What the hell, seriously??
FDH and I had a date tonight and when we came home, FDH noticed something on SD's arm. She wrote all over her arm in blue sharpie "Shut up" repeatedly.
She tried to make the claim that it's three days old which is just yet another lie because a) she was wearing a t-shirt last night and had no such markings on her arm and b) she was in a t-shirt all day today and had no such markings on her arms. So she did those tonight.
I told FDH after SD sulked off to bed that while I know he has to work tomorrow that he BETTER get his ass back home to take her to her counseling appointment tomorrow afternoon because this is getting stupid. She is lying every. damn. day. And I have NO faith that she's going to be honest with the counselor tomorrow whatsoever (FDH got her into an appointment with a counselor tomorrow and he also has her lined up with another one for Saturday if she doesn't like this guy).
She knew we were on our way home. FDH texted her as soon as we got to the car to tell her, so she obviously wanted him to see them and get attention for it. But, pfft. C'mon. Sharpie?
Excuse me for not being more empathic for what might be going on with her right now because it's all just a big show at this point with her. Writing on yourself with Sharpie is no big deal. I know it's just a show with her because when FDH heard her say it was three days old he just said "hm, I guess you need a shower" and didn't make a big deal out of it so she skulked off to bed. And honestly, I'll be more concerned with her mental well-being when she starts carving shit into her arms like I used to when I was younger.
Yea, I'm recovering from self-inflicted violence. Have been for a long time. I haven't relapsed in a while. So all this does is make me roll my eyes because she's playing up the depressed emo kid card at this point. Call me cold and heartless all you want but this kid is NOT depressed. She's sulking and having a hissy fest. Not even a hissy fit.
Because heaven fricken forbid our night DOESN'T revolve around SD. Eff that. I'm not even entertaining this beyond this post.
- attempting_to_maintain_composure's blog
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I can feel your frustration
I can feel your frustration through this post. Wish I had some advice... maybe the counselor can help. How old is ur SD?
She's 14. And I'm terribly
She's 14.
And I'm terribly frustrated because she demands all attention be on her all the time. Either because she's busy chattering away about things that only she is interested in - which is fine and totally OK by me - or by acting like she's going through some super life drama because *gasp*! AtMC YELLED at her for trying to physically hurt one of the animals!
FDH and I both agreed tonight that we wouldn't dwell on the BS at home and let SD derail our evening, that we would go out and enjoy our night together. And we did. But the moment we come back home? BLAMMO! SD drama overload. I'm over it.
Or, maybe she really is crazy and she's telling the voices in her head to shut up.
Hopefully the counselor
Hopefully the counselor helps.
If there's really nothing mentally going on I would suggest ignoring her.
Sounds like she needs some friends & activities or something
Bingo. She absolutely needs
Bingo. She absolutely needs some friends.
And if not this counselor then hopefully one of the other counselors FDH found will help her get over herself, at least just a little bit.
Your SD sounds exactly like
Your SD sounds exactly like mine (13). She lies about absolutely everything, no exaggeration, just for attention. And thinks the world starts and stops with her.
I feel for you... hugs!
Thanks! I'm just so
I'm just so exhausted by this at this point. I have enough going on in my life between my numerous illnesses, a torn labrum in my hip (which thankfully I'm getting a cortisone injection for in one week and am hoping it won't need surgical repair), and dealing with the overgrown toddlers that are my employees at work that this is all just one last nuisance to throw on top of the pile of suck.
Anger and jealousy are most
Anger and jealousy are most likely.
But regardless of what it is, she's just gonna have to get over it because she's wasting her energy focusing on whatever is going on for her rather than doing fun things.
May not be advice I will act on, but I can fantasize and laugh quietly to myself when she's around!
I appreciate the laugh It
I appreciate the laugh
It really is needed.
Well, this morning at least she took her own advice. She said aboslutely NOTHING to me which was delightful. She left her bedroom right before I left our bedroom to seek out a matching pair of socks to wear today and as soon as she noticed that FDH was not inside (he was walking the dog) she silently skulked back to her bedroom. If it weren't 20 degress out, I'd swear it was the summer of 2012...but oh well. As I said to FDH the other night, I will not be the one uncomfortable in the house because it's MY house.
That's my plan. I'm not even
That's my plan. I'm not even going to play into this with her. When FDH found it, I said nothing about it and just went about my business loving on the animals as I usually do when I get home. I'm not giving her the satisfaction of feeding into her attention issues.
I commended him on his
I commended him on his reaction last night. I said "You obviously know her better than she will ever let me know her so I trust that you respond to things appropriately."
She's totally got narcissistic traits, and while all teenagers do to an extent, not all teenagers have spent the majority of their time with an NPD parent like SD has (GUBM totally has BPD NPD so double whammy right there, ugh). Hopefully she can learn how to work past her stupidity, though, because she's still young yet.
My SD12 has similar
My SD12 has similar attention-seeking behaviors. I call them "self-sabotaging" moments where she purposely inflicts an action which will result in a situation where attention and pity are poured on to her, and she will get her way.
Example: SD12 has strong seasonal allergies. On many occasions when the whole family has been to an outdoor event that the SD12 finds boring [she hates anything that requires walking, sunshine or exercise], she'd suddenly have a "hay fever attack" so bad we would have to leave. That is until I caught her one time, during an outing, pulling weeds and rubbing them on her neck and face to aggravate her allergies, causing the "hay fever attack."
