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22 yr old Step daughter giving birth tomorrow morning

Sburkss's picture

I just found this forum today and I think I am going to like it very much! I have no idea what the abbreviations are yet, so bear with me!

I have a 22 year old SD who is pregnant and having a c section tomorrow morning at 7 am. She currently lives with her alcoholic mother, but they fight like cats and dogs. I have told my husband in no uncertain terms that she cannot come live with us! She lived with us from 7th to 11th grade and made my life a living hell. She has called me every name in the book and even assaulted me. Hubby thinks that's all "in the past" and that I should "get over it." I can't! If she lived here, it would be back to square one. This woman-child has never had to be accountable for her behavior in any way, shape or form. Daddy always bails her out! The baby daddy just got sentenced to 16 years in prison, so he will be no help at all. I am actually glad he is out of the picture. It's not really about the money, its about her refusal to grow up and have consequences for her choices. She is a lying, manipulative brat who can't do anything for herself. My husband has enabled her to the point where it is starting to destroy our marriage. Their relationship is sickening! He treats her like a child and she lets him - to a point. She throws tantrums (literally!) when she does not get her way and he caves in EVERY time, just like when she was a teenager! But then if he tries to offer constructive advice that she doesn't want to hear (like, you shouldn't be dating a drug dealer) she flies into a RAGE and tells him to stop trying to "ruin" her life. And when we all go out to dinner, etc., she hangs all over him like she is the wife - they completely ignore me! And then he gets mad when I tell him I don't want to go out with them! And now that baby daddy is in jail, she wants us to take her to dinner every weekend! I have had enough!

I know there will come a day when he tries to move her into our home. Her mother is a drunk and will eventually kick her out. I am so freaked out by the prospect that has completely robbed me of any desire to have a relationship with her or her baby. She has kicked me in the face one too many times.

I also have a 22 yr old bio daughter who is a college grad and is now in grad school in London. She is so focused with her life - the dichotomy could not be more severe! I find myself downplaying my daughter's accomplishments so my hubby won't think I am making comparisons. There are none to be made - they speak for themselves! It used to really bother my daughter that there were two sets of rules in the house while they were growing up. The sad thing is, I tried very hard with the SD in those years - I wanted for her the same things I wanted for my own daughter. Namely, go to college, get a job and have a great life. But those goals are impossible when one is not taught the value of self discipline and self control. Now my husband realizes that he was not a good father when it counted and is trying to make up for it. But it is just really too late. She is an adult, she had a crappy full time job (fortunately with an insurance plan) but spends all of her money on herself - clothes, tatoos, jewelry and, of course, sending money to baby daddy in jail! And my husband is acting like HE is the father of this baby!

Any advice on how to deal with this situation greatly appreciated. This forum is a godsend!

Shawn in NJ

Sburkss's picture

Thanks for the tip on the abbreviations! Very helpful!! And yes, I have put my foot down about her living with us, quite firmly and several times, lol! It is not an issue right now, but I know in my heart that it will be. Only a matter of time. Have not issued the ultimatum yet, because it's not happening now. But if "dh" does try to move her in, the house will be up for sale the next day! And I intend to ask him which credit card he wants me to put my hotel room on until the house sells. I would rather pay her rent than have her here, even though it would be a financial hardship. I am hoping it never gets that far. We are both about to retire in a few years and have been making our own plans for our "golden years." My plans DO NOT include raising two more children (her and the baby!).

Sburkss's picture

I agree 1,000% that it is dh who needs to change. And his entire family agrees with me! They tell him all the time that he needs to let her grow up and take care of her responsibilities. She will never take charge of her own life because she doesn't have to. Daddy is always there for the bail out! She knows EXACTLY how to manipulate him and he falls for it every time! It is disgusting and revolting to watch!

Sburkss's picture

I like your "best indicator" quote - it is so true. And it is what my dh fails to comprehend. He keeps telling me how much sd has "changed." I see absolutely no change, other than the fact that she is older now than when she was in high school and cursing me out on a daily basis. I did nothing but try to love her and help her when she was young and all I got in return was vulgarities and "you're not my mother." She lived with us for 5 long years - and her "real" mother had to be shamed into spending time with her own daughter. Didn't want her on her precious weekends and NEVER saw her during the week. She didn't even fight us AT ALL when we said that sd should come live with us since she was so busy with her own life. And, btw, I had nothing to do with the divorce - I met dh about a year after he was divorced.

I dread the moment of truth when sd realizes that this child is here forever and is not a doll to be put on a shelf when she's tired or too busy to take care of him. That is when she will try to pawn him off on us - because her mother is a drunk who could never be entrusted with a baby.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Her treatment of you will continue because your husband has proven and continues to prove that he will not change and he supports her. Do not let her move in. Sure he will push and bully and try to wear you down so his precious daughter can move in and treat you like crap but do not give into it. In fact nip it in the bud, suggest to him if he wants to live with his daughter so badly, then he needs to be the one to find a new place, do all the house hunting, pack up all the stuff, do all the change of address thing and all that goes with packing up and moving, once he sees he will have to put some effort into living with his daughter he will more than likely think twice about it. If you make it easy and walk out then he can feel like the victim.

