Okay, I give up BM, what are you?
BM has had SD in state-funded daycare since she was 6 months old.
BM has worked a grand total of 4 months since SD was born, all part time.
She went to school for 6 months as well.
So, she's not a working mom, or a stay at home mom, or a student mom.
For a full year, she wasn't in school or employed, yet SD was in daycare.
She's still in daycare Monday-Friday! (Though I'd rather the daycare people take care of her instead of Miss Psycho)
I'm a stay at home mom... boy, I'd love to be able to say that AND put BD1 in FREE daycare full time AND collect state assistance. Think of how clean my house would be! I could get a 20 minute shower without having to worry about what might be being destroyed in that time period. I could sit down and read a book! I could take a nap! Wow... what a life.
Anyone else have moments when they just scratch their heads at BM and go, "Huh?"
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every day!
every day!
Our BM said she won't get a
Our BM said she won't get a job until the SK's are out of high school. Reasoning: it is just WAYYYYYYY TOOOOOO DIFFICULT AND STRESSFUL to raise two children AND work at the same time.
They're almost out of high school FFS, so it's not like they can't at least do some things by themselves (although neither claims to know how to make a bed). And since when did she "raise" them? She's always pawned them off on others, or gave them carte blanche with electronics so they'd stay out of her hair.
but she's the long-suffering SSAHM (single stay at home mom)....
I'm guessing she'll probably never go back to work. She hasn't really worked a full time (or even part time) job since SK's were babies. My thinking is that she's waiting for her current marriage to hit the 10 year mark so she can try to claim some of her now-DH's retirement in a divorce settlement since she couldn't put her claws into my DH's since they were only married 3 years.
SSAHM: Another word for
SSAHM: Another word for "Lives off state and child support"? I just don't understand these women...
She doesn't even have custody
She doesn't even have custody anymore, her mother does (she also works full time). She signed custody over in January after she tried to commit suicide in November in front of SD. Like I said, I'd rather SD be raised by the daycare than BM if those are my choices!
If her mom is working full
If her mom is working full time and you turn BM in for abusing the system, will her mother have to pay for daycare for the SD?
Since... I THINK it was
Since... I THINK it was February but don't quote me on it... SD has been on state-funded daycare through her Grandmother applying for it, then loosing her job and getting a different one. I don't get it because BM lives at home again now and, supposedly, can watch SD. Before January, she had been in daycare for 2 years, BM had worked 4 months and also been in school for an overlapping 6 months. They lost their state aid (and child support which we only just found out about when we got the IWO cancellation in the mail) when BM signed over her guardianship to her mother.
Short version: It's complicated and involves a lot of juggling.
I have asked myself this
I have asked myself this question a lot. SS is at school all day. She doesn't cook clean or volunteer at the school or anywhere else. She mostly DOESN'T work. WTF ARE YOU?!?!
These kinds of mothers just
These kinds of mothers just boil my blood. I would absolutely kill for the chance to be a stay at home mom. To be able to be there for them full time, volunteer at school, plan projects and have time to tend the house. These lazy ass pos mom have that opportunity and squander it.....all while I am working g ten hour days away from my kids.
*hug* I have been cherishing
*hug* I have been cherishing every minute with BD1 because I know in a few months I'm going to be spending a lot more time away from her. If it makes you feel any better, my DH works 10s and by the time he gets home BD1 and I are sick of each other and she runs to the door when she sees him pull in, screaming "DAD!! DAD!!"
Yup, that's right, the person who is gone 50 hours a week.
I had surgery recently and she was away from me for about 24 hours... guess who she still was more excited to see?
Seriously?? God, that
Seriously?? God, that actually sounds BORING. I'd at least be volunteering at the school or SOMETHING. That's just crazy.
She literally sits at home
She literally sits at home alllll day. She doesn't even have TV to watch. I am not sure WHAT she does all day. Other than get really high.
Gawd. I don't have TV either,
Gawd. I don't have TV either, but I spend my entire day running after BD, making sure she gets decent meals, making sure she's getting a decent amount of fresh air, and cleaning/ fixing up the house so I'm at least doing SOMETHING. Then have a 1 hour break known as "naptime" that I get online for... if I have the energy. Otherwise I just collapse in a chair then get back up and start cleaning again!
Thats milking the system
Thats milking the system thats why people that really need it can't have it. I hate people that do that. You should turn her in.
Tried. State assistance:
State assistance: She's pregnant. Pulled the same card when she was pregnant with SD, started receiving $400 a month in state aid when she was 2 months pregnant because she left DH.
Day care: She doesn't have custody, her mother does, and her mother works full time
Food stamps: She doesn't have a job and is pregnant.
