BYE BYE SD8! Hello beautiful week :)
SD8 went back to BM yesterday at 4, Praise the Lord! Last night my BD11 and SO and I watched a cute movie BD11 picked out, we chilled, and everyone was so happy. No pissing on the toilet either! We all got up this morning and enjoyed a nice stress free morning, no SD8 up at 4:30 screaming Daaddddyyyy every 15 minutes! Ahhhhhh I can breathe! It's going to be a beautiful day in the neighborhood my friends...well at least until Sunday at 4pm but let's not think about that right now! Happy Monday friends!!!!
- Accordn2L's blog
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Its sad but true: skid free
Its sad but true: skid free time is heaven sent.
I'm not even religious and
I'm not even religious and I'm Praising the Lord! HAHAHAHAHA When she is not in my house I feel like myself again. I like my SO more, my dog is happier, basically life is just better without her little snotty ass!
Sometimes I wish we could put
Sometimes I wish we could put pictures on here becuase I'm smiling so hard you can see all my teeth
Me too!! SD left Saturday
Me too!! SD left Saturday night due to it being her moms bday yesterday. I enjoyed a wonderful extra skid free day start to my skid free week. Happy happy!!!
Do you and him have a
Do you and him have a quarterly meeting about him being a tard? LOL Lately our meetings have been every other week!
Jealous of all of you! Mine
Jealous of all of you! Mine never leaves!!!!
Good LAWD, I don't know how
Good LAWD, I don't know how you do it!
RipleyV2-I just about fell
RipleyV2-I just about fell out of my chair! BAHAHAHAAH I will enjoy my nice clean toilet all week! SO cleaned the front bathroom spotless yesterday after SD8 left and since me and my BD11 actually have good potty manners it will stay nice all week
But when she comes back me and BD11 will resume using my bathroom only.
Enjoy your week! My SD12 is
Enjoy your week! My SD12 is going to be here until Friday and then she's gone a whole week too! I'm counting down the hours... minutes... seconds...
I hope SD8, BM, Thug Life,
I hope SD8, BM, Thug Life, half brother, new half sister have a GREAT week all cramped up in their 2 bedroom house with one bathroom and I REALLY hope SD8 forgets everything she got in trouble for at my house and pisses all over their bathroom all freaking week!
Geezus. Even my little BD
Even my little BD (who is 2) doesn't wake us up when she happens to wake up 4am in the morning. She'll either stay in her bed talking to herself quietly or she'll just silently crawl into bed with us.
She is not allowed in my
She is not allowed in my bedroom. My bedroom is my sanctuary and she's not allowed period. But no matter what time she goes to bed and bedtime during the week is 8pm, she will be up between 4 & 4:30 and we've finally broken her of waking the whole house up, but I'm such a light sleeper I can't help but wake up. She comes out of her bedroom, goes into bathroom (to piss all over it I guess) and slams the door, then goes back to bedroom, slams that door. Then at 5;30 when we get up and open our bedroom door she is out there jumping up and down yelling DAAAAADDDDDDYYYY. Have I mentioned I am not a morning person? Sometimes I will open the door, see her doing that and shut it back and look at him and say your kid wants you. I know, I know, mean as hell but Jesus! Who gets up that early and is happy about it!
SS used to be like that. Now
SS used to be like that. Now that he is a teenager, you can run a freight train through his bedroom in the morning and he won't get up. He's back at his Dad's for his Dad's visitation and, like you, I couldn't be happier. Like I mentioned in another post, I won't be arguing with DW over why SS hasn't done any of his assigned chores and "Where has all the Coke gone!?!?". Seriously, in the last 5 days he was here, all that kid did was xbox and drink coke. He had ONE effing chore to do; let the dog out and he couldn't do it. He says "I forgot." BULLSH*T!!! You mean to tell me when the dog was whining and doing the pee-pee dance by the back door SS couldn't *remember* to let the dog out? He's an air-headed Lazy-ass teen. I'm so glad he's gone because his Dad has absolutely zero patience. It wouldn't surprise me if SS is getting yelled at every day.
Drac0- Now you have hit a
Now you have hit a nerve with me. I have two chidren in my heart, my BD11 and my wonderful boxer Roscoe 3. I do not ask SD8 to do ANYTHING that has to do with my dog and yes he is my dog. He is my shadow, my car ride partner, my walking partner. He tolerates the kids and SO and that is no joke. He sleeps on the floor by my side of the bed, he waits outside the shower sometimes peeping in until I get out. He is my boy! If SD8 was for any reason responsible to do something for him and didn't, I take that heifer to the pound because you don't mess with my dog! Your poor dog! I think you should let the dog piss in his room and see how he likes it. Or you could piss in there and just say it was probably the dog for not letting him out, BAHAHAHA.
Oh and if something happened to the Xbox while he was gone, I would play innocent!
And yes my dog is allowed in
And yes my dog is allowed in "my sanctuary" and SD8. But my dog doesn't talk non-stop, he doesn't roll his eyes, he doesn't even piss on my things like SD8 does. So he gets to come in and she can wait in the hallway
Well my dog isn't really "my"
Well my dog isn't really "my" dog. It's actually supposed to be SS's. Originally the dog belonged to SS's father but it turns out that SS's father's new wife (SS's stepmom) was allergic so SS's father was looking to get rid of the dog. SS came to us begging us to take the dog. DW was all for it on condition that SS would take care of it. I was against it because I KNEW exactly what was going to happen. SS was told he is to look after the dog, feed it, take it out for walks, etc....Guess WHO ends up doing all that?
So the dog naturally follows DW EVERYWHERE. She leaves the house, the dog howls.
SS on the other hand? The dog won't go near him. SS tried to get the dog to sleep with him but the dog didn't want any of that. He sleeps right beside DW each and every night and a couple of times tries to hop up onto the bed too. DW gets annoyed and I told her this is EXACTLY what would happen. The dog has chosen DW as its "master".
I don't mind the dog so much but it's an idiot. It barks at its own farts (I'm not kidding!).
First I like how you stole my
First I like how you stole my saying skidmark LOL, but it's cool, hahahaha
That makes me dislike your SS even more than usual. Why do parents get kids pets that they don't take care of? When I adopted my dog from a Boxer Rescue I knew exactly what I was getting into, I grew up with boxers my whole life, knew and loved the breed. Don't shop adopt! Anyways, I never even pretended like I was getting the dog for the family hahahaha, he plays with the kids some and let's SO do some belly rubs but I'm his alpha dog. I have spoiled him rotten but he knows every command I say and is smart as hell! He does not bark AT ALL EVER! But he does fart out loud and can clear a room...
Dang and I thought I was
Dang and I thought I was creative. Oh well! I did come up with a name for dealing with SD8, "Life with Pooh" BAHAHA now that is all my own work!
Changed sig line to give you
Changed sig line to give you credit.
I honestly don't know why anybody would get a pet if they're not going to take care of it. My SIL is notorious for that. She gets a pet, goes gaga over it over FB and next thing you know the novelty has worn off.
A couple of months ago SS was making some noise about getting a pet bird "because they're cool...". DW said "We'll see...". I slammed that door real quick. "You can't even take care of the dog and you want ANOTHER pet!?!?. If you want another pet, move out first and get your own damn place! You can turn your future home into a zoo for all I care!".