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Struggling & vent

StayTrue's picture

So I moved for a job. I am watching my youngest almost 8 months and my husband is watching my toddler. We are trying to sell so we can buy. That isn’t going to well. Recently my youngest has had 3 ear infections in the last 4 months one being a double infection. In the mist of the last year infection she got an infection on her finger. I have been taking off work because of her health issues. Right now I am in limbo of finding out what the deal is with her finger. I took hee to the hospital the other day because her hand wasnt getting any better. Basically they changed her antibotics, gave her some shots, took her blood and ran some tests. I haven’t gotten any definitive answers.  Her hand is slightly better but she started to develop blisters. She gets so mad when I try to clean it and cover it, otherwise she puts it right in her mouth. When she was in the mist of her last ear infection I pretty much would cry randomly because I was overwhelmed with everything. Being a “single mom” sucks. When I was at the hospital the other day the docters were trying to mom shame me about cutting her nails and then this docter even said “your job as her mom is to keep her nose clean” (in refence to her ear infections). I do my best to keep her nose clean so I was offended at the comment. 

I just want everything to get better and to not feel like I am not doing enough or good enough. 

sunshinex's picture

If it makes you feel any better, I suck at cutting my 18-month old son's nails and always have lol I forget more often than I should. I also suck at keeping his nose clean when he's sick. I mean, I wipe it often but damn, a lot of snot comes out of those little humans. Screw it. You're doing your best and loving your child and that's what counts!