Makes my blood boil too. DH and I almost starved one month and BD1 lost 1.5 lbs because we could barely make ends meet, yet she has pantries full of name brand foods. She also milked WIC for what it was worth by telling the doctor that SD's formula was making her sick so they put her on Nutramigen AA, which is ridiculously expensive. Guess what? SD suddenly wasn't allergic to cow milk after her 1st birthday when WIC stopped paying for formula.
Now she does. Bet you she
Now she does. Bet you she says this baby's formula is making her sick too until they give her the super expensive stuff... Woman likes to burn money, I swear.
My favorite lately was, "We
My favorite lately was, "We bought a house!" and two weeks later "Why didn't you send an extra payment this month! I don't know how I'm going to pay for daycare!"
By extra payment, she meant that we stopped giving her money directly because income witholding had begun for DH's paycheck. She was under the impression that she was going to get two payments in one month. Way to cover your ass BM.
i have a feeling Dumbass
i have a feeling Dumbass rides the roads looking for pills. she's been unemployed for the better part of the last three years, lives w/ her parents, doesn't have bills to pay (like rent, elect, etc... maybe just her phone, but that periodically gets cut off too). skids are in school all day and i think her mom picks them up. she gets tax returns, child support and food stamps. she disappears for hours or days at a time without following through on what she says (MSS had sports stuff all weekend, she told her mom and OSS she was going to go watch - disappears, 6 hrs later OSS calls- "nope, havent seen her, hasnt been here") no idea what she 'does for a living' but somehow cuz she incubated x3 her ass is always covered....
I'll never understand this!
I'll never understand this!
I get 5 weeks vacation, 3 personal days and 14 Holidays every year. There have only been a total of 3 times in the past 3 years in the hundred and some days that I have been off from work that I have taken BS3 to daycare and all three times it was only to do something that just wasn't infant/toddler conducive (i.e. shop for flowers, go clothes shopping for me)and ALL 3 times I felt guilty as hell!!!!
I don't know how someone can sit home on their ass 5 days a week and not feel guilt that they are shipping their child off to day care, when THEY could be spending time with them?? I can totally see sending the child one or two days a week for the socialization and to just break things up.. we do that with BS3.. DH watches him 4 days and he goes to daycare 1 day... but shipping your kid off all week???
I'm guessing that these are the mothers who are "mothers" for the wrong reasons (i.e. entrapment, lovers of CS, government freebies etc) It makes me sick
I've been thinking of putting
I've been thinking of putting BD1 in daycare for a day a week just to get her used to socializing outside the 2 hours in church nursery. (Okay, and to give me a day to get stuff done that BD1 makes difficult)
Would you say that your BS3 has improved socially? BD1 is a bit behind. She shares, she is friendly, and she likes playing with other kids, but she doesn't talk much. She started improving a little when we started going to church. I've been worried about it to say the least, other kids her age seem leaps and bounds ahead of her socially. My mom doesn't help, I was a genius kid and did everything early (walked 9 months, was talking at a year, full sentences at a year and a half, learned to read by 2, stuff like that) so she just feels that BD is very late at doing everything and I MUST be doing something wrong.
Well, it's hard for me to say
Well, it's hard for me to say that daycare "impoved" BS social skills as has been going to the same daycare since he was 9 months old (that's when I started him) I can honestly say that when he first started and was going full-time (5 days per week), I think it might have been a little too much. I really think he thrives with a break in his routine. When he was about 18 months old we started taking him only 2 days per week (Tues and Thur) and he did MUCH better (as far as not crying when I would drop him off etc) Now he goes 1 day per week (Wed)
He is pretty much always the most outgoing, social butterfly wherever he goes. He is NEVER nervous or shy to talk to people or especially other kids.
Sometimes I almost worry that he is TOO social.. funny story... one day DH had an appointment to get the oil changed in one of the cars. While he and BS were sitting in the waiting room at the dealership, there was an older, grandmotherly type woman sitting there with them. DH said, BS3 saw her on her cell phone and walked over to her and asked if she had "Subway Surfer" on her phone. LOL Apparently they struck up a "conversation" and DH sent me a pic of BS sitting on the woman's lap looking at her phone. No "stranger danger" for this kid! LOL
Lol BD does that too, she'll
Lol BD does that too, she'll say hello and start babbling with every person she sees. It's frustrating to me because she understands so much (Do you want a banana? Yes. Which one is the banana? That. Where is daddy? Work. etc) but at the same time, if you ask her "What do you want for snack?" She'll just look at you like you grew a second head. Heck, she'll tell me when she needs a diaper change or a nap, which is more than SD does and SD is a year older than her. I'm thinking it'll be like her walking. She showed 0 signs of wanting to walk until she was 19 months and I was ready to put her into Early Intervention, then she stood up and walked across the living room one day as if she had been walking for months. I blame DH's genetics
So basically, we all have the
So basically, we all have the same BM.