DH: We're being punished... but this feels very relaxing.
DH texted BM to ask if he was picking SD up at 9 am as usual tomorrow. She texted back "No."
He was confused. We get her every Sunday from 9 until 5. So he sent back a text that said "Okay, that's fine. Why?"
GBM called him. She told him he needed to "get with the program" and start calling on Wednesday if he wants to visit. Uh huh... He did. He left BM a voicemail.
BM said she never heard from him. GBM said whatever, she wasn't getting in the middle. DH isn't getting SD this weekend. She already hired and paid a babysitter for yesterday and today. Apparently we were supposed to have her all weekend. So we're being punished by not having her.
Is it horrible we're breathing a sigh of relief?
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Nstb2 is leaving at 10
Nstb2 is leaving at 10 tonight for an overnight with SIL (SIL's scheduling, not mine. See why I want guardianship of this kid?) he won't be home until Monday afternoon.
BD2 is well behaved.
NBD is a very content baby.
No SD tomorrow... My house won't be torn apart... I won't be trying to force a 3 year old to eat vegetables and bread and meat... I won't be hearing from nursery how horrible she behaves...
I'm singing praises I'm so happy. After church I think I'm going to come home, put on my pjs and snuggle up in bed with DH, BD2, and NBD and eat some junk food (our version. I got donut peaches and mini plums at the farmers market today. Things are like freaking candy! I love it!) and watch movies. Or maybe take BD to the park with DH and not have SD trying to throw her off! Or we could go to the beach and not have to hear from BM how SD can't swim so we can't go (The water at our beach is LITERALLY 2 feet deep. I can't even get my knees wet).
Oh, and to make things even better, DH had an interview on Friday and we got the news today he got the job (pending his fingerprints and DRUG SCREEN coming back).
How about from one of those
How about from one of those sex themed hotels. Ya know... jungle room, pirate room }:)
When my SD was 15, she picked
When my SD was 15, she picked a huge fight with my husband that lasted all weekend. Sunday night, after he had taken her home, BM left a message that SD would not be coming over anymore. Oh, I cried and cried. Tears of joy, that is!
DH was so tired of their games, he didn't even call BM back, which is what she wanted, so she could get him into an argument and make him look like the bad guy. Which he was anyway, since he did not call back to "fight" for SD. He couldn't win for losin' with those two.
It was a win for me, though.
I know it sounds like this is
I know it sounds like this is a GOOD thing...at least for you.
But a couple of things. First off, maybe it is time to do all correspondence via email. At least you have a paper trail if you have to go to court for her not following the parenting order.
Second, he needs to not ASK. Just tell. It isn't up to BM (in theory) whether or not he gets his time with his child.