Once he realizes that he has to do all the work, find a home for himself, his daughter and his grandchild, then he has to become husband and father to these two as well as indirectly support the prince in jail all by himself without you there to support him, his thinking will change. Having her there while you do most of the work and help her with the baby is more than likely very appealing to him, having to do it all on his own may not be so much. But if he chooses to leave and live with her instead of his wife, then what have you really lost, a man who wants to live with his daughter instead of his wife, not much really is it.

I would nip the taking her to dinner thing weekly quick smart. If you do this you encourage her to think daddy is a money box and she will continue to take money out. Have her over once a week, preferably once a fortnight for dinner as a compromise, but taking her out weekly for dinner.....Does he take you out weekly for dinner. If he does and this is your routine then I guess maybe once a fornight you could include her, but if he hasn't been in the habit of taking you out to weekly dinners, well please, that's not right.

God I hate this, what on earth is it that makes these men so weak and spineless. Funnyily enough my SD had a daddy voice, sprayed on clothes and boobs hanging out and daddy though she was the best, but if he saw anyone else dressed exactly the same way, well they were tramps, but for some reason he never saw her with the same eyes. I have children, I love my kids, but if my daughter and your daughter are wearing the same clothes I can see it. If your daughter is pregnant and unmarried and my daughter is pregnant and unmarried, I know. But not him, yours is a tramp, and his is another virgin birth.

Thank God I do not have to put up with her anymore the best thing I ever did was ban her from my home. Even though this is over for me I have not forgotten it, and I still get so very mad for the rest of you who are still living it, and I am aware that as long as she is alive she could come back for a second bite of the cherry any day I am not smug about this trust me, however once bitten, twice shy, if she ever tried I would put my feelings ahead of my husbands and I would not spend 8 years or 8 seconds trying to make it work, been there, done that, if daddy doesn't change, then daughter's behaviour doesnt change.

Sburkss's picture

I know she is never going to change! She will continue just as she is as long as my dh allows it. And you are absolutely right - he would never want to live with just her - because everything would fall on his shoulders. He actually prides himself on never having changed one of her poopie diapers! Does he think I'm going to do that for his grandson??!! No way!! He is in for a very rude awakening! And it's so sad - because of all these circumstances, I don't think I will ever be able to really love and be a grandmother to this child. I just can't do it - I feel like if I do bond, she is going to yank it all away when she hooks up with the next scumbag man! She won't wait 16 years for this one - I am sure she will have a new one by the end of the year! And I am sure she will talk trash about me to the kid when he's older. I don't want to have my heart broken yet again!

You are right about the dinner thing too. I am going to remind him of that! We rarely go out to dinner just the two of us. Problem is, I don't want to cook for her either, lol! I think of that as something nice I do for those who treat me nice. And it's a real irritant when we do invite her and she asks first what we are having! If she isn't "in the mood" for what's on the table, she doesn't come. Then dh wants to take her out! While he is making the princess happy, the queen is getting pissed!

frustratedstepdad's picture

Welcome to the site! You are definitely among friends here. Do NOT....I repeat, DO NOT let SD22 move in under any circumstances. If she does, YOU and her dad will be raising this kid, not her. Trust me, I speak from experience. My SD and her kid live with us, and we pretty much take care of him fulltime while she gets to go be irresponsible. You'll do it because you don't want to see the baby mistreated or go without because of your lazy SD22.

I always say pick and choose your battles as a step-parent. On this one, dig in your heels. Don't let her move in or your live will be HELL.

Sburkss's picture

I know! I keep telling my dh that she won't change until he makes her! She still has her job, thank God! She is taking maternity leave for 6 weeks. Then she has to find child care. We all work, dh, me and bm! No free babysitters there!! She claims that it will cost her nearly her entire month's salary for childcare. Hence, dh pays for her car, car insurance, cell phone, etc. It's never ending. But still better than having her in my house! He says he "feels bad" for her! When she first told us she was pregnant, he cut her off. Best few months of our marriage! But then she manipulated him as only she can do and he was back on board! She has absolutely no business having a baby. She is the most immature, irresponsible 22 year old you could imagine! And all of her friends are equally immature and irresponsible. Most of her friends already have babies - she actually got knocked up on purpose! Baby daddy is in prison, as is the boyfriend before him. I am SURE there will be another gang banging thug to take this one's place before long. Baby daddy will be in prison for 13 years! I make dh watch the show "Intervention" so he can see what his behavior looks like. She is not a drug addict, but his enabling behavior is exactly the same. He can see it in others, but not in himself.

And I do have a back up plan - if she moves in, I move out. Very simple. Not what I want, DH is a great husband when SD is not around. But I am nearing the end of my rope!

