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Sick of everyone drinking the cold pop before I get a chance!

newmom35's picture

I'm so mad!!!!! Everyone knows I am the one who likes the cold pop. Drink the warm pop and put ice in it you mean people!! lol. Seriously. I am sick of it!

StickAFork's picture

Can you put it all in the fridge? Smile Then there won't be the batter over cold/warm soda.

newmom35's picture

all the cans were in the fridge. I love cans. There were 2 liters on the counter. The people who don't care should drink from the 2 liters. Just saying, quit drinking all the soda!! Smile

StickAFork's picture

Put the liters in the fridge.
I agree with you...I cannot stand warm soda. When you pour it over ice, it goes flat. Maybe they DO care? I dunno. I'd just figure out a way to make this a non-issue. Keep them all cold.

mama_althea's picture

I hide cans of soda behind healthy things in the fridge. Not one has been found yet. For real.

Ever Dreaming's picture

mama_althea said what I was going to suggest Smile DH hides pops behind the left overs and even I didn't notice he was doing this until I cleaned out the fridge lol

Starla's picture

Ice water & salt will chill a can of pop in a matter of minutes. Sticking it in the freezer even takes longer to chill it & I'm great at forgetting pop in a freezer so I try to avoid doing so. The mini fridge in the bedroom is the best though Smile

Krispey Kreme's picture

Buy the plastic bottles of soda and spit in them. Never tell anyone you spit in them-its your secret. Put them in the fridge. Tell everyone to leave them alone, they are yours. When you see someone drink them, smile slyly to yourself, but don't tell them your secret. In the meantime, get yourself the mini-fridge and keep your own stash. LOL!