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stepmom92's Blog

Should this worry me?

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My husband has a female friend who is our coworker (my friend also). He went up to her today and started looking at her items in her cart and asked if she was burnt because of being out in the sun. He also liked her profile picture a while ago. Should I be worried? It was just a nice picture of her face. He is related to her husband as well. 


Vacation picture question

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We are going to the beach in a week (all of us including BM and her husband and their baby girl). We are all getting different colored shirts to wear and plan on taking pictures on the beach. One day when we are in our swim suits, I would like to also get a picture of me, DH and my step kids. Silly question, but should I get more than one pic of us or just one?


Cosleeping on the weekends

stepmom92's picture

My SS4 and SD7 both cosleep with me and DH. SD7 has a bed but doesn't really sleep in it. Sometime she does with me, but I always end up being left alone in it. I don't mind being left in the bed because I get all the room to myself. They only stay on the weekends. DH said it's hard on them going back and forth and is comfortable sleeping with him or us. Should I be more understanding? He said it wouldn't last forever. They also cosleep with their mom as well. 


SS upset me really bad. :(

stepmom92's picture

So I currently live in the house DH bought with BM. We are remodeling and have some of the furniture. Including the bed. BM hardly slept in it because he bought it around the time that they split. She slept in it maybe several months. Anyway, SS4 said that it's only DH's bed and not mine and his. He also said because his mama use to sleep in it. I know that he is only 4, but kids are smarter than we realize. DH made him apologize to me, but dang that just really upset me.


“His/her children” or “our children” … childless step parent

stepmom92's picture

When you are with your spouse and he/she has kids, but you don't or you both don't together, does he/she refer to them as "his/her children" or "our children" meaning both of y'all's since you all are a blended family?