Sburkss's picture

I am pretty sure her other friends got pregnant on purpose too. She runs with a group of white girls (she's white too) who LOVE to hang out with the ever so glamorous gang banging thugs all the rappers sing about! She has her own little rainbow coalition of trash - it's not about color, it's the scumbag lifestyle! One is ever so prestigious amongst one's friends if your baby daddy is one of the O.G.'s of his gang! She has never had a boyfriend who was lawfully employed! My SD is the only one I know of who has a steady job. And that is only because her mother got her a job where she works. The only decent thing her mother has done for her since I've known her! Her friends all live at home with their half-assed, if any, job and expect their parents to raise their children. And yes, they are already teaching her how to work the system.

I am as sure as I can be about the drug thing. I work in the criminal justice system and so I am very familiar with the signs, lol! The bf before baby daddy was a drug dealer too. They caught him AND her on a wiretap selling drugs. The cops raided her apartment she used to have and tore it up. Ex-bf went to jail and she got probation. -She was on probation until last October - it included drug testing and she was negative every month. She even stoppped smoking when she got pregnant, so I doubt she would be using now.

But who knows what will happen when she falls in love with another scumbag. I just wish she would find a nice guy with a job. I don't care what the color of his skin happens to be - so long as he is a good person. But she is not attracted to nice guys. You could fill up a room with nice guys of all races, and one scumbag of any race, and she would find him! And DH would make excuse after excuse after excuse. It never ends!

Sburkss's picture

It's a very bumpy ride, indeed! And it's really a shame because it doesn't have to be this way! If our step children could only see that. They are so caught up in the drama. My parents divorced when I was 19 and my brother was 17. Both remarried. Both of my step parents are wonderful and there was never any drama. I just don't get it!

Sburkss's picture

I think I am going to lose my mind! SD is home getting ready for her big day tomorrow morning - just called DH/Daddy to tell him to bring a blank check to the hospital! She has a high deductible on her insurance and actually expects us to pay for it! To the tune of about $1500! I just looked outside, but I couldn't see a money tree in my backyard! She chose to have this baby, not us. What would happen if Daddy didn't come to the rescue? It's appalling and even more appalling that he will do it! I can't take it anymore!

emotionaly beat up's picture

She rang him and told him to bring a blank cheque and he is going to do it, okay this is good for your bio daughter. Your finances belong to the both of you and he has no right to give money to his daughter like that without your agreement, but he feels sorry for and wants to hand over the cash let him do it. My husand was also like this and the last straw came when he wanted to hand over $3500 to his princes becaus she wanted a new car with all the bells and whistles, we fought over it for a while and he tried to make me feel sorry for him because he wasn't living with his kids and all the usual shit. So, fortunately during the period when we for want of a better word were discussing this my daughter happened to mention they were paving their backyard, they were really happy as they had a quote for $3700 and this was covered by their tax refund. Well, I told my husband that night that he could give his princess the money, he was so happy he couldnt wait to ring her, as soon as he got off the phone I told him I will get $7000 out of the bank tomorrow, he looked shocked at first and then asked are you giving her $7,000 (it's all about her), and I said absolutely not, she has been given far more than any of the others and far, far more than her share. I am still giving her the $3,500 the other $3,500 is for my daughter, she is paving her backyard and I am giving her the money, and for the record from now on if one of yours gets a dollar, then one of mine is getting it to, I don't care if they don't need it, or if they don't want it, they will be getting it. Let's see how long we can keep giving away his kind of money shall we. Well we gave away the $7,000 that was about 7 and a half years ago, he has not given one red cent to any of his kids since let me tell you.

Fair is fair if his daughter gets a blank cheque, then so does yours. By the way please make him move out if it comes to that, don't make it easy on him let he and his daughter do all the hard yards of house hunting, and after not only will she not be able to because she has the baby to look after, she will be making all sorts of demands on him at the same time, let him know what real pressure is. And make sure the money is distributed fairly. If you don't want to hand it over to your daughter for some reason take it out and put it somewhere for yourself, but whatever his daughter gets your or your family should get to See how long he keeps giving her money under those rules.

emotionaly beat up's picture

She rang him and told him to bring a blank cheque and he is going to do it, okay this is good for your bio daughter. Your finances belong to the both of you and he has no right to give money to his daughter like that without your agreement, but he feels sorry for and wants to hand over the cash let him do it. My husand was also like this and the last straw came when he wanted to hand over $3500 to his princes becaus she wanted a new car with all the bells and whistles, we fought over it for a while and he tried to make me feel sorry for him because he wasn't living with his kids and all the usual shit. So, fortunately during the period when we for want of a better word were discussing this my daughter happened to mention they were paving their backyard, they were really happy as they had a quote for $3700 and this was covered by their tax refund. Well, I told my husband that night that he could give his princess the money, he was so happy he couldnt wait to ring her, as soon as he got off the phone I told him I will get $7000 out of the bank tomorrow, he looked shocked at first and then asked are you giving her $7,000 (it's all about her), and I said absolutely not, she has been given far more than any of the others and far, far more than her share. I am still giving her the $3,500 the other $3,500 is for my daughter, she is paving her backyard and I am giving her the money, and for the record from now on if one of yours gets a dollar, then one of mine is getting it to, I don't care if they don't need it, or if they don't want it, they will be getting it. Let's see how long we can keep giving away his kind of money shall we. Well we gave away the $7,000 that was about 7 and a half years ago, he has not given one red cent to any of his kids since let me tell you.

