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Why does SS11 Have To touch DH the Whole Time hes here?!?!

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Ok. This is weird behaviour for sure!!!! SS11 tries his damnest every time hes here to drive me insane!!!! I have 3 SSs, SS9, SS11 & SS14. I generally have no problems with the other 2. They are pretty cool kids. sS11 however drives me insane!!!

So, the boys just got here with DH at about 9:15 tonite (4 hr trip). Immediately as soon as they came in the house, SS11 starts his antics of possesiveness (Im guessing?) in regards to DH. DH is trying really hard to combat the problem finally, thank God!! So, DH comes over to me where Im sitting on the loveseat & gives me a kiss, on the lips. SS11 just cannot stand that so he started pestering DH to kiss him on the lips too. Ummm. Gross!!!! DH shook it off & told SS11 no that is how he kisses his Wife & that theyve never kissed on the lips & that hes not starting that!! Yay DH!! Finally!!

I have a really awful back, have rods hooks & screws in my spine. It is what it is-- but-- with this yucky Ohio winter weather we are having here (negative temps too) my now arthritic spine hates me today. The kids Know my rule is- if you sit on the loveseat beside me, that is fine, but dont wiggle & move about a ton. It hurts my back!!!

Anyways, DH comes & sits down beside me. DH is a big guy & Im pretty petite. However, the loveseat is only made for 2 adults to sit on comfortably. DH is also working hard to change things around as SS11 thinks he has Adult Spousal Status in my home & tries to constantly make me uncomfortable. Ive pretty much Disengaged at this point because of DHs Disney Parenting & because, well, SS11 has got some really bizarre behaviours & DH has been waaaaay too passive. DH knows Ive Disengaged in regards to SS11. So, DH is trying & I see him really trying. Yay!!

SS11 cannot stand for DH to show me any affection whatsoever & will make my life hell if DH even tries to sit near me for 10 mins!!! So, yea, SS immediately sees DH sit by me. In the whiniest voice possible begs DH to Not sit by me (remember DH hasnt seen me at all today). DH days No in a firm but not over the top way. SS goes into warp speed whining fest over the gall of DH to not beckon down to his demands!!! DH tells him he can easily sit on the 4 person couch or the other two chairs in the room. No way!! So he decides hes gonna come jump as hard as he can on top of DH!!! Splat. Then DH yells at him for hitting me in the process and tells him to get off of him!!

Now-- any normal kid would simply sit somewhere else. Nope. Not him!! He then literally sits down on the floor in between DHs legs!! And wrapps his arms around DHs legs. Its just weird!!!! DH says umm... Stop touching me & go sit on the couch, I dont like you hanging all on me. So, SS11 moves over a bit on the floor and lays on his back & then flopps
His legs ontop of DHs lap!!!! Augh!!!! See how frustrating this is?? Then in a swift second starts clunking his legs up & down hard on DHs lap. Its shaking the loveseat!!! Which is Exactly what he was trying to do to try to frustrate me hoping Id get up & leave!!!! I said one time nicely that my back was really hurting & asked him to go sit on the couch & stop moving the loveseat. I was polite about it. DH quickly tells him to knock it off & to quit putting his legs on him!! So.. SS11 then puts his legs down. Then crept his leg onto DHs foot!!!! Wtf?!?!

Has anyone seen a kid so dominating like this??? Its freaking weird!!!

Such is the start of this bizarre weekend!!! Lol


hismineandours's picture

I couldn't handle this. IMO- after dh told him to quit touching him and he did anyway he should've got up and escorted him to his room for not listening. IMO, this is a real boundary violation and at 11 he is way too old to be violating anyone's boundaries and get away with it. Will he do this with the girl he likes in a couple of years? If she tells him no will he think it is a fun game to continue to harass her.

Frankly I'd also forbid the kid to come anywhere near the loveseat. Just make Iftar off limits. I think it is great that your dh is trying, but also look at how much attention you all gave this kid-it was a reward for him. If your dh escorts him out of the room as soon as he starts up he will not get the attention he wants and he may rethink his plan

love_my_shichi's picture

There is some serious boundary and discipline issues going on. Your DH clearly has no control of his son. These expressions of emotions are inappropriate....really. Hopefully this gets handled or who knows what may be next with this boy. I would be concerned for my safety if I were you.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Thank you girls!!! SS11 has HUGE boundary issues & darnit DH has allowed waaaay too much to occur. Heres yet another example. Ive told DH many many times that when SS11 tries to "hug" me- the kid puts his darn head directly on my boob!!!! DH has just acted like I was making it up or exaggerating. Well. He wont have to pretend Im making it up anymore!! Tonite the boys gave me a hug goodnight. SS11 started to try to lay his head on my freakin boob & DH was sitting right next to me & saw it blatently for himself. I backed away a bit and grabbed SSs arms and firmly said NO and put his head ontop of my shoulder. When he walked away, I looked straight at DH & told him he needs to get this shit stopped, like Now!!!!!! DH agreed & promised me he is going to work hard to get this crap dealt with right.

