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Well I accomplished the no more co-sleeping, now to keep BM at bay.

AJanie's picture

I can finally say I accomplished something in my household. After months of DH ignoring my wishes about SS in the bed, he has finally cut the cord and put his foot down.

Friday after work I knew the skids were there and I felt the wave of dread wash over me, so I made a pit stop at the bar where I ordered 2 draft beers and some spinach artichoke dip and found my zen.

When I got home DH was by the pool having a meeting with the skids. Apparently, he laid down the ground rules regarding co-sleeping, respecting my authority if he is at work and asking before rummaging through the fridge and cabinets. The rest of the weekend went relatively well. DH tucked SS into his own bed and there he stayed for the night, both nights. I could tell he felt bad but it needed to be done.

In other news, SD was venting to me while I unloaded the dishwasher about how BM's boyfriend "yells at mommy" and SD has to go outside and block her ears when mommy starts swearing back at him and crying. BM had DH drop skids off at her mom's house instead of boyfriend's house. I am paranoid that they broke up because then BM starts laying on the crazy and bothering us more. I was hoping that this guy would just marry her or she would fall pregnant, anything to keep her in her corner. Hopefully it was just an argument... fingers crossed.

I wish you all a wonderful and productive week.


kathc's picture

Most of these BMs are high conflict and love drama...chances are she's happily screaming and swearing at the guy and will be until he can't take her crap anymore and leaves. Then she'll find a new one to scream at.

Good that your DH put his foot down about skids sleeping in your bed. No way, I'm firmly in the camp that unless you were MADE in that bed and still VERY, VERY young, you don't belong there!

Maxwell09's picture

Strange, my SS's BM is the opposite when she's dating versus single. When she's dating she's too busy to bother us but when she's got a new guy living with her then she gets crazy. I think the worst co-parenting time was when she was pregnant with spawn. I'm sure she'll get pregnant by this guy soon enough.

Co-sleeping is a hard habit to break when one household encourages it and the other doesn't. Consistency is the only thing that can break a bad habit.