PTSD stepson and I am pregnant with my first...
Hello All!
I have recently found this forum and excited to find others in my situation... hopefully to know I am not alone. I am 5 months pregnant with my very first son! Yipee right?... WRONG. My 7 year old stepson has PTSD and other issues along with it. We have had him for 3 1/2 years and nothing is getting better. His mother really did a number on him. He is a strong 80 pound boy with the strength of an ox. In the past, I have taken and accepted the beatings that he gives me in his tantrums. I have been covered in bruises, bite markes and cuts from him. He is coming home from his 10th hospitalization on Friday. He is not better. They are sending him home because insurance will not longer fund it and no other agency is willing to help us. We have been through the ringer with agencies and no one understands what we go through on a daily basis.
Recently my husband and I have been fighting all of the time. I do not want his son around me or my baby. I fear that he will make me miscarriage or hit my stomach in the wrong way. I will resent him and my husband forever if that happened and I could not bear with that. When I was 12 weeks pregnant, he kicked me on purpose in my stomach, knowing I was pregnant. I feel so depressed because all my husband do now is fight and argue. We now fight over his other two boys who constantly lie and are very sneaky and he does nothing about it. We are on the verge of divorce and I do not know what to do! I am asking my husband not to pick him up and to let an agency bring us to court if they have to but to make them see we cannot do this anymore! He refuses to do it. I have resorted to telling him that I am going to move out.
Am I being a pregnant emotional wreck or am I somewhat right? I cannot stand the thought of something happening to my baby either in my stomach or out. It makes me sick to my stomach to even think about him near my baby because he if just so impulsive and does things at the drop of a dime. I love my husband, but I just cannot put my baby through this.