Fair is fair if his daughter gets a blank cheque, then so does yours. By the way please make him move out if it comes to that, don't make it easy on him let he and his daughter do all the hard yards of house hunting, and after not only will she not be able to because she has the baby to look after, she will be making all sorts of demands on him at the same time, let him know what real pressure is. And make sure the money is distributed fairly. If you don't want to hand it over to your daughter for some reason take it out and put it somewhere for yourself, but whatever his daughter gets your or your family should get to See how long he keeps giving her money under those rules.

emotionaly beat up's picture

She rang him and told him to bring a blank cheque and he is going to do it, okay this is good for your bio daughter. Your finances belong to the both of you and he has no right to give money to his daughter like that without your agreement, but he feels sorry for and wants to hand over the cash let him do it. My husand was also like this and the last straw came when he wanted to hand over $3500 to his princes becaus she wanted a new car with all the bells and whistles, we fought over it for a while and he tried to make me feel sorry for him because he wasn't living with his kids and all the usual shit. So, fortunately during the period when we for want of a better word were discussing this my daughter happened to mention they were paving their backyard, they were really happy as they had a quote for $3700 and this was covered by their tax refund. Well, I told my husband that night that he could give his princess the money, he was so happy he couldnt wait to ring her, as soon as he got off the phone I told him I will get $7000 out of the bank tomorrow, he looked shocked at first and then asked are you giving her $7,000 (it's all about her), and I said absolutely not, she has been given far more than any of the others and far, far more than her share. I am still giving her the $3,500 the other $3,500 is for my daughter, she is paving her backyard and I am giving her the money, and for the record from now on if one of yours gets a dollar, then one of mine is getting it to, I don't care if they don't need it, or if they don't want it, they will be getting it. Let's see how long we can keep giving away his kind of money shall we. Well we gave away the $7,000 that was about 7 and a half years ago, he has not given one red cent to any of his kids since let me tell you.

Fair is fair if his daughter gets a blank cheque, then so does yours. By the way please make him move out if it comes to that, don't make it easy on him let he and his daughter do all the hard yards of house hunting, and after not only will she not be able to because she has the baby to look after, she will be making all sorts of demands on him at the same time, let him know what real pressure is. And make sure the money is distributed fairly. If you don't want to hand it over to your daughter for some reason take it out and put it somewhere for yourself, but whatever his daughter gets your or your family should get to See how long he keeps giving her money under those rules.

Sburkss's picture

The finances have always been separate and will remain so! We have a joint savings, but it is understood that that is OUR money for US! We don't touch it for either kid. If he wants to pay, it will come out of his money. Period. He knows not to ask. Won't happen. He does for his, I do for mine. And I make more money than he does Smile

Sburkss's picture

Let the games begin! She gave birth at 9:15 this morning. Healthy baby boy. He is adorable - it's not his fault his mother is an irresponsible, immature bitch! She was actually nice today - of course, because everyone was fawning over her! Revolting! My DH is acting like it's his baby! Her bff showed up at 8:00 a.m. to wait with us. She is pregnant with her second, no job, living at home. And she ran around there like she's the expert in childbirth/care. I wanted to kick her in her skank ass and tell her she had NO business being there. But DH told me I couldn't - and I didn't want to cause any extra drama. She is the instigator of this whole mess and convinced SD to have a baby! I asked her if she had a job - oh, no, she's on unemployment and disability because of kidney issues in her last pregnancy. Duh, do you think you need another baby! MIL and SIL came to hospital - they are totally in my corner but DH still doesn't get it! Ughhhhhhhhhh!!

skylarksms's picture

Sounds like the bio parents have created an entitled BRAT. Those types of kids just get older, they do not grow up.

Too bad someone wouldn't inform SD that if she marries her baby-daddy who is in prison, she will automatically get all sorts of benefits from food stamps to whatever - at least that is what I have read. I HATE it when people live off the government teat (i.e., our tax dollars) but I would rather have a person like her doing that on her OWN then EVER crossing MY threshhold!

Sburkss's picture

Yeah, her friends are already schooling her in the ways to latch onto the government teat! She would certainly never learn that here - both my DH and I have worked everyday since we were teenagers. I pray to God she does not marry the scumbag - I really don't think she will. My BIL told us she told his daughter (SD's cousin) that she is not going to wait for him. His earliest parole date is Dec. 2024. She's too selfish for that and plans on more children. She had better be in a solid relationship with an lawfully employed man before that happens! But I am sure she will just find another gang banger. That's all she's done since she went to go live with her BM for her senior year of high school. She's useless!

