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Missing Illinois boy found

Anon2009's picture

This is great news! A boy who was abducted by his BM during a custody dispute with the father was found alive at his grandmother's house. The BM was charged with abduction and the grandmother was charged with aiding and abetting her daughter.

It's so sad that someone would do this to their own child, and that the grandmother would go along with this. Sadly, it's what a lot of NCP bio-parents of both genders are doing. Look at "Clark Rockefeller," who is really a man from Germany who has a very twisted history. On a semi-side note, it's unfortunate that there are bad fathers out there like "Clark Rockefeller" because they, in part, are why so many good fathers (i.e. our partners) get screwed over by the system.

This story, however, goes to show that New Hampshire is taking a step in the right direction by creating a bill that will make life very difficult for CPs who don't keep NCPs in the loop regarding the kids and who withhold visitation.


stepmom2one's picture

I am glad they found him. I just hope the courts do the right thing and actually punish these people---not just a few hours of community service.

Anon2009's picture

I agree 100%. It's so sad that anyone would do this to any child, let alone their own.