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Silly DH, it's better when you just don't say anything at all!

amackeral's picture

Why do men not know when to shut up when they're ahead? With the SS21 drama hopefully behind us, DH decided to make the rest of the week about SD23 apparently.

SD23 is a New Year's baby. 2 years ago when she turned 21, she got the hard lesson of "daddy promised me something but can't follow through due to real world problems". DH had apparently promised her for YEARS that he would take her to Vegas for her 21st birthday. December before her January birthday comes and SURPRISE, we don't have money to take 5 people to Vegas for New Years Eve. DH tried to make plans to take just him and SD, not happening, didn't even have the money for that, nor was he going to take her on a daddy/daughter vacation. So he compromised and took her downtown to the bars, and good ol' Amackeral got to play taxi. Of course, since she wasn't 21 til midnight, I had to drive them at 11:45 and pick them up at 2:00am. It was my year to have my DD, and we missed the midnight countdown, ball drop, everything, because we were driving home after we dropped DH and SD off.

Last year, we had a party at our house, invited friends and of course SD over. SD wanted to make my New Year's Eve party a special little birthday party for herself, and pouted when I wouldn't play the game. Sorry, my house, my friends, my party.

This year, SD created a Facebook event to invite her friends, DH and myself to "go barhopping downtown on New Year's Eve" for her bday. And of course DH couldn't let his little sweetie down. So instead of making plans with any of our friends like we had originally talked about, DH insisted we go downtown. It was 6 degrees outside and of course downtown was ridiculously packed with everything else going on. We had to park 7 blocks away, then elbow our way through the jam packed bar that SD and her friends had chosen (only bar downtown that was not charging a cover). Took 20 minutes for DH to get to the bar to order us a drink, then we left...not sure why we even went through all of that for 1 drink. Oh right, so princess SD would be happy (little princess even bought herself a plastic "birthday princess" tiara for the 3rd year in a row!). We got home just before midnight, DH went to bed and promptly fell asleep. No "Happy New Years", no midnight kiss to ring in the new year, no nothing.

Fast forward to yesterday, lazy day at home. We had some over ripe bananas, so I decided to make some banana bread. I posted a picture of the finished product on Facebook to make my oldest sister jealous. My uncle commented on the pic, saying something about it being a good thing I had a man who was a good cook. I replied back that I had made the banana bread, not DH. DH in his infinite wisdom replies "I cook, I don't bake, I leave that to Amackeral and SD". Well great DH, next time you want something baked, you can call SD.

This irritates the shit out of me because yes while SD does bake, she hasn't baked anything for DH since I've been around. DH does this kind of crap all the time though. We'll be out to eat with friends and the topic of eating sushi or weird things will come up and the first thing out of DH's mouth is "SD will eat all kinds of weird things". Nevermind the fact that he has a wife that eats pretty much anything, or will at least try anything. But no, SD is the first person to mind.

I now understand the reference to "mini-wife" that so many talk about on here. For the record, SD may bake, but she is a horrible slob just like her mom when it comes to keeping a clean or at least somewhat presentable house.