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SD and GUBM rear their ugly bullsh*t.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Just have to vent a little bit. This might be a wonky post because I'm on my ipad rather than my laptop.

So, SO talked to SD the other night. She's waffling over the whole moving out here thing as anticipated. All "oh, it's not so bad here..." SO laid it on the line for her and said she has one month to make her decision because he is tired of her flip-flopping back and forth. It's basically been this way for the last year, give or take. "I want to live with you, daddy." "No, I think I'll stay here". "Daddeeeeee, I want to live with yoooou". It's getting old. And SO is sick of it. To tell the truth, I am sick of it, too. I told him that maybe he needs to reconsider letting her make that choice for herself. Because of the fact that she is emotionally all over the map every time he talks to her proves that she isn't capable of making that decision objectively or even remotely rationally. Like, seriously, last December (2011) it was all about moving out here with us. Then, February of 2012 it was all about staying with GUBM. I'm not really surprised she is faltering on committing because its February again, GUBM had two months to play super awesome BFF mom and convince SD that moving out here with us would be nothing but misery. As soon as she gets SD to commit to staying with her, it will go back to the usual suckfest, I'm sure. And then SD will be calling SO, begging to live out here. That should be happening sometime in March or April, I'd wager considering that's when SD had her subsequent meltdown last year.

In the course of their convo, SD told SO that they might be moving again. Soon. Apparently, GUBM's brother is moving and they might move into his current house and rent it from him, which will also mean SD changing schools. Again. Which makes utterly no sense to me because a) SO told me they moved to the backwoods area to be closer to said brother. But, now, apparently brother lives in the same town they were in so SD will be moved again in a way that will cause her to change school districts. Im not even going to try to follow SO with this crap anymore. He keeps flipping between GUBM moved last time to be closer to her mom (when in reality she moved further from her mom) to she moved to be closer to her brother who now apparently lives in the town she used to live in. Basically, I think SO left out some details so he wouldn't have to tell me what I already knew, that GUBM was being a selfish POS and acting impulsively like the addict that she is. I think he was also avoiding having to hear me tell him exactly what I told him when he informed me of the newest possible move plus the fact that GUBM is considering homeschooling SD (even though they don't have the Internet and GUBM can't be bothered to take SD to a local wifi hotspot let alone teach her the things she needs to learn in order to finish junior high and high school).

I basically looked SO square in the face and said "you know what? You need a lawyer and you need to seek custody, like you should have done years ago. This is beyond ludicrous now. GUBM is considering moving her again in less than six months and considering homeschooling her? No way. You need to call your father and get a lawyer and sue for custody because this is bullshit. SD is socially stunted as it is because GUBm kept her out of daycare and preschool, refused to let her socialize with people her own age her entire life, enmeshed herself with SD, so trust me when I say this will not improve her situation, it can only make it and her ridiculous behavior worse. You know as well as i do that "homeschooling" is just going to equate to SD sitting in her ass in front of the TV and playing video games all day while GUBM goes and does whatever the hell she feels like doing just as long as she can have SD planted firmly up her own ass. Shes going to have zero social interaction with people her own age and that is so uncool and so unfair to SD. And stop giving SD all the damn power when it comes to deciding where she lives and when she visits. She's an immature, under-developed child who is in no way, shape, or form capable of making that decision." I also explained to him that I'm by no means jumping up and down with joy over the prospect of my life being turned upside down by having a pretentious, overly entitled teenager moving in with us, ever, but I'll be damned if I'm not going to voice my opinion after he dumps that shit on me. I may not look forward to the prospect of her living here, but, ill adjust because it is so obviously a better home than what she has now.

I finished my quick outburst by telling him that I will support whatever decision he makes, but, that he seriously needs to reconsider suing for custody. I stopped pushing for that back in 2011, when i realized that he was holding himself back for some reason (he basically wasn't ready to take his kid on fulltime). So, i'm not sure if he is still stuck there because he didn't want to talk about it after that. I didn't push, i said what i needed to and walked away, proceeded with the rest of our evening as planned. GUBM is the complete antithesis of stability and if there is one thing SD needs (besides a swift kick in the ass anytime she throws her snot ass behavior all over the place), it's stability. We may have moved twice in these past three years much like GUBM, but, we have stability in our household. We don't have people moving in and out, we don't have piles of crap migrating around the house to mask the fact that we're hoarders, we may not be rich, but, we have the money to take care of our needs and usually have money for some splurging here and there. And we sure as hell wouldn't be traipsing SD from school district to school district like GUBM is considering.


whatwasithinkin's picture

do yourself a favor, do not push him to fight for custody. if I were you I would let this all fade into the woodwork.

if this kid is flip flopping like this she really doesnt want to be with you. SD did this shit, even went as far as to "embellish" abuse and tell her Daddy how mean Mommy was. We went running like fools and now look at the situation were in.

I now understand why BM beat the shit out of her nasty little teenager daughter becuase Id like to give her alittle spanking myself

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

That's exactly my plan. I said what I needed to when it all transpired, now, I'm not bringing it up anymore. I tried encouraging and pushing him in the past and it only ever led to frustration for both of us; i was frustrated because he was all talk and no action and he was frustrated because i wouldn't drop the custody issue. He had this convo with SD...Tuesday I believe, and told me right after what was up. i said what i said and have since dropped it, it hasnt fallen completely off my radar because, honestly, SD and GUBM get under my skin when they pull this crap and treat SO like a bag of dog sh*t. But it's progressively getting there.

But, i haven't brought it up again and am not planning on bringing it up in conversation with him again. he knows how i feel, but, its his kid, his choice, and his responsibility. Besides, I have far too much on my plate already between my coursework, my senior thesis, and work to be chasing after him making sure he's doing right by his kid. And besides, my life is chaotic enough as it is without a teenage terror storming around my house.