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Another post about valentines cupcakes

Jcksjj's picture

Dh brought home cupcakes for a valentines gift. After I open them he points to 2 and goes oh those ones are for the kids. Seriously, you're giving your wife a gift to share with your daughter on a romantic holiday?


sunshinex's picture

Ew I would have just said ok, handed her the box, and asked where my gift was. That's tacky. Obviously when you receive a bunch of cupcakes you're going to share with others in the household, but that's YOUR gift to share. 

Jcksjj's picture

Not only that but to give your wife and kid the exact same gift on a romantic holiday when theres been ongoing discussions of how I feel like I'm given child status while she has been given wife status and that he speaks to me like I'm one of the children but then gives her thoughts and feelings the consideration he should to another adult? Giving us all a six pack of cupcakes to share he might as well be telling me I'm one of the kids. Not even a card or romantic note or something in addition, really?

sunshinex's picture

Aw that sounds terrible. I wouldn't be able to put up with this. Also, a 6-pack of cupcakes... I change my mind. I would expect that to be my gift alone and I probably wouldn't share LOL 12+ cupcakes, ya sure, i'll share... On a more serious note though, why put up with this? Sorry your v-day went crappy. 

Jcksjj's picture

Good question...things seemed to be going better for awhile and he appeared to be getting it through his head the difference between wife and daughter...and then she was only here for 2 days out of 2 weeks (usually its 50/50) and it's full blown guilty daddy again.

ESMOD's picture

So... that was it? I can see bringing cupcakes for everyone... but you should have gotten some kind of extra etc

Monkeysee's picture

My DH has been guilty of things like this on occasion. I like the licking each cupcake suggestion, or just sit & eat the whole container while he watches. That’s your gift, you don’t need to share if you don’t want to. How tacky - and unromantic!

I’ve always said to DH when he’s pulled this crap, ‘not everything needs to be about the skids’, and go about my merry way. Luckily, he’s gotten the point.

ETA I made DH cupcakes for vday yesterday (YUM!). I thought he’d take the rest to work but he kept a few back for the boys. Didn’t bother me in the slightest, but these were HIS to give away (and honestly, why would I care).

If he gave me food as a gift then said ‘oh you can’t have that part of it bc it’s for so & so’, I’d just laugh & eat it anyways. No one messes with my food LOL

Aniki-Moderator's picture

WTH is this You're Given A Gift You MUST Share caca???

DorkHead could have at least put the skid cupcakes in a separate container. My DH gave me a TON of chocolates. Not only does he NOT expect me to share with the skids, he doesn't expect me to share with him.

IMO, DorkHead should have brought home the box of cupcakes and said, "Happy VD, everyone! I got these for you to share!". Then pulled you aside and AT LEAST given you a weensy 4-piece Whitman sampler.

Jcksjj's picture

Yeah I agree. Idk what he was thinking, hes never done that before on v day. I suppose he just worried about getting something for SD and didnt hardly put any thought into it other than that. 

secondplace's picture

I understand how you're feeling.  On our first Valentines Day, DH (SO at the time), bought me a gift and a lovely card.  On our second Valentines Day, he went to the Bulk Food Store and bought a mixed bag of candy for me and his daughters to share.  The only thing I got extra was a Dollar Store V-Day card and he told me I was lucky I got that, because he wasn't planning on buying me a card.  

I rained Holy Hell on him, and have gotten at least a small gift and nice card every year since then.

Sometimes men are clueless!

Jcksjj's picture

Did it make you feel like you were one of the children being told to share? That's how I felt - here share this gift from daddy with your peers.