My Mother
says that if we get custody of SD it will ruin BD2 and NBD's lives.
Thanks for the support Mom!
I asked her why and she said because SD has been abused so she's not normal. I asked "So I should just leave her to be abused?" and she replied "You shouldn't have her around your girls."
Me: AND what exactly do you mean, she's been abused so she's not normal. I was abused!
Mom: No you weren't.
Me: So I'm just imagining all the times that [Stepfather] beat the crap out of us?
Mom: What are you talking about, it didn't happen that often.
Me: Oh my GOD, you are in denial. I've told you a billion times, every time you left the house it was free reign on [Dragonflies]! He'd smack me around until he was satisfied I'd learned my lesson then say if I ever told you he'd kill me!
Mom: You're wrong. You always had quite the imagination. I barely ever left the house anyway. I think it's time you leave
5 minutes later, she came in to my house (again without knocking. I swear, I've said it a half million times that I'd prefer she knock) saying I should come over and watch this show about people with multiple kids with her. Then she noticed a couple buttons on my [new to me] couch were missing. She went into this long rant about how even if stuff is free I should still take care of it. I must have said 100 times that the buttons were missing when I got it. She just kept talking over me and saying I need to take better care of stuff and that she was going to go get her vacuum :? . When I said, no, thanks, I'm a big girl now and I can take care of my own furniture, she stormed out. I locked the door behind her.
*Sigh* I wish my mother was normal...
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Listen to your own heart. Do
Me too.
Me too.
My mother is the same.....
My mother is the same..... Sees only negative, remembers all the crap, reminds me of how I am so spineless etc. it sucks.
You need to do what is right for your family. ((hugs))
If she admitted that you were
If she admitted that you were abused, she would have to admit responsibility for that and she's not going to. Not to herself and not to you.