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How to get BM to stop leaving vague voicemails

3LittleDragonflies's picture

I checked DH's voicemail while he was in the shower for him (he knew). He never remembers to delete voicemails once he's heard them. For kicks and giggles I kept listening after the one (it was from Aunt1 letting him know Uncle1 is doing fine and home, but Uncle2 is now in the hospital with a twisted bowel. Yeesh. Can't catch a break). The next 3 were all from BM over the past couple weeks.
"Hey, it's me, it's about SD, call me back."
"Hey, it's your babymama [can I just say now that I hate this term?], wanna talk about SD. Call me!"
"Hey! It's BM. Call me."

I checked and he'd called her back after each voicemail, so it wasn't about the same thing.

I asked what they had been about. 1 had been about what time we were bringing her home, 1 had been about how tall he was ( :? ), and 1 had been to cancel Sunday's visit.

I'd have worded the voicemails something like
"Hey, it's 3LD, what time are you bringing SD back? Call me back please."
"Hey, it's 3LD, I need to know how tall you are (for whatever reason). Could you give me a call back?" (Seriously, wtf?)
"Hey, SD isn't feeling well, I think she should stay home tomorrow. Let me know you got this."

Seriously, how hard is it to say WHY you are calling?? And WHY did she need to know how tall DH was??? Lol


oldone's picture

Send her a text from his phone saying:

Please leave a detailed message if you want a return answer. Other messages will be ignored.

And then he needs to ignore those types of messages.

Of course he's going to have to locate his balls which might still be in her possession.

Anne Boleyn's picture

I would take it a step further. He should ONLY reply to detailed messages that require a reply. But I am not god and therefore I don't get to make up my own universe.