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It's definitely him

roseslady2's picture

DH is my problem. I thought my skids were my problem, but it's how DH relates to them, not them. they are normal kids of 15 and 10. DH treats them like they shoulud be adults. He tried to give SS15 a shot of jaeger a few weeks ago. He yells at SS10 for having an imagination. I'm not totally devoid of blame in expecting a lot from them, but it's not because I want them to be adults. It's because I want them to be accountable for their actions. (SS10 has been faking sick and making him self sick for 3 days. I told him no TV today if he stayed home from school. DH said I was being too hard on him.... If he is sick, he should be resting, not playing video games or learning about South Park, CO. I also said he should not be eating dairy. DH gave him cereal for breakfast with milk.) Anyway, I know all the tricks, so I expect them not to try to play them and just be honest with me. DH says I'm being too hard... how about hwen you told SS10 that he should "shut up about the stupid magic wand!" ARgh! The kid is playing a stupid game and he screams at him. What is his problem? And can't he say it a little nicer? How hard would it be to say "I'm sorry, buddy, but I'm too tired to get involved in talk about magic and portals tonight. How about tomorrow?" or something like that? How hard? Why does he have to say things to us like "Do I need to write it down for you so you don't screw it up?" Couldn't he just say "I wrote a note to remind you." or "Do you want me to write it down so you don't forget?" Just something a little less agressive? A little more caring? There are days I hate him. Sad


uncommon's picture

Why shouldn't he have dairy exactly?

Otherwise, I agree with you. Childhood is the only time in life that a kid can simply enjoy life without many worries - not letting them enjoy it (while learning necessary life skills and appropriate behavior of course) is criminal.

lmac's picture

I always heard that kids with fever shouldn't have dairy, but I don't know why either now that you mention it.

roseslady2's picture

Ss10 isn't supposed to have dairy because he has problems with tics, constipation, and indigestion. Reducing dairy is a huge help with these issues.

MamaBecky's picture

When my SD6 is sick (particularly tummy troubles like flu, stomach ache etc.) it is certainly worsened by consumption of dairy. Harder on an already weakened digestive track I would assume. We just know not to give it to her by bad experience life lesson. lol

DaizyDuke's picture

Not sure which is the worse end of the spectrum... treating your tweens like adults or treating your tweens like small children like my DH does. Every time SD13 or SS12 does something wrong, DH uses the old "They are just kids" excuse. I swear, even if they murdered someone DH would say, "Oh, they are just kids, they don't think about these things" Arghh.

beyond pissed-off's picture

And don't forget "all kids are like that!", they are not. Only spoiled rotten, entitled little brats like yours are like that.