Sburkss's picture

It is extremely sickening. My ex took off when my daughter was 9 months old to shack up with his secretary. He eventually married her and I have to deal with that on every occassion in my daughter's life. But she turned out to be a miserable bitch. I am sure the ex has regrets, but that is another story.

I was a single mom for 10 years before I met my husband and never took a dime from anyone, except for child support. Which, as you know, is never enough. I have always resented "stay at home" moms - they look down their noses at us working women as though we are second class mothers. My BD's friends lived in big nice houses while we lived in a townhouse. But guess what, I bought that townhouse with my own money! These snooty bitches lived off their hubbies and family money. I was proud of my accomplishments and made sure my BD knew it. She should only marry because she wants to and not because she needs to. It can be done - you and I are living proof along with countless other empowered women! And I think it sets a wonderful example for our sons and daughters to have strong mothers. The babymakers who are in it for the welfare are another story. There is no reason why an able bodied adult, male or female, should sit home and collect a government check. My SD has a job, thank goodness. Let's just hope she keeps it. Her friends are all on the dole - and have lots of time for play dates, etc. Repulsive!

Sburkss's picture

You are right - everyone's situation is different and I should not have generalized in such a way. I do realize that it is not cost effective for some stay at home moms to work.

Sburkss's picture

I was home on maternity leave for three months and I also felt very cut off from the world! We lived out in the country with no neighbors anywhere near us. My family is out of state. I could never have done that full time, so I give you major respect for doing it! My marriage was also disintegrating - that was about the time I realized exDH was having an affair with his secretary! I took the beautiful music box she had sent for my daughter, put it in a hefty bag and pulverized it into dust on the garage floor. Felt so good! We were both brand new attorneys just starting out. Didin't have a pot to pee in. My therapist told me to give it 10 years and then see where our ives were. She was a prophet! It's been 20+ years now and Ex is now quite wealthy, but the secretary is a miserable bitch, hated by every member of his family, including my BD. I think he secretly hates her too! Ya just can't buy love! I have a state job, don't make nearly as much money, but have a loving, wonderful husband (except for the SD issues) and we are looking forward to our golden years!

Although I have never been a full time SAHM, I absolutely hate when men say that their wives don't work! They couldn't handle one day of what a SAHM does!!! Or what a working mom does, for that matter. I often leave my job feeling like I am going home to yet another full time job. No down time here!! My own DH has no clue as to what it takes to run a household, let alone raise children. We've been together since our daughters were 9. When his moved in with us when they were 11, all the responsibility for her fell on me! I gladly accepted it at first, because she was starving for love and attention since BM is a drunk. Tried as much as possible to treat SD and BD equally. But as time went on, I began to realize there is no substitute for a Bm or a BD - she wanted them, not me. Even though I was the only one who could handle a crisis. Don't know how many times I held her while she sobbed about yet another disappointment with her BM cancelling their plans because she got a better offer. Much more fun to go clubbing and pick up men than to take your daughter to see the Lion King and eat popcorn! And she was (and still is) extremely jealous of my BD because I would choose the Lion King & popcorn every time!

emotionaly beat up's picture

So, what happened about the check.

My husband also thought that he was the father of his first grandson, I wasn't with him them, but have been told by a very, very reliable source that when asked by a family member what the baby would call him, ie: nono, pa, grandad etc., he said, I don' know, wait for it........................................ Biggrin I don't suppose he can really call me dad Biggrin Actually I take back the LOL emoticons, because there is nothing funny about how all of this has turned out. He apparently brought that baby up and ran the show until he left his ex wife when the child was around two, and as a punishment to him for leaving he never saw that boy again until he was 9 and we were together. Of course the boy hated him with a passion and has been trained well to do so. Fast forward DH phoned this grandson last year for his 13th birthday (first time I have ever known him to do so), and called him again this year for his birthday, but this year grandson didn't pick up or return his call (now I do understand the kid there), however, my husband's relatioship with his entire family is non-existant and he still thinks they love him, he is positive sure of this because when they want something they call him. Getting back to him thinking he was daddy to the grandson, when we did see this boy at the age of 9, my DH wanted to know who was taking him to school and picking him up, and demanded to know if he was attending school regularly, and getting there on time, he went on about some other things before I was so embarrassed by him I had to say, look your son and his partner have been bringing GS up on their own for a few years now, they managed to enrol him in school and sports etc, he is fit and healthy so they must be doing okay parenting him. Everyone in the room was shocked by his behaviour especially me, that is when I found out about him thinking that GS calling him daddy was a good plan when the child was born.

