For Anyone Whose Been Following My Eight Year Saga
VD (SD 12 1/2) cancelled yet again the third counseling meeting in a row that she BEGGED GG (biodad) to come to.
The counselor called GG and told him that VD had cancelled because she was distressed over the thought of discussing her terrible grades in 6th grade (mostly Fs and one D)
She will NOT tolerate anyone telling her to "straighten up and fly right" even though it would have been a paper tiger talk on the part of GG. He seldom if ever follows through as he's one of the biggest guilty daddies on the planet.
So he got stood up three times. Methinks the "please come to counseling daddeeeekins" was a ruse to reinstate his non-parental status babysitting services.
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Apparently she has the
Apparently she has the counselor hornswaggled with her "adult spousal status"
It's really pathetic. The whole thing was just a dog and pony show IMHO. The Behemoth wants another place to dump off her youngest kids to be spoiled for 24/7 and for me to fade into the background while they resume their "royal visits" and we commoners (GG and I) wait on them hand and foot.
I am both amazed and proud
I am both amazed and proud that GG has NOT FALLEN for the ruse - maybe there is hope for him yet??!!!! that his guilty parenting does have a limit.
I won't be convinced until he
I won't be convinced until he sends the BEHEMOTH a letter with CONDITIONS and to tell her to stop her shit.
Of course, the Behemoth returns all mail unopened that is addressed to her by him. She has said in the past "talk to my attorney"
So what he SHOULD do is have me draw up a letter such as this to the Behemoth's attorney, basically warning her that she's been in contempt of the CO since 2003 (so many violations on her part it would take about 400 reams of paper to document) and demanding his parental rights. Then not give ME any gaff about it when it starts to heat up (i.e. blame ME for the "loss of his family" etc which has caused me to disengage and stop writing on his behalf)
Either that or say "screw you and the horse you rode in on," chalk it up to PAS and walk away completely, letting the children decide when they are older if they want to establish a relationship with dad or not (sans the Behemoth's meddling)
He will do neither.