Theres soooo many behaviours that creep me out a ton. My DD8 is with her Dad when the skids are here now as I cant handle all this crap & DHs head in the sand routine that ive dealt with for 3 yrs now. I told DH I wanted out of this marriage recently. Now. After I had to come to leaving, now he is trying to fix things. The counselor told me I need to be firm with DH but that i couldnt expect everything to change overnight. It sucks. I want DH to be super vigilant with SS11 & fix it all now. Im wore out & DH is rediculously defensive of his boys so its caused a million fights how rediculously passive DH has been. Augh !!

love_my_shichi's picture

I am in a similar situation. My SO has been a terrible parent for years. His kids can do no wrong. literally. He will ALWAYS make excuses for them. He is in denial about so many things. I won't bore you with the details but the oldest daughter is banned from the house, the youngest is being tested for having serious learning disabilities and the middle child was held back a year and still barely functions, just plays video games all day, won't do chores, whines constantly, and he's the supposedy normal one. But it all stems from THE PARENTING. The kids have no boundaries and no discipline. The are therefore rotten and maladjusted and incapable of doing anything for them selves. They will not listen and follow any have to tell them five times to take a shower. And they only bathe when they come to our house. You have to beg them to put a dish in the dish washer and even then they will complain for 10 minutes about putting a plate and two pieces of silverware away and ASK TO BE PAID after it only took 45 seconds.

I cannot imagine your frustration level. If he does not come through some day soon divorce may be the only option. I am engaged.....and I intend on staying engaged. I won't marry into the insanity.

notagain2012's picture

It's almost like I could have written your post. The only differences are SS is 8, and he acts this way with everyone who gets around his dad.

It's maddening. And it causes drama wherever we go. I have actually started to not participate in outside activities because there is always some drama. There are times when I have no option. For example, at the pool in my complex, if we are there, its ALWAYS an issue. SS and BS can be playing in the water, I'm laying beside the pool, generally. As long as SO is playing it engaging SS THE ENTIRE TIME, everything is fine. As soon as SO comes to lay with me, SS will come over and hang all over SO begging him to get back in the water. (it did begin to improve after several issues, SO just flat told him he was not here to entertain him, and wanted to relax for a min).
If SO attempts to socialize with some guys at the pool, if he talks to the the group too long, SS will literally get out of the pool, and go all the way to the other side of the complex, and sulk. He will sit there, alone, and crying until SO notices and comes over to him. this happened several times. I was shocked. It's always drama.

After it played out, I did have a chat with SO , and even pointed out other kids, around SS age and asked if SO noticed a difference in his behavior. Of course he did.

He pulls the same couch crap. Sitting on the back of the couch, just to be right on top of dad.

I do feel like its a behavior issue. SS seems very needy, amd clinging. SO tried reassurance, and that really didn't help much. I try to be sympathic, and see that they only get every other weekend to see each other, and how I would feel. But its disruptive, and SS wants EVERYTHING to be about him on "his" weekend. SO often makes it about SS on his weekend. That has been improving over the last 6mths, when SO started really seeing the behavior.

I feel for you, but I am glad DH is able to see it. Depending on if he acts this way around everyone or just with you....DH is going to have to set boundaries, and it sounds like he has started to do that. Some people are just touchy and needy and clinging. Our challenge now i think is not giving into the sulking, when he relaizes dad has others in his life.

I wish you the best!

fedup13's picture

I am so glad to see someone else use the term self-sooth. I have told my DH this over and over again, but it falls on deaf ears. Skid is like a leach that attaches himself to DH and sucks him dry. He exhausts DH with the incessant clinginess. But, DH allows it so it is his fault. I am glad to see that other posters have the same issue with the kids being so needy. Skid cannot stand it if DH takes his focus off of him even for a second, and when he does he plants himself right on him. He has no concept of personal space, but even if he did it wouldn't matter, he would disrespect that like he does everything else. Skid is even jealous of the pets. If DH pets the dog, skid puts himself in between them and makes DH stop. Crazy.

Charlie82's picture

I know how you feel. My husband oldest is weird she hangs all over him. Jumps on him. Always tried to wiggle between us on the couch. Tries to alienate everyone. Especially our 18 month old son we have. I can't stand her. She asked over thanksgiving weekend if I was his ex wife in front of family and laughed pissed me off he didn't say a word and then got upset when I told him she says stupid things. Grrr

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

It is soooo aggrevating!!! I slept in today- which was awesome. Ear plugs are my new favorite mechanism to surviving these wkends!! My bio isnt here this weekend- so its all on DH!!

As soon as I came downstairs (where everyone was) and sat down on my loveseaf (my fav spot) SS11 got frantic looking and started "claiming" hid dadddddyyyyy!!! Lmao. Its freaking rediculous!!! About 20 mins later DH removed SS11 from his lap & came over & sat by me (notice how its Always DH coming to me? I refuse to play these stupid games with SS11!! & DH knows that!!). Well.... Of course SS11 trailed right on his footsteps!!!! Augh!! When DH came to sit with me, he gently picked up my legs, sat down, and put my legs in his lap. SS11 could NOT handle it & promptly sad down on the floor and plopped his legs up on DHs lap as well !!! Ewwww!!!!

I took my legs back from DHs lap. I do NOT want to play "footsie" with this tall, lanky kid! I gave DH the look of "are you kidding me"? & DH quickly removed SS11s legs & told him to knock it off!!!! Yay!! Believe it or not-- this IS some improvement. Then everytime DH & I tried to discuss anything, SS11 has to break in with the crap of Ddddaaaaaaaaddddyyyyy!!! Omfg!!!

So I reminded DH that he needed to go to the grocery store (his turn). We made a list and then DH got ready to go... I went to our garage to smoke (bad habit I know). DH came out to join me, and said the kids didnt want to go (except SS11 of course). I told DH Im not a babysitter & asked him why he lets them choose? (Im trying hard to disengage, DH knows).

So.... Yay!! He told em all to get their shoes on & its been nice & quiet here for the last hour!!! Im LOVING this!!!! Hehehe. DH hates my disengagement & he knows he has to fix things in order for me to re- engage!!!

Lets see how the rest of the wkend goes.....