When do you Speak Up..
I am sure that alot of you on here have heard BM talk to your husband like
he was of no worth...
I am sure that you did not approve of her speaking that way....and I am sure
that some of you have butted out....so no flame would get higher..
My questions is....
When do you butt in??
Do you butt in and tell the bitch off when she bad mouths you?
Do you butt in and tell the bitch off when she speaks lies and crap about your family?
I took 4 1/2 years of CRAP from a "woman" that I would not befriend if she was the last
woman on earth..
I spoke up...made her cry (spoke all the truth)..
Just wondering what do you all do???
I guess I'm lucky that my
I guess I'm lucky that my bf's ex and I get along but I would have to say YES butt in. I'd be darned if I'd let someone talk bad about me or my family.
That.is.awesome!!!! I don't
I don't interact with BM at all. I "hear" that she bad mouths me, but skids are cryptic about saying what is said. I won't play that game.
I love the pic and the I'm
I love the pic and the I'm Evil..
and you are right...
I do my own thing.....because you have a life..
Good for you..
My Italian blood just got the best of me!!
Oh I think its great. If I
Oh I think its great. If I EVER heard BM saying something about me I'd cut her down so quick and it would be too easy. She is a simple minded, unintelligent piece of white trash and I'd probably use plenty of words she wouldn't understand and would have no idea how to respond to.
I imagine it hard to watch your guy NOT stick up for himself.
My hubby is always at a loss
My hubby is always at a loss of words when it comes to her.
He is "in training" he just doesn't want the conflict..
But he does defend me and that other piece of white trash hates that he defends me.
I have only got involved once
I have only got involved once and that was because she started talking about me. By the time I got done with her, she was in tears.
According to her,DF is the worse dad in the world for "allowing" me to speak to her that way.LOL
I speak up whenever I hear
I speak up whenever I hear (or read, thanks to Facebook) that BM says something bad about me or my fiance. I have made her cry, which is exactly what she deserves. I mean yes it does bring extra stress on you to involve yourself in the situation, but I am not going to let someone bad mouth my family.
Good for you Dannee, if my DH
Good for you Dannee, if my DH was going through what yours is going through, I'd be all over her in a heart beat. BM sounds so self centered and isn't thinking about the fact that her childrens father is ill and like you, they need their father. But her ego is too large for that because she thinks it's all about her!
I told my BM off once too. Of course she portrayed it to the court that she was attacked by me. I never physically went after her, but verbally let her have it after seeing her during the day at a restaurant and telling my skids to not talk or wave to me. By the time I was done with her she knew what a skank I thought she really was.
The court figured out what a whack job this BM really is.
Insult me? Go ahead. I could
Insult me? Go ahead. I could care less what you think of me. Insult DH? Well, if he's too much of a pussy to stick up for himself have at it. Insult my bios? I'll rip off your head and shit in the hole. }:)
Well, I guess I spoke up
Well, I guess I spoke up early. DH and PB had been broken up for months and they had separate residences. DH and I were still dating but it was early in the relationship. He couldn't afford a phone so, once PB knew he'd be at my place all the time, she was constantly calling for him and SCREAMING so loud I could hear her...where ever in the apartment I would be.
I told him that was a bunch of crap and let me talk to her the next time she started that shit.
::ring, ring:: ::me looking at Caller ID::
Me: "It's your stupid bitch ex again."
DH: "Hello?"
::PB starts freaking, DH hands the phone to me::
Me: "Hello?"
PB: ::heavy breathing for a few moments:: "Put DH back on."
Me: "Why is that?"
PB: "So I can talk to him."
Me: "I will. Once you have proven to ME that you can TALK with him. Right now all you are doing is SCREAMING at him. That is not talking."
PB: [insert massive freakout including cussing, name calling and hanging up on me]
I felt like she had NO right to call MY place on MY phone with MY time with MY BF and scream at him.
I have had like about four
I have had like about four words with the Behemoth in over eight years.
Her whole clan basically pretend that I don't exist and they all bad mouth me when back in their lair to all who will listen, most importantly to the skids.
The Behemoth's new husband is your classic "yes man" stepdad. Obeys the Behemoth rigorously and never has a say in anything skid related.
When the Behemoth and GG used to argue over the phone, she would act as the "parent" and render GG a drooling idiot as he is not very fast with the witty statements. He would obey or just start shouting when she would "remind" him that SHE was the only REAL parent.
And yet GG would totally RESENT me when I would quickly advise him with a retort since I could hear the Behemoth shreiking on the other end. . . as if to say "I can handle this; they're our kids so butt out!"
(Editor's note: the Behemoth is not a parent but a BFF to her children; allowing them to fail school yet play sports and do whatever they like)
The only time I am around the
The only time I am around the BM is during the child drop-off pick-ups when she gets her weekend with him or the one time she came to a function at his daycare. I hate this woman. Two weeks ago, at the change off, she basically showed up early (we go to a Denny's near where she lives since we can't go to the place since she is in some homeless halfway house program that has rules, so we have breakfast and she picks him up after), tried to convince the kid that his pancakes weren't good (he ate them anyway, choc chips rule), basically started to have an argument with my guy about pictures to the point I was about to pick the kid up and walk away so he wouldn't be subjected to it, then stormed out saying she was going to make calls in her car while we ate. He goes out to the car to finish the discussion about pictures and get kid stuff out of the car, she won't let him get into the car (my car, btw). So he comes back in and we wait for her to grow up, when that doesn't happen, I go out to move my car...from where she is sitting beside it in her car DINGING my door with hers. I move the car, she is in front of the restaurant when I walk back up and starts carrying on about this fictitious fling she's having with my guy and that I should get myself tested for STDs. THen follows me in, grabs the kid and goes "BYE" in a sing song voice and storms out. Yesterday, she covers the kid's ears and goes "just so you know, I might be pregnant" and then winks at me and picks up her son and just gives me this look daring me to say something.
I want to lay into her so bad, but I REFUSE to drop to her level and never will I let this innocent 2 year old be exposed to it, and she knows it. Someday, though...Some FINE day.
I hope and pray for the
I hope and pray for the opportunity to speak up to BM!
I'm not even lying- I would DESTROY her!
But-she's so scared of confrontation, she'd rather run behind my back and talk to my husband about how "he should discuss [whatever] with her instead of me". I think I'll keep speaking my mind- maybe one day she'll actually say something in return.