SO is pretty horrified by the music SD has been listening to...
And I can't lie, I'm pretty horrified by it, too. Oh the joys of teenagers, lol.
First, a bit of background:
We saw SD briefly on Xmas eve when we were in NJ and SD's hair is a hot mess. She has baby fine curly hair and she has wrecked it by getting it bleached and dyed various crazy colors. Now, don't get me wrong, the colors don't bother me, or SO. We both had ridiculous colored hair as teens and young adults. Heck, I had purple streaks in my hair when I first met SD. This summer, when she came to visit us, she had just had purple streaks put into her hair, but, her hair wasn't bleached first. Now, she has all kinds of purples and pinks in her hair and she is frying her hair by having it bleached in order to streak it. Again, it's not the colors, it's the fact that she's frying her hair that gets me with this one.
As I said, she has baby fine curly hair, and, when she actually takes care of it, it's gorgeous. But, SD doesn't know how to take care of it. She has no reason to learn because GUBM takes her to a salon every week to get her hair done. Both SO's sister and I have tried countless times to teach SD how to take care of her hair. This summer, she was complaining about her hair being frizzy and dry. I asked her if she wanted to learn how to take care of her hair herself and even offered to show her how to deep condition her hair. She accepted, so, I took her into the bathroom, showed her how to do it while doing it for her, and then told and showed her how she should be 'washing' her hair every day (using a conditioner to clean her scalp most days and using a sulfate-free shampoo other days, slopping on the conditioner to feed her poor thirsty hair, etc.). She LOVED the way her hair looked the next day, but, it was short lived. She went back to her old habits and decided it wasn't worth while to take care of her hair the way I taught her because GUBM would just keep taking her to a salon and because I clearly don't know how to take care of curly hair, as GUBM has told her (nevermind that I have curly hair, too, lol). ANYWAY.
Her hair was a hot mess. Frizzy, fried, tangled, and ridiculous looking in the back with flat-ironed fried sections in the front. It looked like Robert Smith had a baby with Flock of Seagulls, basically. I said nothing to her about her hair other than I was glad to see that she was embracing my favorite color (five bucks says next visit she'll have any color BUT purple in her hair, haha) even though I was equally horrified that GUBM was letting her fry her hair with bleach and weirded out by her chosen hair style. Side note: SD has to keep her hair short because she doesn't take proper care of it as it is, so, I imagine soon she might have to go the bald route...
Well. As it would turn out, SD has fallen in love with a band that has a similar hair style to what she's been wearing. So, she's emulating the members of this band. SD's one cousin got her a t-shirt for Xmas of this band (that SD picked out because SD has been relatively mum about this obsession save for trying to sing one of the songs to me and SO while she visited us). I have not heard of this band, so, when I got the first chance to do so, I googled them and holy crap it's hilarious. They're this weird, gothy, emo, dubstep band that take themselves a little too seriously, I think. I'm hoping that they aren't taking themselves that seriously, though, as I really don't know the band at all or their history and hope that they're pulling a Type O Negative (for those unfamiliar with Type O Negative, they started off mocking Goths and Goth bands).
SO and I were talking about the band last night and I pulled up the YouTube page. He said he's already checked out some of their videos and that he agrees they're ridiculous, but, that he's not going to take them away from SD because it's important to her. Totally not my point. I think it's hilarious that SD is taking this band that seriously. I would never mock the band to SD's face, no way, but, I will relish in the ridiculousness of it all when she's not here haha. In fact, I shared the videos with my co-workers yesterday and we all sat around, eating snacks, and watching the first few videos that came up on YouTube trying to contemplate just what their point is in all of this. Well, after chuckling about it with SO, I saw a video on YouTube that had lyrics from the song as the still image and they were horrendous. Sexually explicit and violent towards women horrendous. I hoped and prayed that they weren't the real lyrics to the song and that it was just a goof, but, I looked up the lyrics and yup, sure enough, about half of their songs are like that. Dear lord.
