will send money so they can buy SD a car in that state, as he doesn't trust SD to actually go on her own. According to BM, SD has taken out several loans that she can't pay back, and BM suspects she gave the money to the boyfriend.

I'm not sleeping over there for now, and I explained to him that I know myself and I know I will just get upset with all the drama if I have to live in it. SD is a lot to take. I am already aggravated by how demanding she is with SO about going to get her food and drinks. He has the SSs each in their rooms and SD on the couch. It's a small house and it's full. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

So now SO is saying that he doesn't want anyone in his family to know what's going on. BM2 used SD's problems in her ex parte last year, so if she finds out, she may try to use it against SO for custody. If anyone finds out she is here, we are to say it's just a short, planned visit and everything is fine. More lies and sugar-coating. Like, um, no, this is a crisis. I'm not putting myself in a position of contributing to the lies and juggling BM vs BM. No telling how long BM1 will be sick or homeless. This could go on for months. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

So, SO took SD out to lunch every day this weekend, and now she is out with her friends (they picked her up.) No word from BM about when she can take her and SD has said she's leaving her cat with SO when she moves. Sounds like a holiday to me, not a crisis. SD has been into drugs with these friends she is out with. If SO really wants to "rescue" her, why is he letting her get mixed back up with the crowd that he says he is sending her to her mother's to get her away from? Just putting this out there to refer back to.

Also, the latest is that she left because her boyfriend was still talking to his ex and letting the ex keep her stuff at his house. SD and the ex fought a few months ago, but this latest incident (finding out that he was still letting the ex come over to pick up said stuff), while bad and definitely a reason to break up, seems like a flimsy reason to send me on a drama-filled "search and extract" mission. SD said  she is not afraid of the ex, just upset about the break up. She hangs around the house, gets taken out to eat, and goes out with her friends. And it's still a secret from SO's family that she's even here.