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What would be your reaction if BM was asking your DH personal questions about you and your ex?

princessmofo's picture

I recently had the pleasure of experiencing this very scenario. To which my dh vehemently responded, via email, "Princess Mofo's personal life is none of your business." Of course this only ramped up crazyass twat waffle. She even threatened legal action if he didn't disclose my private business, regarding my ex-husband and myself, to her.

I took matters into my own hands and shut her ignorant ass down. I trumped her and contacted my attorney who sent her an email telling her, and I quote, "BM you have every legal right to fuck straight off." She then threatened her with harassment charges. Yep, I love my attorney.

But has anyone ever experienced anything similar and if so, how did you and your dh react?

I feel my personal business is just that: Personal! My first marriage has nothing to do with BM or how she chooses to parent ss. In fact, my ex is a ghost. Off the grid. So what exactly does she think she's playing at?


hereiam's picture

I think your attorney did just fine.

BM is lucky she knows my name much less any of my personal business. My husband would do the same as yours and tell her it's none of her business.

What kind of legal action did she threaten?

princessmofo's picture

She tried to tell dh that it was written in the parenting plan that she can ask us whatever she wants and we HAVE to disclose it to her! LMFAO! Now I know for a fact that it is NOT in there. You know how I know, bm? Because I drafted the motherfucking parenting plan! DH used my attorney when assface took us to court for more cs and full custody last year (to which she lost). But that is how fucking stupid she is! It's actually comical.

just_tired's picture

My BM wanted to know to get in touch with my ExH to try and dig up dirt on me. Hell I told my ExH about this and his reply was tell her to fuck off. She sadly was unaware that my ExH and I get along and he has heard all the horrid things she has done.

princessmofo's picture

"Something has to keep the wheel turning in her stupid head because her hamster is long dead!" OMG! I'm totally stealing this!! Love it!!

princessmofo's picture

Oh and entertaining sidebar in all this: Her email to dh was riddled with misspellings and grammatical errors. The attorney told her that as much as she would enjoy sparring with her via email she didn't think twat waffle possessed a strong enough command of the English language to make it worth her while.

momandmore's picture

Good Job attorney!!
BM asks my in laws about me every chance she gets. BM wants to know my every move. If BM put a fraction of that effort into her kids, they wouldn't be so hurt.
BM has only asked DH about me once and he put her in her place, very harshly I might add.

BM has threatened to take me to court too.. hahaha. For not waking SK's up at 10pm for them to talk to her, She told me I was in contempt. I had to inform her that I was a legal stranger and didn't HAVE to do anything. That was when DH and I first got married.

tryingmom's picture

Wow...your attorney is awesome!!!

BM tried to get DH to talk about me and my past with her. He told her flat out....NO. GBM tried to tell DH that I'm not a good person, she's checked me out, etc. He asked if she even knew my name, she very quietly said "no, but I know she is a bad person." He told her if he ever heard anything like that out of her or her daughter again that he'd let me dig up enough dirt on the two of them that I could fill their graves. I would too.

Ljcapp1's picture

I Heart your attorney }:) Blum 3

And what exactly did she want to know about you and your EX?

princessmofo's picture

She wanted to know the situation with him. Like do I hear from him, is he involved in my life, etc. She claimed she was concerned for ss but she never once mentioned him in the email. It was all Princess Mofo she asked about. She's a psycho.

StepKat's picture

Yes! Your attorney is amazing! If BM asked DH about my personal life he would just tell her "None of your concern." If she continued he would just tell her to fuck off.

onstrike's picture

I found a text from bm asking dh "what is onstrikes" ex husband like" Idiot dh actually indulged her question with a detailed response. I'm still fuming. Dh acts like I am wrong to be upset. I think this is a gross boundary violation. I know I'm not crazy!

misSTEP's picture

Our BM got her panties in a bunch because I would redact my son's information on our joint tax return (as well as my social security #). For some reason, she figured that spitting out a couple of my DH's kids (possibly his, anyway) gave her the right to THAT info!

I was so annoyed that she could find out MY income that way that I started to do our taxes Married Filing Separately, even though it cost more to do it that way. Because she didn't just flip out and go for a money grab if DH got a raise, she would try to get more if *I* got a raise. When I went from my old profession to my current, I got a significant pay increase. I sure as HELL didn't want to push the crazy button by letting her know THAT.