Now, I'm not uptight by any means, but, the thought of my SD13 listening to these songs makes me sick to my stomach because I know that GUBM isn't engaging her in meaningful conversation about these lyrics or telling her that these songs are for entertainment and that the way these guys talk about women is not appropriate. In fact, I was even more horrified to find out that the song she tried singing to us over the summer was pretty graphic. It's a song about Hello Kitty. But, it's not about Hello Kitty at all. :sick: When she tried singing it to us, she 'struggled' with some of the words in the chorus and now I'm not sure if she just couldn't remember them (or didn't know them), or, if she realized halfway through telling us about the song that it was horribly inappropriate to sing her dad and SM a song that talks about sex and oral sex in a very blunt manner, lol. I'm hoping for the former, but, honestly, I am betting it's the latter.
SO remained rather mum as I sat here and looked at the lyrics. Finally, I asked him "Well, what is your take on this? I know there were sexually explicit songs when we were growing up, but, the sexual content was more veiled than these songs by far". He's personally not a fan of songs like that, and, honestly, doesn't care if other people want to listen to those kinds of songs. But, he's pretty horrified to think that his daughter is listening to songs that degrade women and equate them to sexual objects AND emulating and loving the band that does so. He said he's going to read up on their lyrics and try to engage SD in conversation about the lyrical content of the songs, try to find out what it is that she likes so much about this band, and what the songs mean to her. Basically, get her to think about things and use her brain a little bit more.
My guess is she found this band through YouTube. That's her favorite activity on the internet, to surf YouTube and just click on videos that randomly pop up. This is my problem with SD putting on headphones and listening to YouTube without parental input (which she did the entire time she was on her laptop this past summer when she said she was "writing"), she's listening to and taking in all of these things that she really isn't old enough to understand without anyone having her challenge herself. Half of their songs are totally fine for someone her age to listen to, the rest of them? Well, let's just say that I wouldn't listen to them with MY mom, and I'm 30! Haha.
- attempting_to_maintain_composure's blog
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Based on your description of
Based on your description of the band and the music style - I just turned to my DD14 and asked her "which of your bands has a song about Hello Kitty?" She named 'em.
I hear ya on the sexually explicit nature of their lyrics - it had me concerned at first as well. If and what you say to a kid about their music choices really can depend on the kid.
After talking to my own DD, and giving them a listen or two myself, I've stopped worrying about the lyrics. Heck - I even took her to see them at Vans Warped Tour over the summer, and then at a punk rock club here in our city. It was kinda fun watching all these kids acting like they invented punk rock - the attitude, the look, the music... The band was actually pretty good.
"Back in my day" - parents were all kinds of worried about the violent nature of Ozzy Osborne, Metallica etc - saying it was causing kids to kill themselves. Did some kids commit suicide? yep. was it because of the music? doubtful.
My point is - your DH should definitely talk to his daughter about the music she is listening to, but keep an open mind. I find BOTDF is kinda like a gateway band to much more interesting gothy punk bands.
And as someone wise once said, This too shall pass!
SO has always exposed SD to a
SO has always exposed SD to a wide variety of music throughout her life. I guess maybe he was worried that she would never explore the world on her own? Lol. Half of the music I have introduced SO to she has become obsessed with (to the point where we had to veto playing any of it in the car after the millionth request to listen to this band or that band lol). I have a wide and eclectic taste in music, and, I'm glad that SD has expressed as much in her choices in music. Much as SO said, we're not taking this band away from her, and we've never told her that she can't listen to anything. But, we have told her that she needs to be able to engage in conversation about what she listens to with SO or both of us and that we will listen to what she listens to so that we can engage in that conversation appropriately. Especially since GUBM is just a lump on a log and doesn't think that music can influence the way a person thinks. Not saying anything like those heavy-handed anti-metal parents said, no way. But, media influences us. There's a reason why kids have shorter attention spans these days, the media has ingrained it in them.
I think SD should be allowed to explore her own musical tastes and discover music that speaks to her much as SO and I did when we were teenagers, but, I know both SO and I would feel more comfortable with her listening to stuff that was sexually explicit like some of BOTDF's songs if she had SOME adult engaging her in open and honest discussion about the lyrical content of some of their music and having her think about WHY the band/music speaks to her. My guess is that it's probably the edgy look of the band and the songs like "Don't Want To Be Like You" and "Anthem Of The Outcast" that appeal to her. She's always been one of those kinds of kids, has a hard time making friends, feels different than anyone else, etc. Been there, done that, so has SO
Hahaha, Cheri, I never had
Hahaha, Cheri, I never had any cool to begin with
Straight up NERD right here ^_^
I, too, took a History of Rock & Roll class at my old school, it was fabulous! We definitely talked extensively about how the sexual content of older music is just as bad as the music today, but, that today they're just more blunt about it and talk about it in a more straightforward manner, usually haha. And my class also focused on the way that culture and music that is popular in each time period intertwined and influenced one another. Best non-major class I've ever taken!