Look, this situation can go on happily for your DH until the day he dies, he will be more than happy for his daughter to use him he sees it as being a protective daddy and enjoys her stupidity because as long as she is an idiot taking up with idiots she will always NEED her daddy and he can fluff up his peacock feathers and call it love, he believes this will always make him the most important man in her life and he loves it. It is abnormal, but he does not know that and no one will ever be able to tell him that, because he likes things the way they are.

You, on the other hand will grow to resent this more and more, if you do not physically leave the marriage by the end of the year you will certainly have emotionally left the marriage because belive it or not the good days you have been living are over now the baby is here.

Before baby was born you only came second to his daugther in his list of he has a grandson you get to be third. None of us can put up with that forever eventually we get sick of trying, sick of making all the sacrifices, sick of being always last on the list.

You need to make a stand now and I would be starting with the check issue. I am sure as others have said she would not have had to pay the hospital on the day of the birth, and as many have said the bill more than likely would be picked up by the taxpayer anyway. It would not be too hard for you to check with the hospital as to how much if anything this has cost. This is all going to go to hell in a handbasket you need to start protecting yourself financially now.

The situation with your DH and SD is not going to change until you do something to change it. If you are happy to be pushed back a place everytime she has a baby do nothing, but if you want to be his wife, not his cook and cleaner then you need to speak up and assert yourself NOW, the longer you leave it the harder it will become. DH has one of those inappropriate relationships with his daughter that don't just sort themselves out, someone has to physically extract them from it and I can tell you it will not be his daughter she is the beneficiary of all the benefits from this relationship, she's not going to be stupid enough to change it, he cannot see the problem, she is his baby and he is just doing what fathers of 2 year olds do, he cannot see she is no longer 2 and never will without help. You can deal with this now or later, but you are going to have to deal with it, and I am sorry I wasted so many years of my life waiting till later, until I was sick and tired of the whole thing and till I lost all respect for my husand. SD is now out of my life and never will be allowed into to my home again, this has all gone too far to ever be fixed and my husband at this point does not see any of his children or grandchildren, I will never, ever forgive him for the way he allowed his children to treat me, for sitting back and acting like I was nothing compared to them, always putting their wants ahead of my needs, I swear he would have let me bleed to death on the floor while he made SD a coffee things were so bad. Now I do not know if things can be re-kindled here, but I do know they will never be the same. Please do not let this happen to you. Speak up now, demand to be No: 1 in your home, in his life, you are his wife, she is someone else's all be it not legal. She has a bf, she has a child by him, she is someone else's woman, and she will be the woman/wife of someone else again before too long, she is not your DH's wife and never will be, so step up and claim your place, emotionally, physically and financially. If DH doesn't want that, if he wants SD to be the woman in his life, then best you find out now and not a few more years down the track, but the only way this is coming to a head is if you bring it there because DH and SD are more than happy with things the way they are. I so hope you do not let her into your home so you can become the third wheel, the ugly stepsister in your own home,the chief cook, cleaner and bottle washer for those two, and I hope you and your DH can sort this out so both of you can be happy together. Waiting to see what happens will not change anything though, you really are going to have to bite the bullet and do something to change it.

Sburkss's picture

Thank you for the words of wisdom, no one understands like someone who has walked on the same path! Believe me, I am no shrinking violet - I have told DH loudly and often that I will not put up with this forever, but nothing changes. We have been together for 13 years, married for the last 4. I have dealt with the SD since she was 9 years old. She has not emotionally aged a bit. DH cannot or will not see this. DH and I are fine so long as she is not around - which was most of the time until she got pregnant and baby daddy got locked up. Now he wants to be the father he never was. Too late! She will never change. It is helpful that his ENTIRE family agrees with me, but still nothing changes.

As for the check, he didn't take one and money was not discussed. I did speak to BM at the hospital and asked her to check on the insurance plan. They work at the same place. Btw, BM also agrees with me, but she is a drunk and also an enabler. She just sees her daughter as she really is and not through the rose colored glasses that DH wears. I really don't mind so much if he HELPS with the bill, but it irks me that she just expects it. And we shouldn't pay the whole thing. It's about consequences to me. We were all dead set against her having this baby and told her that we would not help. I feel if he gives in it will just give her carte blanch to ask for more. It's hard to just draw the line - my BD is in grad school in London and I help her out financially. Difference is, she will graduate in Sept. and will then get a job and support herself. She actually WANTS to be self sufficient. Imagine that!! She doesn't want to live at home and doesn't want us to pay her bills. An adult concept completely foregin to SD!

DH's problem is his worry that the child will suffer and none of this is his (baby's) fault. I understand that, but have made it clear that he is NOT to give her cash. If she needs diapers, formula, etc. then he should just buy those things if he wants to. But if he gives her cash, she will spend it on herself. And I have also told him that she should show him her bank records so that he can see where her money is going. She works full time! She shouldn't be broke all the time! He agrees on this one and I believe he will stick to his guns - his concern is that if he gives her cash, she will send it to her criminal baby daddy for his prison commissary account. I can't wait for him to get shipped out! He is in Federal prison and is awaiting transfer to his final resting place - could be anywhere in the country. Can't be far enough away for me! It would be too painful to see her taking the baby to see "daddy" in prison close by. If she wants to do that, she would have to move to wherever he is - and that could be a huge bonus!

