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omg The area where I have lived my entire life was just on cold case!

purpledaisies's picture

This man killed several people in another state and they tracked him to here where I live 37 years later! That just sent chills up me, how can some do that and then hide in plain sight???

I was so surprised when they said where they found him and he thought he was being arrested for a meth lab! He had forgotten the people he had killed and never thought he would get caught! holy crap that is so close to home! freaking out a little right now. :O


Auteur's picture

Probably the same way these psycho PASinator BMs get away with all the crap they pull.

I remember walking down the city streets at 4:00 a.m. to get to the McDonalds that I worked at (1st hubby didn't think it was necessary for me to drive and didn't care a whit about my safety) THIS was during the years that ARTHUR SHAWCROSS was having a field day on the very same city streets and in that neighbourhood I worked in!!

herewegoagain's picture's weird to realize you really have NO IDEA who lives next to you, who is walking next to you at the grocery store, etc...I think it really rattles us...sigh... :jawdrop: