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on going custody issues

AtoZMom's picture

I just need opinions on this, I know every situation is different.

My DH is in an ongoing custody battle (i don't know what else to call it) with BM, right now SD5 is at our place on weekends, DH wants her every other week, but BM finds every excuses to not allow this, saying its not stable for SD5, and that she shouldn't be with me when DH is at work, even tho she leaves her with her BF, Dad, sister etc all the time. They have gone to family justice to let each know what they want and concerns, the lady there pulled out her book with recommend split living for my SD5 at her age and a judge would grant 50/50 unless a parent is not fit and such.
When she realize that excuse wasn't going to work, she or one of her friends called CPS on us (and here once they got your name they won't leave you alone) We've done drug tests, home visits and everything to prove we live in a safe and healthy environment not only for SD5 but also our BD1.
personally I think week for week would be the most stable of a situation, with her going to school in September.

I'm getting very frustrated as BM isn't the best influence for SD5, she hasn't, her and her BF are on and off again more then a pair of socks and they have legendary fight (her neighbors have told DH and myself this) She is really good at putting up a good front to people and online :/

I know week for week would be hard for SD5 and both DH & BM (i know i would find it hard at first if it was my BD1) I've talked to other parents who are doing week for week and they said it was hard at first but it was the best in the long run.

My rant for today Blum 3


AtoZMom's picture

Right now his lawyer wants my DH to try and work this out, outside of the courtroom, so they are dealing with family justice...its going to end up in court because BM is used to getting her way, and my DH is not going to stop fighting to get more time with his little princess! all he want is equal time and for some reason BM doesn't want this.

robin333's picture

Yeah, I would be careful with this too. How is she going to respond when she doesn't get her way? If she is vindictive enough to call CPS without justification before time is decided, I can't imagine she would simmer down afterwards.

I wouldn't risk my bio or career dealing with a crazy. You or your DH may change professions at some point and this could ruin careers or career choices. I am not suggesting you make a decision out of fear but do a risk analysis looking at the possibility she ramps up her crazy and accusations.