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Some SKIDS do not age like fine wine...

PokaDotty's picture

Wow, it's been a long time since I last posted a blog. Can't believe I've been a member for over 9 years... Thinking back to what brought me here and then to today, I'm amazed at how much has happened and yet remains the same... Present day, I have SD22, DD20, and SD17, married going on 15 yrs. I'm soooo grateful we had to move 3 hrs away for work and there is distance now between us and BM. SD17 has her driver's license and has made the trip down so literally no need to see BM anymore.

I'm posting today just bc I finally reached my limit with SD22 and want to petty vent, LOL. I would say out relationship started to get rocky when she was a senior in high school and was only interested in getting high... She's still a major pothead but at least I don't have to worry about her choices since it's not on my dime. (Full disclosure, we are not in a recreational state so it is illegal) She has a good job making more money than most her age and is doing well so whatever..

Anyway, this past year at Christmas she came for her less-than-24 hr gift grab. Which, to be fair, since she's usually high when she gets here and just sleeps, it's more of a nuisance than any conflict. I've learned to ignore it. For gifts, I am the shopper of the family and I have issues with restraint. For SD22, I was especially pleased this year bc I printed a family recipe, got all the dry ingredients, the appliance to cook in, and a grocery gift card for the non-perishables as her main gift. My favorite is stockings and in our house, that's where the really great gifts are found, gift cards, jewelry, nice expensive stuff... 

This year, SD22 got me 4 bottles of bottled water. You can't even make this up....

I mentally made note after year 2 of this type of "gift giving". I'll leave it up to DH to handle her gifts moving forward. Then came my DH birthday.. SD22 can barely remember to wish him happy birthday, forget either of his DNA getting him a gift. His feelings were a bit hurt but I made sure to shower him with attention.

DD20 got DH a tshirt from her college. She's a "broke" college student and wasn't prompted by me so I was especially proud of her. My 40th was a few days later and he made a point of reminding his DNA days in advance and even the day before to at least send me a text. SD17 sent a sweet message on my bday and SD22 nada... My DD drove down 2 hrs from college just to spend the night to be here for my bday. Next morning, she shares SD22 was very active on social media the prior day. I just smile and nod and continue on with my delicious mother/daughter brekkie. After a long day at work, I shared my feelings about SD22 with DH. He completely understands and is feeling not so great about how his kids treat him as well. He even broke down and got an iPhone so he could FaceTime and they rarely pick up. Anyway, I decided to block SD22 on FB (not that she and I are friends but his family is very active on it). Oddly, 5 min later I get a belated "happy birthday" text with an apology that she was sooooo busy that she forgot. I really wanted to ignore it and her but decided to be the adult and say thank you. I'm pretty much done at this point and DH supports my position that SD will not be receiving the level of gifts, money, etc, until she matures enough to understand that you have to participate in a relationship. DNA does not afford you the right to treat someone poorly and still expect the same treatment as everyone else. 

Just another blog to demonstrate that it does not get better as they get older... Distance does help though! I'm just so glad we don't have to deal with a pregnant kid at this point bc seeing some of those posts give me nightmares of future possibilities.... 


tog redux's picture

I don't get SS21 gifts or wish him a happy anything, nor do I expect it from him. For the first time in 6 years he got DH a Christmas present, but I doubt he'll acknowledge Father's Day or DH's birthday.  It used to upset me but now I just don't even care. I consider SS nothing to me except my husband's son, and DH long ago stopped being hurt by his lack of caring.  BM made sure DH meant nothing to SS and we can't fix that.

PokaDotty's picture

It's hard on DH. I get it bc she was a "daddy's girl" in the younger years. I appreciate that he recognizes the behavior for what it is unlike some of these dads on here... He's benefited a lot thru the years with me being on this site and relaying stories...

tog redux's picture

Yeah, my DH is hardened, I guess. He also was never the type to idealize his son anyway, so that helped. He's disappointed in SS, but he's learned to just live with it and move on.

caninelover's picture

What is up with SDs and bottled water?  When toxic SD Bratty McBratFace was 22 she got SO a case of bottled water as a gift.  That was a head scratcher for sure but we got a great laugh out of it.

I don't bother acknowledging let alone gifting Bratty squat anymore.  I dont expect anything from her either.

advice.only2's picture

Just curious if your DH talked to his daughter about how he felt when she forgot his birthday? I know my DH every year holds out hope his Spawn will remember his birthday and I always tell him she won't because she's to self absorbed, but at the same time he never says anything to her about it or how it makes him feel, but he makes sure to send her a card on her birthday.

PokaDotty's picture

Technically she didn't forget his, just mine. He did get a phone call. He is bothered that there was no card/gift or anything from his DNA when my broke kid got him a tshirt.  We discussed last night that I wished he had the "i'm not a walking credit card" conversation with his like I did my kid.

I have always been super vocal that you have to participate in a relationship, it can't be one sided. I told my DD when she was 16-17 and being a brat that I will always love her but I don't have to like her. That being thoughtful and invested is rewarding for more than monetary reasons. 

Unfortunately with SD22, the time for deep discussions has sailed. She's of the opinion she's super amazing, smartest in all things, and just can't hear anything not 100% supporting how awesome she is. Hence another reason I'm glad she's 3 hrs away.... My tongue bleeds with her bragging...

Survivingstephell's picture

I blame the lack of recognition for holidays and birthdays on their upbringing. Never speaking about the disappointment and just how wrong and selfish it is to "forget" a birthday or other traditional family holiday is ignoring a parenting responsibility.   It's a parents job to teach their kids and by sweeping it all under the rug in the name of  keeping the kids happy and protected from negativity leads to this.  Our world is only getting more selfish and self centered and we have a whole generation of kids that act like this.  What happened to the Golden rule? Treat others as you'd have them treat you.   

CLove's picture

Hes not one to make holidays and birthdays a big deal unless its his. When Munchkin SD14 turned 13, I got her a cake with candles and saved the candles, organized a sleepover with her BFF as well as a trip berry picking. For her 14th I bought her sushi take out and we drive around. I gave her money. And shes the nice one who loves me.

For my birthday last year, nothing, no happy birthday at all. Feral Forger SD21, never anything. IM quietly thinking this is my last year for birthdays...SD's are this month and May, mine is in July, so we shall see what happens...

caninelover's picture

We do gifts for the grown adults.  We call each other on birthdays and holidays but no gifts.  We all have enough stuff and its more the time to connect that is important.

For the kids we do gifts.  The very little ones get actual gifts but older teens get a card and gift card $.  

FF is old enough that is she is not reciprocating than there is no need for you to get her anything.  You can send her a card with no money included just to acknowledge the day and that you remembered it.  I wouldn't do any more than that even if it ticked off DH.