As for me, I am willing to wait a bit more before I issue any ultimatums. I love my DH and really don't want a divorce. At least not right now. But it is always an option for me if things don't start improving. But I know what you mean, I lose respect for him every time I see him cave in to her. And I despise her even more every time!

Sburkss's picture

And, btw, my BD who is also 22 (we had instant twins - they are two months apart!) has been, in my humble opinion, the dream SD to him. She has never shown him one iota of disrespect. Never cursed him out, never excluded him, always buys him a birthday, Christmas, Father's Day present WITH HER OWN MONEY! Because she loves him and its the right thing to do. BD and DH talk on the phone and text, without my prodding, because they like each other. They talk politics, sports, business, etc. subjects SD has no opinion on because she is dumb as a bag of hammers. When my daughter was in Rome a few years ago, SD called me twice in one week to ask if Rome was in Italy. Bad enough she called the first time, but twice in a week! Gimme a break! Her ignorance is appalling! She barely graduated high school. My BD gradutated Magna Cum Laude last year from college and is now in grad school. I am an attorney so I have had lots of school too. I have very little tolerance for ignorance. And even though DH was not able to go to college, he is intelligent and inquisitive and has pretty much educated himself on the important things in life. Same with BM. Don't know where the stupidity comes from!

emotionaly beat up's picture

Goforit, please, seriously unless I am stark raving mad could I possibly have made that up. God I wish I had made it up. Sorry, but it is TRUE. You have no idea how SORRY I am that it is true. He did say that. Unfortunately he was not in an altered state of mind either, just his usual normal everyday state of mind which given his relatinship with his daughter is also pretty sick.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Well I could say BM but that is just being mean for no reason. She just might be a family throw back. I understand you do not want to divorce you DH as option 1 and that is fair enough. I think most of us on this site do love our husbands otherwise we wouldn't be on here looking for support and help, we would be happily living on own with not a stepkid in sight.

Your husband is a lot like mine and if you do not nip this in the bud as I did not, then you will one day find yourself resenting him more and more. I think something that is worse is you lose respect for them, they become pathetic in your eyes, this man, the strong, supportive love of your life, the soul mate you married has become this weak pathetic "yes dear" man to his daughter and it does destroy something. I just don't want you to go there.

I hope your jailbird future son in law Smile gets sent to the colonies.

Just as a sideline my children also like yours treat my DH with respect talk to him on the phone, visit on birthdays father's day etc., when his own do not, yet if you spoke to him his opinion would be, mine can do no right and his can do no wrong Smile Odd.

I wish you every success, and I sincerely hope you have the emotional strength and have enough self esteem left to nip this right in the bud before anymore money passes hands, or crying newborns are waking you up in the middle of the night. The other thing is, even if you buy diapers etc., it still allows her to give the money which she would have otherwise spent on those things to the prince in the cage. I would be checking out those bank statements very thoroughly, if he loves her he will help her to grow up especially now she is a mother and responsible for a child. Fingers crossed for all of you.

Sburkss's picture

Thanks so much for your support! It has been a terribly trying day! But something very interesting happened tonight. DH hit the ROOF when he found out that the skank bff was "having a sleep-over" at the hospital with his daughter!!! The skank was at the hospital all day - my MIL & SIL were livid!! The skank thinks she knows everything there is to know about having and raising babies. Nevermind that there were 4 real adult women in the room who have all had babies, and with the exception of BM, have raised responsible, mature adults. Nevermind that she has no job, lives at home and pawns her daughter off on her mother most of the time. The kid is 5 now and skank is pregnant again. Anyway, he suddenly realized that skank is trying to take over and will be a constant presence while SD is home on maternity leave. Duuuuuuuuuh! He finally realized that skank and her other skank friends are more important to her than her family. He finally realized that skank, et al will have a horrible effect on his grandson. That his grandson will be raised by a village of scumbags. He told her to get the hospital money from skank, lol! OMG, I was stunned. Now, mind you, he has to stick to his guns and I know he won't on the hospital bill, but it may very well put a damper on any other "gifts." We shall see. It was really an epiphany for him. The dots all suddenly connected. His whole family is furious and have called me and him to say so - will be interesting to see what happens next. She may just have overplayed her hand tonight. And the baby isn't even 24 hours old! I don't think anyone here would blame me for saying "I told you so," but I swear I only said it once. An hour. Ok, every 5 minutes, LOL!!!! Trying not to overplay MY hand. No one likes to have their face rubbed in it. At least he recognized that he was being shit on! I am hoping that the journey of a thousand miles began tonight!

