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Maybe It's the French Canadian In Me But I LOVE this ARTICLE!!!

Auteur's picture

Here's an excerpt:

But as an American in Paris, Druckerman noticed a series of what she calls "minor miracle[s]." Parents who enjoy long adult conversations while their children play quietly nearby. Birthday parties where 5-year-olds sit patiently at tables waiting for their slices of cake. And perhaps most surprising of all, babies, lots of them, who sleep through the night at just 2 or 3 months old.

First among them is the French belief that even babies are rational creatures with the capacity to learn self-control.

Second is their conviction that it's better for everyone — parents and kids — if children adapt to adult routines. As one French psychologist explains, "The child must learn, from a very young age, that he's not alone in the world, and that there's a time for everything."

I SO believe this. This is the way I was raised!


wolfenstep's picture

There is a great book on the same topic written by an American living in Paris called "Perfect Madness: Motherhood in the Age of Anxiety" by Judith Warner.

It supports the idea that children and being a mother has a place in one's life, but no more important than being a fully autonomous working adult with a marriage not overtaken by child-centered demands.

I found the book very helpful when I had my first child several years ago and felt oppressed by the child adoration culture. I have lived in Europe and feel they have a more balanced view of raising children, and that it is healthier for kids and moms.

Auteur's picture

Yep the idiotic "they're just infants" or "they're JUST toddlers" or "they're JUST kids" American parents don't give their children a whole lot of credit in that department. I raised my bios the "French way" as well.