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I NEVER thought I'd say this....

boogeymom's picture

...and I'm not going to let on at all because he'll milk it for all it's worth, but I feel SO bad for SS11 right now. He's needed a whole bunch of teeth pulled for, like, a good couple of years now, but of course, stupid BM didn't get it done for whatever reason (I'm guessing a combination of procrastination, laziness, and not having money EVER). So now that he'll be 12 in less than a month, and getting ready to start a brand new school next year since BM can't stop moving, she decides to have ALL of the teeth he needed pulled, pulled all at once. He literally has, like, 7 or 8 teeth left in his head. He looks terrible, and he's in a TON of pain. Those who know me know that SS11 and I pretty much can't stand each other, especially since he's chosen me to be the one he does battle with in his pre-pubescent hell, so you know it's bad when I actually feel sorry for him. His x-rays look terrible, some of his teeth are actually so impacted they're sideways inside his gums. Way to go, BM dumbass. Good thing he looks like this at the most awkward age EVER when he's already socially precarious anyway. So mad.


RaeRae's picture

Poor kid. Good, healthy teeth are important for a kids self esteem. Other kids will pick on the new boy with no teeth, or the new boy with fugly teeth.. kids are cruel. BM is really a dipshit for that stunt. I'm surprised a dentist would actually do that to a child.

alwaysanxious's picture

Poor kid! But, parents should have taken care of it. We will have a situation too soon, not as bad though. SS12 didn't go to dentist for 4 years. SO finally took them when he figured out BM hadn't been SS has 2 teeth that need to come out. BM said, No I will take care of it. Well, its been a year already. I'm sure she won't take care of it.

boogeymom's picture

Oh, I mean this chick waited so long to have it done that the dentist HAD to pull all of the teeth at once. He was starting to get headaches and stuff. I saw his x-rays, he literally has teeth inside his gums that are completely sideways. DH would've done it, but BM continually neglects to provide us with health insurance cards, so that went out the window. Yeah, his 7th grade year is going to suck because unless all of his teeth erupt over the summer (possible, but not likely) he's going to start a new school looking like a jack-o-lantern about 2 weeks after Halloween. It's seriously a hot mess.