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Is it strange to be weirded out by this?

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

We're painting our living room this week and, as such, SO put my laundry racks in SD's bedroom as our living room and dining room are a disaster area right now. Unfortunately, her room has the most usable floor space for drying my laundry :/ Ideally, I'd rather not be in her room because I don't like encroaching on her space or being in her room unless she is present and invites me to enter. It feels weird to be in there when she's not here, but that's probably because I know how much it would annoy me to have someone just in my room without permission. Plus, I know she doesn't exactly enjoy it when her mother goes into her room when she's not home. So, respect for her space and belongings.

Anyway, I was pulling down all of my dry laundry today, getting it ready to be put away, and I happened to notice she has two pictures, one of SO and one of GUBM, on her shelf set in her room. Just, sitting there, staring up at me while I was folding my clothes. SO I wouldn't mind, but the hell-beast GUBM? Ugh.

It weirds me out. Maybe it is just because I was unaware of any visual artifacts of GUBM being in our apartment? I was under the impression that SO made sure all photographs of GUBM went to GUBM's house with all of her crap and when SD packed up stuff to go to mom's with her when we were moving. Also, because SD did a pathetic job of packing her things to go to Pittsburgh with us, I know SO packed up all of her stuff for her. So, that bothers me a little to think that he may have knowingly packed a picture of GUBM for her.

Yes, it's her mom, but, c'mon. I can't even stand that...thing's voice why would a picture of her in our apartment not bother me if it is somewhere I can see it? And, yes, I know it is in her room, it is not on full display in our living room or anything, but, now I know it exists. You might have to know the history of GUBM's impact on our relationship to understand why it bothers me that any pictures of her are in our apartment. I admit, that is difficult to do considering I deleted all of my old blogs out of fear that SO would find them.

All the times that that cretin has barged into our personal space and encroached on our life together, and there's still a picture of IT in our house. *sigh* It's like she's barging in again :/


Ghost Rider's picture

Nope. I had to go through that three years ago. My DH had some boxes to the side when we moved in our house when the step kids came to visit one of them found a picture of him, the BM and her as a baby in his stuff. I about barfed when i seen it sitting on the counter of the kitchen. You have no idea the weird feeling that over whalm me.

My house with him with her picture sitting up there as if they are one big happy family! hell no. I told him about it too. I told him that picture had to leave. It was a false since of hope you giving the children and it did not belong. He tried to convince me on a stupid idea that it was just a picture of her mom and dad but I didn't see it that way. He took it to her room to sit on the book shelf. I still was not happy with that. When the kids are gone I do go in there and have to change sheets before they come and sweep the carpet when they leave.

That picture disappeared when we moved again. I made sure of it. My guess he may had figure that out. He has for now on made sure if he finds any picture that had to do with the BM that they leave with the kids when they go back home.

Seriously, how would he feel if I just decided to put pictures up of my exboyfriends and I up around the house. I mean my exboyfriends are fond memories of the past. Just saying!!!! I think he would feel a little invaded like I couldn't let the past go :?

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Man, I'm glad the picture is not one of SO and GUBM together. I would have to say something about that if it were the case. Luckily, there were virtually no pictures of SO, GUBM, and SD together. All pics of SO with SD were sans GUBM and all pics with GUBM and SD were sans SO (because one of them had to take the pictures). But, the fact that it is one picture of SO and one picture of GUBM doesn't make it easy.

And I'm also glad the pictures aren't out on display in her room, just sitting on top of her cubby/shelf system set-up. So, it won't be like I'd GUBM's face staring me down every time I walk past her room when the door's open.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Ohhhhh MEMORIES!! One time, SS, shortly after moving into OUR home, put a picture in his room of his BM on his night stand. I put it away. The next day, it was back on the nightstand. So I made him take it down. I told him that I did not want pictures of his mother anywhere where I could see them. I told him if he wanted to have them, he could keep an album in his closet or his drawer full of BM pics as long as they were not in plain sight for me to see them. This started a slew of shit because SS had the NERVE to say to me that it was HIS room. To which I replied, "no darling, this is a room that I allow you to stay in in MY house. Now, if and when you pay the mortgage, than and only than will you be able to do what you wish in ALL rooms of this house." Picture was gone and he replaced it with a pic of him and his sister, which to this day is on his nightstand.
I don't care what ANYONE says, pics of BM will NEVER be ANYWHERE in my home where I can see them. HELL FUCKING NO!

sorryilovemydogmore's picture

I struggled with that too. SS6 had a picture of whatshername that he would pull out from time to time. Since he was so young, I just sucked it up. But when he started leaving it on top of his dresser, I'd flip it over so I didn't have to look at her when I put away his laundry (even seeing a picture of her makes me feel ill). Eventually, I moved the picture into his sock drawer and it hasn't come out since - I think now that he's a little older and understands the back and forth better he doesn't miss her as much when he's at our house. He does sometimes sleep with a picture of her cat, but that doesn't bug me at all. I'm an animal person, not a crazy bitch person, I guess.

Unfreakingreal's picture

At the time SS was 16. He knew very well how much hate there was (and still is) between us so he had to know he wasn't getting away with that. In the beginning of him moving in he was testing boundaries, he quickly realized who ran the show in our home and got with the program rather quickly. His DAD tried to tell me that it wasn't a big deal and that it was just a picture of his mom and I shouldn't get upset about it, I looked him dead in the eye and simply said "I said I don't want pics of that fucking cunt monkey in my house and that's the end of it." And it sure as hell was, the picture is in SS19s sock drawer.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Hehe, cunt monkey. I am so glad to know I am not alone in this.

