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Opps, I guess DH hasn't gotten over his "guilty daddy syndrome"

3bk1sd's picture

I'll try to not write a book. You can see previous post for examples on what poop disturbers SD and BM are.
I haven't posted lately but SD did come a few months back and had torn her shelves of the wall. She has done this 2 times before. Instead of putting them back up I filled in the holes and painted the wall. The next time she came she repeatly stuck a screw in the wall I had fixed. I fixed the wall again and before she came the next time I locked up all screws and sharp objects in the laundry room. She put a 4" hole in the wall. DH says to ignore it and pretend we didn't notice. Whatever DH, I'm actually going to tell her that if anymore damage occurs she has no room. She can sleep on the sofa in the family room, or better yet, stay with her PASing BM.
OK, the story of the week.....

Sunday night

DH "can you go online and buy SD(12) that video/mp3 touch thing she
Me "I already did, it'll be here tuesday."
DH "thanks"
Me "I think BS(11) would love that, should we get one for him too?"
DH "No, we talked about this last year, everyone gets different gifts, remember?"
Me "oh, whoops, I forgot, that was my idea, lol".

I did get BS(11) a camera of the same value. He loves using mine and will love it, I'm sure.

Thursday night

Me "I think I'll just get BS a camera case and pj's and that bb gun he wanted. That'll make it about $150 for him and I'll be done, other than his stocking. Does that sound about right? We'll do the same $ for BD(7) and a little less for BD(2)"
DH "No, you can't get him the bb gun."
Me "Why not? It's $20 and he would love it?"
DH "Because it seems like it would be hard to find a comparable item."
Me "WTF DH, now we have to worry about if it looks comparable, we're spending the same money on everyone. "
DH "We shoud get a bb gun for SD(12) too, she might like that."
Me "Hummm, what about not buying the same presents DH? Are you going to get all weird on me just because it's almost Christmas? I would think someone that only comes to cause chaos and destroy their room shouldn't get any presents at all!"

I'm at work now and I don't plan on talking to him for awhile.


Unhappy's picture

I can completely understand your frustration. My bf and I agreed on a $150 dollar spending limit for his two and mine. Apparently is favorite kis (son) needed a flat screen TV for $200 dollars. And then of course it would be fair if the girls had 6 presents and his son only had one. Give me a break.

What is it with the favortism. I just don't understand. His son is a complete terror all the time. I mean you can't turn your back on him for a second. And I mean not even a second.

I told bf that if his son was going to have extra money spent on him then so were his daughter and mine. That put a stop to it, due to neither of us can afford to shell out a $1000 for Christmas for theh kids. And why does a 3 year old need a flat screen TV in his bedroom anyways? One would think he would enjoy toys more. Well, apparently he was going to get both.

livizzle's picture

Ugh, this crap pisses me off. WTF does it matter if the presents are "comparable" or one has more presents than the other, if the same $$ was spent on each one?