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Obnoxious and Demanding SD

samantha johnson's picture

My partner of two years have a 24 year old daughter, who may I add has a son of two and is living with her boyfriend. she is extremely demanding of the father and he in turn gives into her demands, not sure if he is still feeling guilty after being divorced for nearly 16 years. over the weekend we visited her and the little boy because my partner had bought him a toy guitar and was excited to give it to him. well let me add that excitement was short lived because his daughters demeanour was just very ugly on the day. she was openly rude to the father and he did absolutely nothing to put her on her place. this has happened before where she was also rude to him in company. I've always refrained from getting involved with him and his daughters issues but on this day I had to question her behaviour and I then subsequently told my partner that I wanted to leave. I could see that he felt embarrassed because of her behaviour and looked very upset the entire day. most of the afternoon he tried to make telephonic contact with her but she had switched her phone off. however the next day I happen to read a message on his phone where she badmouthed me and she also believed that she did NOTHING wrong as usual. for most of the relationship I've tolerated her because I love her dad but I've also put my own boundaries in place where she is concerned. I also find that my partner comes up with all sorts of excuses where his daughter is concerned and to my it's mind boggling. I also find her to be very pretentious and my partner insists that he wants us to have a relationship but I honestly can't see that happening.

the beauty of it all is that my partner has no issues reprimanding my son of 14, so when this incident happened I told him that the same principle should apply when it comes to his kids. in my heart of hearts I really can't stand her she is just an ugly spoiled wanna be little princess :sick:


samantha johnson's picture

Well since then she apparently blamed her behaviour on something completely different and irrelevant.....WOW!!....I've told my partner that I don't want her in my space if she's constantly going to be rude to him. I also added that she is his child and I blame him for her ugliness. The sadness is that he feels soooo guilty after supposedly reprimanding her. I've also made it pretty clear that in future he is more than welcome to visit her on his own. I probably would have walked away from this relationship if I didn't love this man so deeply.

Disneyfan's picture

Your son is a teen, his daughter is an adult. Expecting him to reprimand an adult is nuts. He can call her out on her behavior, but he can't make her change. It's about 10 years too late for that.

hereiam's picture

If he wants to put up with his daughter being rude to him, I guess there's not much you can do about it except not be around her so that you do not have to hear it. Maybe your SO will get the message and put her in her place, maybe not.

I would definitely let him know why you do not want to be around her or have a relationship with her.

If you don't want him reprimanding your so, tell him to stop. Tell him that you are not impressed with how he has raised his daughter so you would rather he stay out of your son's rearing.

Cruella2761's picture

Oh My DH was the same way. SD (34) would blame him for her own bad choices. I eventually went off. Told her that if she didn't want her father around I would be more than glad to move him across country. I can work remotely from home. Since then she has backed off and is respectful of her Daddy. She was close to losing him and knows I was not playing.

You can raise a kid but kids all turn out different. I no longer allow any of the kids to blame me or DH for their bad choices in life. I told all grown kids to keep their issues out of MY home. I am not Dr Phil and do not get paid for counseling sessions.