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The More I Withdraw, The More SS13 Reaches Out

step off already's picture

I've noticed an interesting pattern lately. The more I withdraw from SS13 and push DH towards more of the parenting, the more SS13 seems to reach out to me.

I've had a non-existent and slightly irritable attitude toward him the past month and have focused more on getting DH to step into the parent role. Now i see SS13 reaching out to me more.

Last night SS13 even through out an "I love you guys" and a "good night Step Off, Good night Dad" before bed.

Who knows if its real or just him trying to make me and his dad happy by playing along, but I prefer it to the "I hate you's" or the "your the reason my life is so horrible" that have previously been dished out.

Anyone else ever see this?


kathc's picture

Maybe while you were doing for him he felt like "Oh, she does everything for me, so I can treat her like crap and she'll just take it" and now that you stopped he's like "Shit, she stopped...maybe she doesn't like me anymore, maybe I need to be nice" No matter what, enjoy the bit of peace!