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Baby Shower this weekend

AllySkoo's picture

This is going to be a freaking DISASTER.

It's being hosted by Voldemort's Bitch (Baby Daddy's BM), and he definitely got his "psycho bio parent" tendencies from her. I would pay real, honest to god, money to NOT be in the same room with that woman. Or her son, for that matter.

Apparently, the invitations for SD's side of the family mostly "got lost". DH and I did not receive one. Most of SD's aunts did not receive one. I know her grandmother (DH's mom) didn't get one. In fact, I know of EXACTLY one person related to SD who actually got her invitation. SD has been inviting people by asking them, since her own mother never even got an invite. Bitch claims she sent them and the post office "must have lost them". Riiiiiiiiight. But ONLY the ones for SD's relatives? Uh huh. I rather causally asked SD if any of Baby Daddy's relatives had mentioned they never got their invites, and she said she didn't know.

I really and truly believe that Baby Daddy and his mom did this deliberately - they both believe that only THEIR family counts, and SD is "their" family now. Oh yes, they get fucking possessive about it. They OWN her.

BM isn't exactly a quiet and demure lady either. And she's going to the shower. Which is being hosted by the woman trying to PAS her own daughter against her (and against DH, for that matter). I *think* I will be able to avoid any arguments with those people... but I give it an 80% probability that BM is going to Lose. Her. SHIT. And I will be in the extremely odd position of being completely, totally, and utterly on BM's side. Let the apocalypse begin....


Disneyfan's picture

Why are any of you going to the shower?? I think it's odd that no one on SD's side of the family decided to host a shower instead of wasting time going to a party they clearly were excluded from.

AllySkoo's picture

Lol As long as my DH stays out of the fray, I might actually enjoy watching SD's BM go up against her boyfriend's BM! I'm not even sure who I'd put money on...

AllySkoo's picture

Lol I hate it when it's used "seriously" by girls who think it's an actual title of some sort. I mostly use it to denigrate their relationship, to be honest. (ONLY here, I might add! I have never once referred to him that way out loud to anyone!)

AllySkoo's picture

Lol First some clarity - Yes, Bitch is the mom of the guy who got my SD17 pregnant. So she's going to be the baby's paternal grandmother. I've had some dealings with her, and she is a horrid, HORRID woman. (So is her son.)

As to why I'm going, it's for SD. I get along with her - in fact, she's my favorite of the SDs. (Don't tell! *lol*) She wants us to go, she wants her brothers and sister (DH's and my bios, her half-sibs) there... so we'll go.

There's more to it though. Bitch and her son are trying their absolute damnedest to isolate SD17 from her family. And since she's "in lurrrrrrve", they're having some success. In a normal relationship, it's a good thing when your in-laws make you feel like part of the family, and that's what SD sees. BUT. They take it a step further and try to keep SD away from her own family. Like this thing with the invitations. Or with her sister's bridal shower - she was "allowed" to go for an hour before Baby Daddy called and said he was picking her up, he needed her to "go to Walmart for baby stuff". (Apparently it could not wait until the next morning.) Or making plans to have dinner with her mom or us, and then Baby Daddy is "too sick" at the last minute. (But fine the next morning to go to HIS family stuff.) Or Baby Daddy "getting lost" taking SD on the way to our house - a 15 minute drive which he's made at least 10-15 times already. I could go on, the examples are multitude.

The upshot of it is though, that DH and I are completely unwilling to do anything to feed into this nonsense. And missing SD's baby shower would give them GOBS of fodder for the "we're your REAL family, not them, they don't care about you" nonsense that they're trying to pull. (In fact, Bitch told DH literally that. Almost word for word.)

Baby Daddy is at best controlling, and at worst abusive. I haven't seen any evidence of physical abuse (yet), although I've witnessed him being controlling and verbally abusive. He does have at least one prior conviction for domestic assault (beat up a previous girlfriend), so.... So. We need to keep the door open. Eventually she'll leave him, and when she does we want to make sure she knows that she DOES have a family to turn to. So we go to the stupid baby shower. *shrug*

Oh, as to why Bitch is throwing it? She told BM that she was throwing it. And that SD "didn't want another one". And rather than argue with her new "family", SD went along with that. BM actually DID want to throw SD a shower, but she got "out-bitched" by Bitch. There's a certain delicious irony in that, and I would enjoy it if SD were in a better situation. *sigh*