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Borderline Weekend

Auteur's picture

GG had three "borderline" episodes on Saturday morning alone. One was I took too long in the bathroom (I like to groom early Sat; he's usually sound asleep in bed). We have only one bathroom so he started a conniption about it and then swore that he is going to put in another bathroom in the house.

I defused all three episodes with communication techniques. I let him rant and rave and then said calmly "ok" and he calmed right down. I kept visualizing him as a looney that needs mental health therapy and that helped to a great degree.

So now he's tearing up the laundry room to put in a 2nd bathroom. Which is fine with me. Two bath houses sell faster than one bath houses. Oh yes and he's going to expand the master bedroom (in the opposite direction. . . sort of) and then bring back the third bedroom again in case the "kidses want to visit."

Almost two years ago he knocked out the wall between the smallest bedroom that we slept in and the "boy's room" (aka "kidses room" yes that's how he pronounces it) Since it seemed at the time that they were never coming back (SIGH)

Well now GG is all giddy b/c he's convinced they're coming back into his life. GAG!!!!

At least a three bedroom house will sell faster than a two bedroom house.

Oh and another stupid thing that GG said. He got on the subject of the women that he works with and how they all have "no body" and that and I quote "My Venus De Milo probably has a better body than them!"

Did I also tell you he's on this health kick now shortly after turning 43 and bought himself a new weight bench and is putting BOTH of us on a diet? He's informed me that we will be eating chicken and fish from now on and no pasta (which would hurt him more than me)

I think he's sprucing up for the "BIG REUNION!!" So now we know WHO his SO really is. . . .it's VENUS DE MILO and to a lesser extent, Prince Hygiene and Brainiac!! PUKERIFIC!!!


overit2's picture

More sellable or not-you are SO close to being ready to be out...starting another project and agreeing to this...wouldn't this prolong the plan by another at least 6 months???? Why do this to yourself? Why would you agree to this, it's YOUR house.

Projects take time and $- you aren't even finished w/the other stuff you want him to take on something else for a few more $ in profit??? At the expense of your sanity and safety??

Auteur's picture

Reality is I'm not that close to getting out since the market is poor, the house is not finished and takes money to do so. If those wonderkids come back, I will be working on the weekends you can be sure of that!

I"ll find a part time job at the local stores and work so I don't have to be around that trainwreck!!