I can't believe it when the Dad's act like we're overreacting about these things, especially when the BM's are self-righteous asshats that have been completely and utterly terrible.

It might be the skid's mom, but that doesn't mean we have to welcome them into our homes, physically or visually!

sorryilovemydogmore's picture

Yeah, big difference. SS is 6 now, he was 4 when they split up. I get the need for the security of a picture at that age. At 16, though, it's a whole different ball of wax.

Unfreakingreal's picture

I might have been more sympathetic if BM had been a good mom to her own kids, but this bitch was the devil on steroids. The funny thing was that it was BM that gave SS the picture! In a gold gilded frame and all! I was like "OH HELL FUCKING NO!" I swear I had to get peeled off the ceiling because I went POSTAL.

Ghost Rider's picture

I feel the same. I think if we were not going through so much hell with the BM like we did for the past few years. I probably could look past the whole picture thing. better that it would of been a picture of just the kid and mom not the whole family thing. But that isthe thing. I do not want to see that womans face in the house considering the hell she tends to bring. I could not understand why my DH wanted to even except to see a picture of that woman anywhere of any room considering what she did to him. Men are funny.

I like the "I swear I had to get peeled off teh ceiling because I went Postal" comment. Boy I know the feeling.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Ghost, men are from deep inside the crust of Mars. No doubt about it because DH knowing full well EVERYTHING that Lucifirna did to us that he would be OK with seeing a picture of that POS in our house baffles me to this day. I think he was a little stunned at my reaction though. Men will NEVER understand women. No matter how many books Steve Harvey writes.

Ghost Rider's picture

Deep insdie the crust of mars <---- love it. I am laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes.

Love the Lucifirna comment. }:)

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

A situation like that would likely result in a head-butting fiasco between me and SO. He insists that SD needs to always feel welcome in our place, no matter where we live. But, I think that I should feel welcome as well; this is something he often seems to forget. *eye roll*

Granted, SD is old enough now to take care of her own space when she's here, so there is little, if any, need for me to go into that room to do anything for her. But, if her bedroom door is going to stay wide open when she's here or not here, pictures of GUBM around could be very off-putting if they were prominently displayed on any of the walls or furniture that you can see walking past the door.

I'm also not sure how I could explain it to her without telling her that her mom is a flaming hell-beast that is bent on ruining the life and happiness of SO and, as such, it makes me want to projectile vomit whenever I see her, hear her, or even hear her name mentioned in conversation.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Skids need to feel welcomed of course, but that does NOT mean, in any way, shape or form that WE as SMs need to feel UNwelcomed in OUR OWN HOMES. The day that another womans child is allowed to make rules in MY home, that is the day that I file for divorce.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I agree, there needs to be a balance in place. If someone doesn't feel welcome in their own home, especially when that someone lives there more days out of the year than the skid, then there is a problem that needs to be addressed.

SO and I had that issue at our last place all the time. I always felt out of place there because, everywhere I looked there was something of GUBM's hanging around (SD excluded). Now, it only happens (usually) when SD visits. So, clearly, it still needs addressing.

But pics of GUBM in our apartment?? VERY off-putting and unwelcoming.

Unfreakingreal's picture

What does GUBM stand for? I'm thinking God Ugly Baby Momma? Golden Uterus Baby Momma? Gorilla Urinal Baby Momma?

Ghost Rider's picture

LOL! I was wondering the same thing. I was going to let it fly but since it is brought up to attention... "ahum" What does GUBM mean?

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

LOL GUBM = Golden Uterus Birth Mom. She is your typical Golden uterus who thinks that the most important thing in everyone's life is that she birthed a child. And she thinks that her job ended on that day. She constantly throws that into SO's face anytime he says "boo" about anything.

Like, there was a short period of time where SD had a desire to live with us and, when SO talked to GUBM about it, she said "absolutely not! I gave BIRTH to her!". Anytime he criticizes her for her brand of parenting (doing nothing) she throws it in his face. Anytime she pressures him for extra money and he refuses, she throws it in his face claiming that because she birthed SD, he owes her.

God Ugly and Gorilla Urinal are both QUITE fitting, though haha.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Nice, pack up that stuff and ship it off to college with them if they so choose.

UGH this realization JUST hit me:
SD is coming out for a visit in June and one of the classes she wants to take at camp is scrapbooking. Which means she's going to bring photos from home with her. Great. MORE evidence of GUBM's existence in our apartment :/ Isn't SD proof enough?

Unfreakingreal's picture

Scrapbooks I can deal with. They are CLOSED in a drawer or desk It's the framed, propped up on a pedestal pics that grind my gears.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Once it is all completed, that's fine by me, too. In fact, she might even just take it home with her, which is fine, too.

But, she's the type of child that likes to be center of attention and show off everything she has done every day. I'll have to mysteriously disappear when she shows that crap off less I vomit all over her hard work haha.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I hear ya. Right now, it'd be really easy to make it disappear. I'm not sure who knows about it being there - whether SO, SD, or both know about it.

But, they're both incredibly forgetful, so, that could work in my favor...