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LeAnn Rimes' lawsuit against teacher thrown out

Anon2009's picture

This is good news if true! Serves her right.

She's lucky I'm not Brandi Glanville (who was nice to donate money to that teacher).


Starla's picture

If you don't mind my asking, why do you have it out for LeAnn so bad? Its okay that you do but it just makes me wonder what your bone with her is about? I'm sorry for sounding rude, I actually think you are a great person really! I only want to understand better of your issue with her is all.

Anon2009's picture

I don't have an issue with her, but I really feel that she just keeps unnecessarily poking the bm. And I feel that her sks will wind up disliking her.

Starla's picture

Thanks Anon2009 for clarifying that for me. I've always enjoyed her singing but I'm not good with following others lives. I wonder why LeAnn don't just have her own kids..its not like she can't afford it right??

realitycheckmom's picture

If Leann wasn't so skeevy and didn't provoke Brandi 24/7 people might not hate her so much. Look at Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott's ex, Tori wanted to meet her and said the rudest things about being Dean's new wife and the kid's mom and she said on tv that she went without makeup and dressed dowdy so his soon to be ex wouldn't feel so bad about herself. Dean's ex is an actress in Canada and a beautiful woman. She has not really gone off although she did write a book. Tori and the ex keep their mouths shut about each other. If Leann would not play crazy deranged BM games Brandi might not respond. If you keep the kids from their BM and violate the CO then yeah I can see the BM getting pissed. Calling them your boys does the same. It's PAS in reverse. Smile How many of us SMs do any of the shit Leann pulls? I doubt any of us do.

ErmaWeaver's picture

That's odd on the part of LeAnn Rimes. I think it would be better for her to stop the lawsuit and just focus on her career. That might be a good option for her. What keeps her in getting the lawsuit by the way? I have read the whole article from the link given above and I wonder why LeAnn Rimes had this kind of issue. I know her only by her singing career and not on her personal life. If she still continues the lawsuit, she will need an e discovery services for sure and that another amount of money.