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Another memail from sd21.....with shocking news !!! A JOB !!!????

Sweetnothings's picture

Well the memail arrived from sd21 on Saturday, I don't think DH has seen it yet, or if he has he doesn't want to talk about it !!

He has been honoured with an " update" as sd21 called this memail..... She is sick again, nothing deadly ( just the usual seasonal sniffles this time of year brings !!) but there is ALWAYS something wrong with her, I am surprised she has made it to 21 !!

But the shocking news in this 5 line ( yes 5 line, DH is really being spoilt this time!) memail is that she MAY have a job !!! Luckily, I was sitting down or the shock may have sent me slidng to the floor !!! Does this sound too good to be true..... HELL YES !!!

This so called job MAY be 3 hours every OTHER week.....babysitting.....that's it..... Am I being too nasty in thinking that this is hardly a job ??? Sounds more like a hobby !!! Sd21 spends more on ONE junk food "meal" then she will make at this JOB !!!

Can't wait to see what DH reaction will be to this...... Apart from the usual thing he you think this true ?? Etc, etc..... He will be either SO PROUD if she get's this or more depressed as this doesn't bode well for when he stops the gravy train ( 17 months and COUNTING... WooHoo !!)

Also, WHY tell him about this MAYBE job, it isn't going to gain her anything, believe me, DH has seen a little clink of light and is still recovering from the Summer visit !!!

I've just come on here to share the " news " * sigh *


Lauren1438's picture

wow, hopefully those long hours don't kill her. I was baby-siting more that that when I was 10. that is a huge joke. her bubble is going to pop when the money train stops.

Sweetnothings's picture

I have a terrible feeling that my DH will say to me..... Well a job is a job is a job !! WTF !!! Will have to bite down hard on my tongue and NOT reply to that !!! I too worked more hours than that at 13 !! Babysitting jobs, regular weekly work and delivering newspapers/ leaflets !!

I really do think she is working her way up to asking for more money, tugging on his guilt strings, with these silly little memails, sob stories and her hypochondriac dramas !! If you can't cope with life now, sd21 when you ARE supported and safe with your student life, loans and " Daddy " to rely on, wait until you are out in the REAL World !!!! Karma is a calling.... 17 months away..... Yay !!!!!

Sweetnothings's picture

So, DH and I are getting ready for bed, I'm pottering around the bedroom, he is checking his work email ( he is super busy at the moment !) and this is how the conversation goes....

DH : hey, we got an email from sd21

Me : uh huh ....( still finishing my nightime routine)

DH : oh, she has a she may have a job !! PAUSE.....then HYSTERICAL LAUGHING !!!!

About 30 seconds later he asks me to read the memail , and I ask, INNOCENTLY, so that's got to be a mistake surely, that must be 3 hours per week ??? Thought I might as well drive it home with him !!! No, DH replies....that's 3 hrs every other week AND she hasn't got the " JOB" yet !!! More laughing from him....he decides not to reply to it and we hit the sack for cuddle time !!!