Sburkss's picture

You are right, but if she doesn't f*&^ off real soon, I just might do it. And my BIL definitely will! I met skank's mother for the first time at SD's shower and let's just say the apple didn't fall far, lol!

emotionaly beat up's picture

Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin

Another one who thought the baby would give her more power. My SD made it abundantly clear there was no room in DH's life for the two ous her and I, however she wasn't sure enough of herself to actually say it out loud, then she accidently got pregnant, when baby was 2 weeks old DH is told, if you want to see your grandaughter "leave your wife"

Well he hasn't left and SD hasn't seen her father for 7 months, nor has he seen his grandchild which is sad this never had to happen but these girls who are brought up to be spoilt little Princesses have never learned to share their daddy and they never will.

She played her trump card and lost.

I hope your husband doesn't forget this all tomorrow. Still, tomorrow you will still probably be telling him I told you so every 5 or 6 minutes eh! Biggrin Hope it all goes well. Stupid, stupid, stupid girls.

emotionaly beat up's picture

No Snickersgal she didn't come out and say that, she had only given birth two weeks before so she was still pretty fragile and precious, she got her boyfriend to that piece of dirty work, and that idiot had the nerve to say it. She has made it clear for years that she felt this way but did not have the confidence to tell dad her or me, but she thought the baby was the perfect tool to use and she used it. Only like her dad, she made someone else responsible for doing the dirty work. So basically it was, Natalie will not change her mind about how she feels about and treats your wife, so if you want to see the baby you will have to leave your wife.

hippiegirl's picture

Stand your ground on this! Do not let her and her mini-me move into your home! They will take over and it will be VERY difficult to get them out! Speaking from experience. Plus, grown women cannot live together in the same house. It always ends badly, SD or not. Good luck to you. Smile

Shannon61's picture

I agree. I've walked down this road as well. The reason SD and I don't have a relationship today is because DH insisted that I move in w/them so we could bond. Didn't happen. If you want to know sheer misery . .live under the same roof w/another woman.

Sburkss's picture

I hear ya, sister! I don't even want my BD to move back home after she finishes grad school, lol! It was hard when the nest first emptied out, but now, after 5 years of an empty nest, I find that I like it very much! At least with my BD I can tell her what she needs to do without it erupting into WWIII! When my daughter was home at Christmas, we had SD over for dinner one night, before BD went back to school. I was loading up the dishwasher, etc. and asked SD to please help my BD clear the table. BD was already doing so and it didn't seem right that princess SD was flopped out on the couch watching TV. You would have thought I asked her to wash down the walls with a toothbrush! She was incredulous that I actually thought she should help! SD walks in the door and immediately flops on the couch every time she comes over. While BD and I do all the cooking and cleaning up! Apparently she thought pregnancy would give her a pass - wrong - I think we all probably cooked and cleaned up until we actually delivered! My BD needs a good kick in the ass to help around the house too, but she does it. SD would storm into her room and slam the door! And then go crying to daddy that I was being a bitch! If she thinks she's going to move in here someday, she will find out just how big of a bitch I can be. I will make her life hell until she decides to grow up and move out!

emotionaly beat up's picture

sburkss what is wrong with you woman. You cooked and cleaned right up until the day you deliverd, yeah! so what, that was how we did things back in the olden days. Now modern young woman have a different type of pregnancy they are unable to move much at all now throughout the entire pregnancy all they can manage is to rub their tummies because they are pregnant, then they cannot do much of anything because they have a baby and they are tired. I know about 2 young mums who actually breastfed throughout the night, others breastfeed through the day but are too tired from feeding to get up at night so SO has to get up and bottle feed the night feeds. He of course will have to go to work through the day too, but then again he's not tired from being pregnant and breastfeeding. You need to get your backside into the modern world woman and leave this poor thing alone to be tired.

Also love the term we're pregnant, not we're having a baby which I can understand, but we're pregnant, seems they cannot even go through the pregnancy without assistance Smile

DeeDeeTX's picture

Where can I get an SO like that? I had 2 under 2 and the oldest was still waking up once a night and I was literally getting sick from sleep deprivation since I was waking up about 6 times a night...and I asked DH to just get up with the oldest, and he told me in no uncertain terms that that was my job since I stayed home, and I had another thing coming if I thought he would do that.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Yeah, that was my lot too, came from the era where the kids were the womans job. Mine never changed a nappy barely held the kids the job was mine and I didn't get to spend nine months sitting around rubbing my tummy waiting for the baby to be born either. Smile

kcacuna's picture

My 20 yr old SD and her 5 month old live with us, and it is HARD!!! My husband is so protective to his daughter and that baby that is almost like his baby. I can tell you from experience, that baby will be your SD's cash cow! She will use it to get whatever she wants from him. "the baby needs clotes, baby needs diapers, baby needs....." You can put your foot down, but it sounds liek he will always side with her! If she moves in, there should be some sort of written contract in place so your SD and husband will both understand the rules and consequences! Good luck!