My twin sd's behavior
I'm having a hard time dealing with my twin sd's behavior. They have hurt, killed animals and have hurt my 2 year old. The scary thing is that they act sweet and innocent while your watching and turn into something evil when your not. Talking to grown men on internet, jumping in cars with people they don't know from bus stop for ride home, acting crazy when their not around my husband and I. That's not how their being raised and know better. They can't seem to keep any friends. They are very sneaky and manipulative. They have gotten really bad with lying lately causing problems with my dh family. His family was taking kids side. Yelling at my husband in our house in front of kids. While one was smirking at me. Of course at that point I stepped in. The sd's tell me they are doing all this because they miss their mom. But never ask to call her. I've made it clear they can call her whenever they want. We have professionals working with them and I'm praying it helps. Just a few weeks ago, we found out that kids are talking to heir mom behind dh back and planing a visitation. She lives in Montana, we are in florida. When the kids came to live with us 4 years ago, they couldn't wait to tell us how horrible it was with their mom. They say their step dad smacked them around once and all these other awful things and bm denied it all. Well now I'm starting to question what really happened, all the lies they've told here about my dh and I and their behavior period.They have been making plans behind their fathers back, lying about my husband and I. My gut has always told me to watch out. I've had my 2 year old in our room, because not wanting her on other side of house with sd's alone. Just few weeks ago their therapist told me to not let sd's to be alone with my 2 year old and keep her in our room at night. Until we get them under control. I'm relieved I'm not crazy but also really makes it more serious. I Have gotten to the point, I don't want them around me or my lil one. I go to my room with my 2 year old, just so I don't have to worry about anything happening. I feel so bad, I feel this way. I've done WAY more than I've had to for them and I'm done! I'm also concerned that when and if their mom comes they are going to get worse, if they don't go home with her. I don't know what to do anymore.
I'm concerned about this too.
I'm concerned about this too. Their therapist hasn't got back with me for the past 2 sections. Normally she calls after she talks with them. I've called and left message for her to call back. I've set it up with school for therapist to talk with them there. My husband and I are waiting for dcf to show up anytime.
trust me,! my lil girl doesn't leave my side!
Also, I've been taking pics, trying to record them. I found a site with cheap Nanny cams. I'm going to order them.
I am having issues with my SD
I am having issues with my SD as well (although not to this complete extreme), I actually wrote the previous post. Killing/hurting animals is a clear sign of future psychopathic behavior (i.e. Dahmer). This is tough. If I were you I would probably move out with my LO, move in with loved ones or get my own place. But only after discussing options with your husband. Sounds like the girls should be admitted to a mental institution. I would look into that. It sounds like they may have been sexually abused as children. #1 is removing them from your home and from your child or yourself. I am so sorry you are going through this and I wish you luck.
How old are they? Have you
How old are they? Have you taken them for inpatient care? I would try to get them in there for sure! They are a danger to others and themselves. I would try to seperate them in an inpatient environment too. I am sure they egg each other on too. I would leave if I were you to be honest. I could not live like that or force any toddler to either. Inpatient would be the way to go. If they wont go willingly get the police or ambulance to take them. In most places with them being minors they can not be sent back home with safety/care plans in place. If you start there there is a chance they can be placed in group home care if they really need it. They are dangerous and they are mentally ill. Who knows what they will do next? I would not want to find out in the home with them!
They are 12. The first pet
They are 12. The first pet was a gerbil a year or so ago. They where playing with it and my dh walked in room as gerbil was running all around cage bleeding from nose ears and mouth. They claimed that they didn't do anything to it. But also admitted to it braking it's leg and laughing because it looked like a foot ball player. The next pet was a chicken. It came up dead for no reason and we found out it tried to get out of pen and they hit it in back with shovel. This was admitted. To one of the kids, friends mom. After the friends mom caught one of sd making out with her daughter. I've caught them being mean to pets and they also will get in crazy fights with each other. There was a time my 2 year (then was maybe 1- 1 1/2) old didn't want to be around one of them. Also breaking my plants because they get mad. They admit it these things, then deny it. Idk what to believe. I'll i know I'm following my gut, I'd never forgive myself if anything would ever happen to my lil girl. I just want what could be called a normal life.
