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Fess up!

AllySkoo's picture

Who's skid is this???? Because I KNOW there are some of you out there whose skids could actually have said this.


Oh Margie's picture

Heh, I remember once, in the middle of my angsty teenage asshole years, telling my Mom "I DIDN'T ASK TO BE BORN". She very calmly reminded me that the situation was totally reversible, even at this late date. It only happened once Smile

AllySkoo's picture

LOL! I (heart) your mom! Reminds me of Bill Cosby. "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out!"

Tuff Noogies's picture

sounds like oss. god forbid dh expected him to do more than just sit on his ass and play on his phone all day. yes, son. WORK. if not a j.o.b, then work around the house! you will earn your keep somehow.

and that's why he's no longer here.

kathc's picture

I can so easily see that being mine. Which is why I've already told him that no way, no how, no never are any adult kids EVER moving in.