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I'm so angry and ahhhh ... had a meeting with the social worker conected with hubby's work. We told her a bits and peices of everything about what kind of up bringing sd had with bm, she would nod her head and sigh, it started to get to me her saying she understands how hubby felt and what we are going through, bull.... no one can understand unless they are going through or been there, its damn hard and its soo frustrating people sitting there claiming to feel for you, so fake.
Others involved are wanting hubby and sd to do mediation so just waiting on her to decide ... not right that a 15 yr old has all the control. Social worked said we do but we dont , cause whatever is said in privacy between them will be picked to peices when she tells the bm and the one she is living with, they will just tear the shreds out whatever hubby has said. This is why hubby really doesnt want to do it , how can he try for a relationship while their in her head.... ?????? does this ever end?