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SS20 at it again

amackeral's picture

SS20 was living in a homeless shelter after he got out of jail. He overstayed his welcome there, stayed longer than they usually let someone stay in a certain amount of time, so had to move out. Luckily/thankfully, his PO helped him get accepted in to a halfway house. He's been there 2 weeks...seems about as long as he can go without getting in trouble again.

DH just texted me saying SS got in a fight at the halfway house, and got kicked out. Of course, DH is thinking the worst, that he'll get assault charges since they called SS's PO but I highly doubt if the cops weren't called and the kid he was fighting doesn't press charges, his PO can't just throw charges at SS.

DH "wants to help him get things going in the right direction" but doesn't know what or how. I'm guessing his first thought was SS moving in with us if there's not a bed available at the shelter this time. NO WAY, NO HOW. Crazily I just had a dream/nightmare the other night that SS was living with us again and things were physical. He kept getting physical with me, hitting me with stuff and throwing stuff at me, and the cops got called. Thank god it was just a dream but besides the fact that I've already told DH no/never when all the drug charges were going down, this dream/nightmare and now the news from DH just totally has me all kinds of weirded out!

DH is already getting snippy with me via text so I'm sure tonight/this weekend will be oh so much fun, he's going to be so pleasant to deal with...NOT!


amackeral's picture

SS20 stayed 33 days in jail once, I wish I could say it was peaceful at our house at that time but it wasn't. DH was a ball of nerves and snappy. They are constantly letting criminals out of jail here too due to over crowding. Giving the "less serious" offenders a pretty sweet plea deal just to free up a bed. I'm sure SS will end up back in jail, I give him a week, if not sooner.