Pregnant Step daughter
My sd is 19 and 8 months pregnant and single. I have been with her Father now for 6 years and have gone through many battles to the point I don't know how I managed to stay married or even sane. every stage has been tough but I saw a light at the end of the tunnel , she left the area when she was 17 , yippee we had peace, it was fantastic. Then she came back like a bad penny and declared she was expecting a baby and she was keeping this one ! Father of the baby not interested. Since then its been Dad want this Dad want that. Her parents rented her a small house near her mothers and pay for it even though she gets benefits . My Hubby went back to taking her out every week which is now twice a week, cinema, meals out, If I go she really hates it and sometimes wont even come out to the car, I don't go every time. well I've just discovered my hubby hands over a large sum every month, far more then he admitted to me and yesterday she text asking for extra money. I looked back on his phone and theres a message from two months ago, saying, she, meaning me ! has put on face book shes retiring so she has no intention of getting another job you need to sort this Dad, I have worked all my life and I am 40 years older then her and she has never worked, I am now working part time and I am furious he even discusses our financial arrangements with her. we took her for lunch today, well no I just tagged along so I was the uninvited guest in her eyes, she just didn't stop planning, apparently unbeknown to me Hubby promised her a holiday, driving lessons even cruise , now we are not rich, shes planning our life's with our money so this is the next stage and I have to work so I don't spend Daddys money so more for her and her daughter. we have other Grandchildren but noooo her Dad this is his first Grandchild !
I would go and make sure the
I would go and make sure the waiter splits the check so SD can pay for her own. }:) 19yo single dead assed broke breeders get no help from parents IMHO. If they are adult enough to spread their legs or take the reproductive plunge without birth control they are old enough to bear the consequences for thinking that they are adults.
Let her starve and freeze. If I were you and she were my Skid she would have zero access to one penny of my marital income and her daddy would have that message firmly applied to his ass by my boot.
Good luck.
I think you said "she is
I think you said "she is going to keep this one"? Does this mean that she's given other babies up for adoption or had abortions? I only ask because my SD had 4 abortions before she decided to "keep this one". I don't want to start an abortion debate but it's hard to fathom that SD couldn't figure out how babies are made and use protection (you know what I mean?). Anyway, it sounds like your SD has her hooks deep into daddy. My DH used to do the "let's go out to lunch" routine which translated to: princess picks out extravagant restaurant of her choice, stuffs her face with the most expensive items on the menu to be followed by a shopping spree afterwards; disgusting. She would hate it when I came. When she decided that I couldn't go then daddy would make his little lunch date and tell me at the last minute as he knew I would get annoyed. He knew days ahead of time that he wasn't going to spend a Saturday or Sunday with me but didn't have the balls to tell me when he made his little princess lunch and shopping date. She lived an hour away so there goes the whole day, DH would finally come back 6 hours later and didn't have any energy to hang out with me. I look forward to our time together and this hurt my feelings. It was like he had a mistress and I ended up resenting him for this.
I really feel for you. I know how the story goes. Hopefully your DH will get smart the way mine did and cut this brat off. She's the one that's making the bad decision to have a baby when she can't take care of the kid herself. If your DH keeps it up, she might go for baby #2 and #3 to ensure that the money keeps flowing. My SD tried this tactic but had a miscarriage; I do feel bad for her about that.
I hope she doesn't use the gskid as a weapon but I think the writing is on the wall. It's sad when these kids get pregnant and their parents are on the hook for it. Her bad decision, her problem but these guilty daddies will never see it like this.
He's acting like the dad of
He's acting like the dad of the baby. Normally I'd be saying keep well out of this and disengage but, this is so far gone there's nothing to lose by rolling up your sleeves and plunging fully into battle mode. I'd go further than separate the money. I'd attend absolutely every one of these meals and steer the conversations on what her plans are, what's she doing to get csa from the baby father, what's she doing for contraception now etc etc etc. Spoil the romantic atmosphere. Keep talking about responsibility. The other restaurant goers will assume they are a couple and they would appear to be about to bask in that. They have to get out of cloud cuckoo land if they want your respect. Regarding the money he pays her, that's fine if your finances are separate. But you want an end to the other treats or at least that they are not treats but brainstorming sessions to help her grow up and parent her kid.
