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Summer Months....

AC's picture

Ladies, I have a quick questions on summer arrangements. In your situations, what kind of arrangement do you have in the summer. My fiance has joint custody but is not the custodial parent. Please do SHARE.....Thank you


Colorado Girl's picture

Pickup girls from BM on Friday and she does the same the following Friday. Nice to start the week off with a weekend.:)

AC's picture

That's what we are trying to do and she said "NO WAY". We really want to do it this way so we know exactly when we have them in the summer and can make plans accordingly. Otherwise we need to give her notice since Jan-Feb when we plan to take our summer vacation because she has to plan "things". It is very frustrating.

Colorado Girl's picture

But the "usual" in Colorado for the non-custodial parent is every other weekend, one "visitation" during the off weeks and half the summer vacation with it usually being every other week.

He's the dad - she doesn't get to dictate how summer vacation is split.

AC's picture

and he only gets 2 weeks in the summer...and god forbid a day more.

new evil stepmom's picture

we have 50/50 placement and SD is with us every other week Monday night thru Monday morning. it works great for us we do it all year round.

AC's picture

we are starting that battle..for our BM is only controll issue..she doesn't want to give an's frustrating, tiring, and makes me want to scream

Colorado Girl's picture

I'll scream with you. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feel better? I do.;)

reyofsunshine03's picture

We use to have the same problem... I wish that they would have to see how it is on our side of things. We got christian every other weekend. Things happend and Well now we have him Mon-thur and every other weekend. But in the begining she didnt want Jordan to have him more then 1 day. When we Got Christian we made sure she had him on the friday's that she wouldnt have him on the weekends. I think that even though bad things happend she shouild still have time with him. Audrey

luvdagirl's picture

We are primary residential custodial parent, we did give Bm same visitation rights we fought tooth and nail to get, our order says SD comes w/ us from last day of school and stays 2 weeks then goes to BM for 2 weeks, and so on, mostly every two weeks with the ability for us to have SD during two of our three family reunions- I love that our attorney was so detailed it has saved us from alot of struggle w/BM!

There is no reaon where logic does not exist

AC's picture

and it seems that she doesn't want to negotiate...CONTROL FREAK...
Does it get very ugly in court? I am very sensitive and emotionally drained to deal with this.

Colorado Girl's picture

Hope for the best, expect the worse. Take your worst case scenario and expect that this might be what you have to live with. Hope and fight for what you want but don't be in shock if you don't get it. But have a little faith - judges don't want to make the decision for the two of them. They aren't very keen to people who won't negotiate. But know that it could get ugly.....or not. Sounds like it all depends on HER.

I know how you feel about being drained from all the drama but just take a deep breath....and make sure you take care of yourself.