Another time the SD12 was whining to my DH that my 14-year old cat was aggravating her cat allergy so bad that she couldn't sleep or breathe at night. No amount of vacuuming, washing linens or keeping the cat away from her room seemed to help. DH thought we needed to consider rehoming my cat. And - then again - one day I caught SD12 in a room alone, straddled over my cat, sitting on her back ... SD12 had the cat pinned down beneath her weight. SD was pulling my cat's ears back and SD12 was nuzzling her face/nose into the cat's head and neck and back area. It was obvious the cat couldn't move or make a noise (pressure from SD12 sitting on her). I screamed "WTH ARE YOU DOING?" And SD12, without missing a beat, started stroking my cat and sing-songing "oh nice kitty. Sweet kitty" as she lifted her weight off the cat's back. My cat instantly took off. The SD12 turned to face me and her eyes were red and swollen, consistent with a reaction to cat allergies. I always wondered why animals hated SD12. She is no longer left alone with any animal.
Whenever I am sure SD12 is "self-sabotaging" to get attention, or get what she wants, I point it out to DH so he can call her on it. I refuse to let SD12 get her way with her self-sabotaging, and I make sure her bad behavior is openly discussed so she cannot play victim.
I'm glad FDH is aware of
I'm glad FDH is aware of these habits of SD's. I can't remember what it was exactly, but there was something a few weeks ago...I think it was related to her getting up in the middle of the night and then being "so tired" the next day, but it was obviously something that was not that big of a deal. Regardless of what it was exactly, FDH knew that SD was complaining about something that was her own damn fault.
Unfortunately, my SD is a big deflector, so even if we openly discuss the behavior, she hangs tight to the fact that someone else is to blame. She doesn't ever take responsibility for her behaviors if she can help it. It's almost always someone else's fault that she acted the way she did because obviously she's not an autonomous being and is completely at the whim of other people *eyeroll* She's rude to someone? It's the other person's fault. She had to lay hands on my dog to get him to lie down? It was clearly HIS fault because he wouldn't listen to her snotty, half-assed attempt to get him to do so in the first place. She gets in trouble for doing something she shouldn't do? Oh, well, it's obviously not HER fault, it's the fault of the person who made the rule that she broke in the first place. How dare someone make a rule that SD can't follow?
I told FDH this morning that her inability to take responsibility for her actions and choices - along with her tendency to lie - is what worries me the most about her trying out therapists. Because we don't know who these therapists are or what they're like. And, unfortunately, in the great state we live in, SD is now old enough that she will have to sign a paper to let her counselor tell FDH what she talks about in her sessions.
She's lied about things related to me in the past and has made some outlandish accusations about me and I'm worried now that she's going to do that in counseling rather than focus on herself.
I think the older the Skid
I think the older the Skid the worse the attention wanting gets! SS17 uses mental guilt trips on OH to get what he wants. Shouts abuse and accuses OH of putting me or SD first....well durrrr......Im never put first for a start and SD6 is well 6!!! Think she needs more attention than a 17 year old!!!
SS19 and SS17 screwed their own life up, even though dad really worked his a** off to be dad. They ignored him, not the other way around. SS17 only EVER gets in touch when he wants money...he got in touch with OH yesterday to say he had done his exam, which means come the weekend, SS17 will want money again.....soooooooo transparent......luckily, I think OH is starting to see it
SD does what your SS does.
SD does what your SS does. She acuses FDH of ignoring her, even when she was the one ignoring him. She would only ever contact him when she needed something and on the rare occassions when he would see her, she wouldn't want to spend time with him and then cry about not spending time with him??
The part that flummoxes me is that GUBM ignores her unless she's screaming at her or treating her like a baby. We don't ignore her. But clearly there's something she wants that she's not getting and my gut instinct is that she's still not over whatever problem she had with me back in June last year that made her tell FDH to break up with me or she wouldn't see him anymore.
Is it at all possible that
Is it at all possible that she sometimes hears voices in her head, and she was telling them to "shut up"?
I'm not being sarcastic, and I know it's very unlikely that she really is ill (thank God for that), but it wouldn't hurt to be sure. If she is already seeing a counselor, I would mention this incident.
My mom had a friend who developed schizophrenia and she was tormented by voices from time to time, when her meds needed to be adjusted. Thankfully, schizophrenia can be treated to some extent.
It's an extremely remote
It's an extremely remote possibility as the typical onset wouldn't be for another 11 years (schizophrenia shows around 25 in women) and SD doesn't really have any other signs that would point towards that being a greater possibility. But I will let her counselor reserve judgment on what, if anything, is wrong with her.
I told FDH that he should mention it to the counselor today so he could talk to SD about it, although I bet SD is going to have some ridiculous story for writing on her arm and will be all about showing the counselor.
FDH said he's going to warn
FDH said he's going to warn the counselor about SD's need to manipulate, embellish, and lie for attention so hopefully he does that today because it's really obnoxious at this point. Like, seriously? Get over yourself, SD. One concern I have with counseling is that SD is going to reject any counselor who challenges her perceptions of herself and try to pass it off as them judging her. That was her complaint about the counselor in NJ that she thinks GUBM made her see. Honestly, I question the validity of her account. The kid feels persecuted anytime anyone tells her she did something wrong or even so much as disagrees with something she says so it's completely plausible that she might think that anytime a counselor tries to get her to change her perspective that they're judging her.
And I told FDH last night that as someone who is recovering from self-inflicted violence, that it's a little insulting that she pulled that to seek attention. Unlike her stunt, my SIV was NEVER about attention. It was about being in control of the pain that I felt every day growing up in an abusive household and being in abusive relationships. I couldn't control the pain inflicted on me by others, so I controlled my own pain. Nobody found out about it until I was well into recovery. I didn't walk around flaunting it to my family to rile them up or get attention because it was a totally personal situation. She absolutely talks about things like that to be cool, too. Because it's just so damn trendy >:(
Just too bad for her that she's still not allowed onto the social site where all of her lame ass emo "friends" are without FDH being home, so she'll have to wait to be showered with attention by them.