If DH is using your joint
If DH is using your joint account to fund SD's parasite lifestyle, separate the finances immediately. Do not give her a penny. Only contribute to 1/2 of the household expenses. Let DH pay for her - AFTER he contributes his half of the house expenses.
Ugh, It was 13 years ago
Ugh, It was 13 years ago when my sd31 pulled the baby card out on us. We made it very clear this was her baby not ours. Oh when a baby is involved the shih hits the fan. She showed up at our house when baby was about 3 weeks old and stated her bf was arrested, his mother was pissed, and now she had to leave. Ha! Not into my house. I told dh the baby could stay but she had to go! She asked for a ride to her bm's with infant in tow. DH dropped her off at bm's studio apartment. I have NEVER asked what happened after that because I really didn't care. We take sgd for 2cweeks every summer. She is 13 so hopefully this will be the last year she will want to visit. Also sgd13 begs for crap every single day. Last summer she told us her mom was broke but sd31 promised this kid we would buy all her back to school clothes and supplies. That didn't happen.
Thank you so much for your
Thank you so much for your reply's I really appreciate them, its great to know that other people understand what its like.
We do have separate accounts , funny as this is what my oh wanted from day one, I now know why its because he can spend spend spend on what I feel is his mistress. Im now grateful for that as the money he is handing over to her is his private money but the only objection I have is theres no spare money for us, I rarely get treated, if we do go out he lies to her where we are as she will kick off. I told her once he lies to her to keep the peace, but it just back fired and he then got annoyed with me. I went 12 months ignoring her even when he brought her to the house I refused to speak to her it was the only way I could stay sane and keep my marriage, I figured out if I didn't speak she couldn't twist things I had said or done. If anyone ever asked my advise IF THEY WERE GOING INTO A STEP FAMILY I WOULD SAY RUN A MILE !
Yes she had a secret abortion last year to the same dope head smelly boy who doesn't wash, my oh took her and the only reason I found out is because he was acting strange so I looked at his phone, he took time off work and kept it from me, all the secrets and lies all because of her. I know we all have stories so its great to vent.
I hadn't thought of the legal benefit side of things, there she is telling Daddy I have to work and the scrounging bitch has never worked.. We are away for a few days I bet she bloody goes into labour...
Dazed, I am glad to hear you
Dazed, I am glad to hear you have separate accounts. Somehow it did not sink in to my brain that your DH's money was going to SD rather than a bit of fun time with you - which is a necessity in a happy marriage. It sounds as if he is also depleting funds for when he retires, and THAT is serious.
For years after we got married, DH supplemented SD's bank account - even though she was making more than he was. This meant that he was not able to adequately save for retirement. Today he receives only Social Security and has very little savings to fall back on. A few months ago someone ran into his old car and totaled it. He did not have enough money to purchase a newer car. I hope and pray he does not have an emergency or a long-term illness. And if that happens do you think SD will jump in with financial help? Not!
Please tell your DH to stop. Retirement comes faster that he thinks.
My husband does the same his
My husband does the same his step daughter is his mini wife. He tell's her everything, and I mean everything. One time we went on the river and well we had sex , he called and told her about it. Now why is that any of her business.
EWWWWWWWWWWW! That is BEYOND gross, if my dad ever told me about his sex life I would be traumatized FOR LIFE. How on earth does he think that's OK?!?!?!
He told her about your sex
He told her about your sex life? That is very disturbing. I would be horrified if my dad told me something like that. No one wants to have that vision in their mind of their parent naked, on top of someone (or on bottom) doing the deed. This is a huge boundary violation and it doesn't sound like something a parent should share with their child. If he is inappropriate with his daughter by sharing stories regarding his sex life, it makes me wonder about the rest of his relationship with her and what other boundary violations may be going on.
Ask him if he's having sex
Ask him if he's having sex with his daughter because she is getting treated like the mistress while you, his faithful and hard working wife, get stuck with meager scraps.
My DH better not be secretive and lie about ANY other woman...including his daughter!