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Adoptive mom and biological mom

Anon2009's picture

The BM is a convicted child abuser. From what I gather she is not allowed to see her child. She shirked her responsibilities as a mother and the stepmother adopted her daughter. The BM abused the little girl. I very much admire the adoptive mother. I saw this video yesterday, and I thought I'd share it.


Rags's picture

Papers and blood are far less important than a parent that will put the needs of the child above their own.

I have not blood or papers making my SS my Son. I became his Dad in a single moment ....... when I married his Mom.

That is the deal I made. I agreed to be her Husband and His Dad.

The MOM in this video is an amazing person and a true parent. The skank who bore the baby is just that a skank.

I wish Steve was the one who was in charge of selecting Family Court Judges in our country. Then only what is in the best interest of the kid(s) would fly. The true parents would have custody and the manipulative gold diggers would get what this skank got ........ booted out of court with their tails between their legs.

I would have really enjoyed him taking a worthless male bioparent to task. It likely would have included a physical beating with one of the chairs on stage. That would have been worth seeing.

Just my opinion of course.

Best regards,

Anon2009's picture

I love Steve! He seems like a really nice, genuine person. He spent a few years in the Marines and was a cop in Chicago. He has taken hundreds of deadbeat parents, both male and female, to task. He makes people take accountability for their actions. I have so much admiration for you, the mom in this video, and others who do what the two of you do.

Here are some videos of Steve taking on deadbeat dads:

Here are some more videos of him taking on bad mothers:

I wish Steve would come and deal with my SDs' BM!