And I'm so glad SO isn't one of those "Not in my house!" types, especially since he's NCP, SD would just wait till she's at GUBM's to listen to whatever she wanted to because GUBM is a clueless parent. Honestly, that's the approach I would take if it were my own kid, too. Talk to them about it rather than banning them from it. It gives me a good glimpse into how we would mesh on this stuff if we ever have our own kid together.
I'm sorry she's fried her hair, too :/ I fried my hair a few times in my teens and I ALWAYS regretted it when I couldn't get my hair to look how I wanted it to look. And I really feel for her when she says she can't stand her hair because I've been there, lord, have I been there. I spent about 15 years hating my hair because I never knew what to do with it and it always looked awful, so, I wore a lot of ponytails. Turns out, aside from frying it, I was treating curly hair like it was straight hair and I thought I found the magic fix! Nope, lol. I had to spend another year with hair that bugged the crap out of me to get it to the point where it is today. SD has mentioned numerous times how she would love to grow her hair out and have long curly hair (which I honestly think would look so awesome on her, think Merida from Brave, but with a dark dirty blonde, very light brown hair color). If she would only just absorb the knowledge so many have tried to impart onto her and start caring for her hair, she could have the hair she always wanted. I'll probably always try to get her to learn this stuff, though, lol.
HAHAHAHAHAHA, dtzy, that's
HAHAHAHAHAHA, dtzy, that's pretty damn clever!
This is impressively close to
This is impressively close to the method SO's sister employed with her children lol. Her's centered around cussing. She didn't want her kids to cuss, so, she cussed around them all the time to the point of embarrassment. To this day, her oldest daughter won't even say "damn", just "dag" and gets flustered if someone around her lets a cuss word fly.
Last week FDH and I explained
Last week FDH and I explained to SD that of two songs that she had just mentioned to us one was actually about cocaine and the other was about oral sex (Ke$ha songs). Ugh. It grosses me out that these so-called pop stars are singing these songs that they KNOW preteens are listening too. SD just turned 9. She looked at us with a look of utter disbelief and said "oh". Since then I've heard her tell several of her friends that have wanted to listen to those songs that they are inappropriate. When they ask why I tell the friends that the songs are not allowed in our house. Leave it to their parents to enlighten them.
Oh, Ke$ha, we had a convo
Oh, Ke$ha, we had a convo with SD13 about Ke$ha and Lady Gaga back when we lived in NJ. She came over bragging about how GUBM bought her their albums and SO cringed. I listen to both of them, so, I'm sure his first reaction was "UGH! Now another one of them is going to want to listen to that damn music in the car!!" LOL, he can't stand Ke$ha or Lady Gaga. She was equally stricken with a look of disbelief when we told her what some of the songs were talking about and that they're not meant as a measure of her own reality, or anyone's for that matter, and that living your life the way those songs describe would be highly unhealthy.
She seemed largely confused by our 'interpretations' of the songs and insisted that she only listened to them because she liked the music, not the lyrics. Of course, when I offered to fill her mp3 player with awesome dance music that didn't have lyrics so she could, you know, have lots of fun dance music to boogie down to, she declined. Hm, surprising? Not really ^_^
Hahahaha. Emus.
Hahahaha. Emus.
So very true. I'm a fan of a
So very true. I'm a fan of a good cover, though ^_^
*SIGH* I'm old I don't care
*SIGH* I'm old
I don't care for anything new really. I actually asked DH yesterday "This is music?" Yikes! My dad used to say that to me. There are a few artists that I will listen to their new stuff when it comes out but it's not a lot and I refuse to listen to the radio unless it's an oldies rock station or a station that plays older music but I usually just stick to my iPod. My 4 year old likes Journey, 30 seconds to Mars, Kelly Clarkson and Adele(I like all of these artists). No really, nothing like being in sweet frog and your toddler starts singing Adele-and he was very loud.
Ohhh, I love Journey ^_^
Ohhh, I love Journey ^_^