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Is it time to let go.......

stepmom45's picture

Hi everyone, it's me again...the stepmom who has the sd living with us who is rude to my family as well as her dad. Well my husband and I are still not on speaking terms. This past weekend I had a family party(my family) and he and his daughter decide they want to go home. I informed him I would take them home since I and my daughter were enjoying our family get together. Well he got upset and since then we have not spoken. As they both left my relatives house neither said their goodbyes. This is an ongoing issue with them. I mentioned that because of this we should go separately to our families parties. This way neither has to be there if they don't want. I've tried to involve the sd in my life. He claims I don't want her around. I do but sometimes she can be a real drag. Any way, he tried to antagonize me the following day but I wouldn't allow him. I simply ignored his comments and kept to myself. It's been so bad that I do not want to be in the same house with either one of them. I hate to have to involve my daughter like this. He called to inform me that his daughter has been sleeping on the couch and why is his daughter sleeping on the couch. My daughter and his share a room. She has decided since this past weekend to sleep on the couch, I have asked my daughter and she says she doesn't know why. Both girls are not speaking to each other.
I know what I should do but if I do he'll blame me for not trying harder...I can not try with a child who isn't willing to try? Is it time to let go?


Sita Tara's picture

I wanna come too.

I am not in a good place to offer Sita esq well thought out and positive focused advice right now. But I feel your pain, Stepsista...

Boy DO I ever.

"Parental love is unconditional, relationships are reciprocal." ~Zen

TheRealMom's picture

Yeah, this is a really unhealthy enviroment. It sounds like the Dad is acting kind of imature. Now its like he and his daughter are ganging up on you and your daughter. Not cool. Is there any way that you and your daughter can stay somewhere else until everyone cools down and figure out what to do next?

stepmom45's picture

This is in response to The RealMom's reply. Yes I can stay with relatives and if I do leave my husband will consider this an act of permanent separation and blame me again for all of this. So I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't. It is a no win situation with him. He's blamed me for everything negative in his life. Yet I helped,pushed and motivated him to become something. He's not willing to speak to me at all about this situation. So he is basically pushing me out the door and I'm so tired of it I'm ready to leave. But thanks to all who responded. I'll keep my head up and will remain positive.

lonelyone's picture

Stepmom45 I feel your pain! I'm under "Aged Stepmom Needs Support" from 12/01 -- ALL my married life w"ith my DH (22 yrs married, 28 together) it's been "HIS family AGAINST mine" and now our marriage is on the brink. I know what you mean when you say he's blamed you for everything negative, when all I ever did was support and follow him, and uprooting my own son in the process. We are living day to day now -- he's even discussed our situation with his elderly mother and they are "plotting" against me. I tried so hard to be part of that family, but because I wasn't the bio-mom, I was NOTHING. In a tiny town in northern Wisconsin, those people have Small Minds. I'm keeping my head up, too, and I'm not taking DH's bull any more . . . after all he DIDN'T do for his daughters, they will STILL NOT speak to him, and that's on DH, NOT me. I'm with you!@

TheBrightSide's picture

Always do what is right for you and your daughter.

Make the attempt to discuss your issues with him in a calm and respectful manner. If he can't do that, or if he plays the "blame game" or if he's not willing to accept some responsibility in the demise of your marriage, then run, don't walk to the nearest exit.

It takes two to mess up a relationship, but it takes two to fix it. Decide for yourself if you're willing to put in the effort. Then, ask him if he's willing to make the effort.