They are 12. The first pet
They are 12. The first pet was a gerbil a year or so ago. They where playing with it and my dh walked in room as gerbil was running all around cage bleeding from nose ears and mouth. They claimed that they didn't do anything to it. But also admitted to it braking it's leg and laughing because it looked like a foot ball player. The next pet was a chicken. It came up dead for no reason and we found out it tried to get out of pen and they hit it in back with shovel. This was admitted. To one of the kids, friends mom. After the friends mom caught one of sd making out with her daughter. I've caught them being mean to pets and they also will get in crazy fights with each other. There was a time my 2 year (then was maybe 1- 1 1/2) old didn't want to be around one of them. Also breaking my plants because they get mad. They admit it these things, then deny it. Idk what to believe. I'll i know I'm following my gut, I'd never forgive myself if anything would ever happen to my lil girl. I just want what could be called a normal life.
ummm....I knew it...they
ummm....I knew it...they sound like my 3 Sds 12, 14, 15
Dead animals, puppies flung across backyard, toddler baby brother wrapped up in plastic sheeting, full blood drawn out bitch fighting with each other.
My stuff is continually getting broken, broken expensive leather lounge with legs broken off, the accidentally smashing my crockery, souvenirs.....everything...
They aren't normal, either are yours. I really thought mine were uniquely evil, unfortunately I see you have some too :jawdrop:
Your not alone. I'm so sorry.
Your not alone. I'm so sorry. How long have you been dealing? Some days all I want to do is cry and others I'm ok. Sometimes I really wonder if I'm going crazy. But then something comes up that reminds me I'm not.i wasn't like this when I was a kid or now. I can't relate. These two try to hide what they do. I've found awful drawings of people getting hit by trucks, ect. I take pics of everything I find. I've tried very hard to help them. But sadly I don't even want to be around them anymore. I need to focus on my lil girl. She is my world.
GEEZ sound so
GEEZ sound so like me....I thought I was literally going insane! I thought it must be me, I must be expecting too much, be too strict.
Then I think of the dead animals and wrapping OUR BioChild, their BabyBrother up in plastic sheeting....and I think LIKE HELL it's me!
I've been dealing with this for 10 very long exhausting soul suckingly destroying years. I have other factors, caused my DH, that I just can't leave.....If you can, then go, take your little one and GO.
Mine repulse me, they make my skin crawl. They have been away for 2 weeks at their GrandParents and are due home Sunday and I'm already sick and anxious and just want SCREAM
do you have disgusting hygiene issues with yours?? Like filthy dirty??
I feel the same way. I feel
I feel the same way. I feel terrible. They call me mommy, wish I was their real mom, ect. But I've realized that's just the malipitive behavior. And YES they are VERY nasty. Not wanting to bathe, brush teeth poop stains in underwear, I mean like not even wiping. I've stopped doing their laundry because of it. It's just gross!!! It is nice to have a vacation and I know what you mean about feeling sick and anxious before they come back. Try to enjoy.
And do they act like that at their grandmother's?
I have had poop incidences
I have had poop incidences ToBe, like as in when SD15 was 10 she decided to poop her pants and then jump on the trampoline!!! When SD12 was 10, must be the age, she decided it was easier to climb up on vanity and poop in bathroom sink than walk 10 steps to toilet....and then they all spat toothpaste over "it" to cover it up....
I know they go in the bathroom and turn the shower on...but I really don't think they actually wash....they smell, their hair is awful and their clothes have grime....
They mainly put on Pity Parties when at their grandparents, poor us, poor us. They are very VERY demanding because I know their grandmother has complained that they won't do as they are told and scream and answer back....she reaped what she sewed, so she can suffer with that.
We have a small house for so many people and plus they are gross....I have had to make them turn their clothes in the right way and separate into lights and darks so not only don't I have to touch their clothes but the rest of the house doesn't have to see their filth.
Wait until puberty hits and that is a whole nother problem.....
That's gross! They do the
That's gross! They do the pitty party with everyone too. One of the sd also pretends to be sick, have illness or going blind. Even tried breaking her arm one time because someone she knew broke her arm.
I had a scathing letter from
I had a scathing letter from Sd12s primary teacher I don't spend enough time with her and her homework, yada yada yada....Anyways, if I did I would notice that she has hearing and sight problems.
So they send her for tests, which she passes with flying colors! Congratulations DickHead Teacher, you have just been sucked into the "I don't want to do what you say so I'll ignore you" syndrome.
I swear one of my friends nearly self combusted one day...she knew I was having problems but because nobody likes DH nobody hardly visits. Anyways, I am calling out to SD12 who was about 8 or 9 at the time because she had just hit Mr 4...she is just playing and playing and totally ignoring friend was astounded she walked right up to her and said "Are you listening, you are being called" so SD looks up and ignores her too! LOL
These two budding sociopaths
These two budding sociopaths have hurt and killed animals and hurt your 2yo and they are in your home and not in an asylum why?
Protect your child and your family.