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OT - What I miss from the site changes

stepmasochist's picture

A blog was recently posted about missing the old timers. Yes, there has been a changing of the guard, but after having been here nearly two years, it happens. No big.

What I miss, is the box that was on the left-hand side that showed posts made recently by those on your friends list.

It seems not too long ago, the site went through a user explosion. There would be a TON of new content posted constantly. That seems to have died down a bit, but I liked being able to check in and see what some of my fave people have been up to even if I don't have much time. I know that's still possible in tracking. I just preferred the other.

If this has been mentioned before I'm sorry and I know you put a lot of work - weeks and weeks of work into making it this way. I hate to complain after all of that. I've tried it this way and I still find I miss that feature.

I was wondering if there is anyone else that misses that or if it's just me?


violetforest's picture

From someone who has been around a while, please tell me that it gets better. Stepkids, or for that matter kids in gereral grow up a realize what sacrafices and limits were placed on you as either a parent or step parent right????!!!!

My oldest bioD is now 20 and she is shocked at the stuff that we have to go through with the ex, she can't believe how they come up with some of the things that they do. Everything that we have gone through has really had an affect on her now expecting her own child. She has great resistance toward her grandparents and everything that they have put us through.

stepmasochist's picture

I've only been in my skids lives for about four years, so I don't know. The oldest is only 11. I'm guessing it depends on the kiddos and the parents.

I was just talking about a change in the site's design.

HennyPen's picture

It was very convenient, jumping back and forth to track gets almost makes me dizzy! But...I guess we gotta take the good with the bad.